Want to be afraid of those who are scattered?

The main seedlings of the future seven-robbery universe.

The ancient mouse will also guarantee.

People who die now are worth it.

One will become a harder!

The battle below is over.

The power of the Wheel plus family, killed all the five puffs and the strongest workers at a very small price.

There are only only to watch the battle.

Waiting for Bru's eruption.

The battle is particularly fierce in the air.

The four of the four holy sons of Longqi Mountain, and there is one of the hands and 1 of the hands.

It is more than 800,000 power.

It is not equal to the victory at all times.

Also watch Bruce.

Bruce is the core.

The foundation is also the same.

At present, the battle of the two, the foundation of the base.

900,000 Shen Li's base, against the Bruce of 89 million power.

Both people are Shenli Master.

There is no use of any forbao.

A simple boxing, as well as the trend of the gods, and the sky is playing.


After the two collided again, the next steps were taken step, kicked away, looking for the next opportunity to shoot.

"Call!" Ben New astished, said loudly: "It's really happy. I haven't met so long for a long time. I really don't want to solve you!"

Brucely smiled, after a look at everyone, the sound was cold: "I really want to see how powerful, there is a power I imagined."

"Haha!" Ben New is laughing.

Random hands holding fist, a roar and dramatically breaks 900,000.

"Then I tell you, my power is, 93 million!"

The base is starting to break out, the veins of the forehead, the power begins soaring.

The more late, the power of Shen Li is extremely difficult.

It is often more than 20,000, which can determine the victory.

Beny is constantly explosing, it is true to ninety-three million power.

The emperor took a deep breath.

Beni is powerful, she is expected, but I didn't expect to reach 93,000.

Even Agola is very excited, praise: "Chi New, your progress is very fast!"

"The king is also optimistic, waiting for me to kill him, then put the rest of the rest!" After Ben New's effort, it turned more relaxed.

In half-air, make a series of strange actions.

The ancient ruishing below, the face is red, whisper blames: "Come again!"

After seeing the other party's outbreak, the face is moved, and the Shenbi's Shenle has a little predecessor.


Ninety 30,000, does not mean that it cannot be defeated.


The Bruce is full of fist, and the power will begin to skyrocket.


The white skin behind it is shocked.

Shen Li arrived directly to 900,000.

Chicy is very calm, evaluated: "900,000, it is true, if you are not a wave wheel, you can come to my Kikette!"

His words just finished, but found that Bru's power has reached 91 million.

"You still have hidden, but 91 million should be the limit." Beni is relaxed, random evaluation.

Bruis is rising in his mouth, once again, and the power has risen directly for 20,000.

It reached 93,000.

This has been flat with the base.

The base is also panicked.

I didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful.

The key to Key Bruce is still rising.

"Ninety 40,000!" Base is large.

"95 million!"

Everyone who is watching the battle is also exclaimed.

The face of the emperor has changed.

Wu Li, the top of the mountain, is a fascinating fascination, seeing Bruce out of 95,000 power, and laid the Benbi, happy to celebrate.

As long as the power of the Wheel, they can escape.

Seeing Brucera outbreaks, naturally is happy.

"How, is it still satisfied with the 95,000 power?" Bru activity raised his neck, raised random mouth, and a flashed behind the Beni.

The arm gently rushed, and then an elbow hit the neck of the base.

The base of the Beni is sinking, just clear, wants to counterattack, but found that people who can't see Bruce.

"I am here!" Brune I didn't know when I arrived at the front of the Beni, one top, and took tens of thousands of Bruce.

Bruce did not worry about the base, after retreating, after retreating, the momentum went to the Four Siszers' Wars.

After you go in, it is a massacre.

The ancient rui below is also anxious, and it is orange: "Still stop him!"

Chiang New is desperate to catch back.

Cannu has solved a six-hearted strong.

Ninety-50,000, the six-knocked warfare of more than 800,000 power, that is, overwhelming.

Now the four Shengzi's six-hearted warfare team.

Completely flat.

Can Bruce is a big advantage.

"It is time to solve the battle!" Brucely leaked the killing.

The right hand holds the left arm and begins to distance the power.

In his fingertips, it has condensed a power of a powerless power.

The Gula Lian, which is issued, was quickly reminded: "So!"

Unfortunately, it is late!

Bruce finger is facing the Beni, and the big drink: "The magic is murderous!"

A strip, instant shooting.

The body shape of the base, I want to hide, I can't take it.

Because the magic is murder, you can lock him, escape!

He can only block his chest.


This optical wave, condensed the power of more than 95,000.

It reached 98 million.

It is the limit of Bruce.

It is also his trick.

It is enough to kill the base.

Just when everyone feels that Kirki will die.

The base of the base is blocked, but it is leaking a smile that is not aware.

This detail, there is no sword.

"Not good, fraud!"

The sword is unparalleled just finished, and there is a change.

After the light wave passes through the chest of the base, the base is disappeared.

Bruce is also scared.

This is his strongest skill, it is impossible to be escaped.

Just when he was surprised, the light wave was turned to the direction and went to Bruis.

"How could it be!" Bruis shouted.

This attack is coming with the enemy.

Now I am rushing to him, then the base is behind him.

When you want to turn, it was locked from behind from behind.

The base of the base is like a cage, and the dead is bundled with Bruce.

"Haha, you have to die under your own stunt!" Ben New smiled: "And I am the final winner!"

There is Brui in front of Bruce, and he is affected by it.

Bruce also panicked.

His stunt is the clearer.

If you look at this, you will be seriously injured.

If he is seriously injured, there is only four of the four sacred sons, and I can't stop the role.

But the base is locked in him and cannot break free at all.


In the last moment, Bruge angered, and Shen Li rose again.

The golden light on the body flashes.

Directly broke away from the base.

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