Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5867 Kill

"You can't, only the old and old, the old man can open!" Danbao shook his head.

The sword is unparalleled to go to the cliff and look outside.

A piece of chaos.

After being contracted, the neighbor is contracted, it has already seen the scene of the outside world.

You can only use your mind.

Unfortunately, this peak is not visible.

Just when he was confirmed, Danbao took out the crystal ball of the Way Runes, squatting on the ground and staring at crystal ball.

This makes Wu Li and him very envious.

Danbao found the eyes of the cast, said: "Enamel, want to see together?"

"Can we see it?" The sword was unparalleled.

They can't see the picture of the crystal ball, as if only the power of the pulley, can see the outside world through the crystal.

Dan Bao is a firm point, and it is certain: "Of course, you only need to invest this crystal ball, you can see the battle."

"That is too good!" Wu Li walked over and injected a mental force.

The sword is unparalleled.

After injection, I saw the scene of the outside world.

Extremely magical, similar to the sky.

The eyes were in the crystal ball, and I have reached the mountain.

Bruce took the lead, more than 30 five puffs behind him, and hundreds of four strongers.

And their opponents have more than one hundred five puffs, as well as seven six-hobby.

This is still not ancient la.

Calculate the ancient ru.

They may not hold a round.

The ancient Rule did not have the intent of the war, but he smiled in his head: "It's too interesting, the base is taking you, ready to fight!"

I thought about it and added: "The rest of the person, don't shoot, otherwise it is too boring."

After all, I have read the strong people on the other.

He is not worried, and the family will come more powerful.

Sure enough, the emperor saw that Gu Li did not shoot, but let the Beni and the remaining five six-puffed shot, I thought it was preserved strength, and naturally did not take more combat power.

"The monster, this time you take the lead!" The emperor said in the mouth of the Wolf King of the celestial Wolf.

The strong people of Tianwugi are a glimpse, but there is no other choice.

The strong people of the Chunxia, ​​the strong, dispatched the four countries, and got out six five-hearted, seventy-two four hobbies.

On the other side, it was a thirty-six-bit five puff, as well as the four hundred strongest.

It is a one-third of the tribute to the people.

It's almost the same as the ancient.

After all, there are people in the Handa's hand.

In addition to the two pilgrims in the base, there are more than a dozen five puffals.

The war is like air.

This time, it is just a test.

If you can, the emperor is more hope that these people have done together with the brain and the power of the Wheel.

Then she is with the rest of the people, but also hopes to defeat Gula.

Become the final winner.

Just this idea is too ideal.

The sword of the war is unparalleled. When I saw that Guula did not directly shot, it was relieved.

At the same time, I also pray that Brune can replace the battle of the battle. Such a person, and the ancient lacker may be in advance.

Because the power of the pulsator is so much.

All fallen.

The rest of the dragon ball is the thing in the capsule.

It is indeed the time when the family of people and the ancient troishes.

When they arrive, they can still look at a peak.

Even expected to the forefoot.

The sword is unparalleled.

I am ready to pick someone.

Of course, he is most hopeful to win.

This way, he cooperates with the people to ensure the remaining people of the pulley.

Wu Li did not think so, see this combination, shook his head and sigh: "I think, it is better to let the old age will pay out, so everyone can look at the people with Guula."

"You think more!" Danbao was reveuting: "No one wants to have a neutral party, even if the ancient ru is very indifferent, it will not allow variables, and the power of my Way It is not necessarily lost, it is impossible to attack any people! "

After reading it, I saw Wu Li.

The sword is unparalleled.

Despise Wu Li, there is no dignity of a strong person.

If everyone is like this.

Then there will be a battle, there is no battle, the power of that.

Everyone has a card together in the emperor, and it is not better.

"Let's watch the battle!"

Before sitting in the crystal ball, I didn't consciously took out the fruit.

Wu Li felt something bad, from his own mustard, took out the hind legs of a wasteland.

Constructed a grill, put the hind legs, and raised a magic flame.

The sword is unparalleled, I feel that this is not very suitable, but the Head is fluttering, but also hooks the desire of the body's death, and I will endure it.

Take a small bone knife in your own time, take the initiative to drink, eat meat while drinking.

This deceased flesh and blood contains strong power.

Unfortunately, his will not increase it.

Can only enjoy this delicious.

Danbao smelled the meat, I am embarrassed to look at the sword.

The sword is also very understanding, and I took out a knife inlaid with an expensive gem to handed the past.

Three people drink wine, eat meat, watch the cruel battle.

Under the mountain.

A terrorist explosion.

Fight, one touch!

Brui stared at Guula, and then looked at the emperor there. The people on the side of the man, the people behind: "This is a chance, we have to solve these people quickly, there is a chance!"

Although it is not a wisdom of the pulsator, but Bru's battle talents are extremely high.

The other party has used the worst of the tactics.

It is indeed their opportunity.

It is just to take advantage of the time that the other party has not responded, once an instant, it will kill all the opponents that will play, or seriously injured.

Can't drag.

Dragging will be warned by the wheel.

The rear of everyone secretly nodded.

The plan has been developed.

It is very easy to discover the strong people in one party with the people.

The base of the base is a wrist, the opening: "The strongest one, left me, the rest of you!"

"That thin child, give it to me!"

"I am fat, I will deal with it!"

They are like a prey in a melon.

The strong man of the people, but he is happy after hearing.

Take all the collections of the six robbery, then the rest of the five hobbies are not enough.

The monster of the celestial wolf family, the strength, and more than forty five-knocked strong, and the Way plus only more than 30 five hobbies.

It is also necessary to discover some to deal with six robbery.

The remaining is less than 20.

One of the people, but there is twice the number of people.

And each of them is the owner of the universe, and the war is stable.

Advantage is in the family.

Bruce also felt the Beni's war, immediately anger, took the lead!


Everyone behind him later.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The shout shook the dragon mountain.

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