"Ask yours, I also dare to grab my treasure!" The ancient lacquey and shocked everyone directly.

But this is still not finished, the figure flashes, and I went to a hard-born strong, a paw pinned the other's head, and the Dragon Ball was thrown to Li Wei.

Li Wei was stable.

Once again, it is the owner of a five-knocked universe.

The rest have been scared.

There is no power of the resistance at all.

All together, maybe it will be killed by Guula.

"This holy party, I will not hope, I will give up!"

This thought is in all my people's mind.

Siki, the strong, has begun to retreat.

The anger of the anger, but didn't intend to give up any one.

Directly splamed, finger a tone of the finger, and each of the light columns can instantly kill the hard work.

The time of breathing is the tens of thousands of light columns.

People present, all don't kill all.

Li Wei has gathered four dragon balls.

But his eyes are staring at the corpse of the land.

The ancient elephant and looked at the mouth, and cough up in the mouth, "Dirty creature!"

Looking at these corpses, he felt very uncomfortable, raising his hand, showing a powerful storm, instantly, all of the thousands of rounds are flat.

The corpse also disappeared is clean!

A shocking scene.

Still staged.

Unfortunately, there are not a few people present.

The emperor doesn't care about this, and now I am lobbying the power of the Wheel plus.

Although the sword is unparalleled with Wu Li, although not present, it is frightened.

Only Li Wei is alone, personally experienced, witnessing it.

Although he is not very careless of these people.

But see so many people, was shocked by the ancient Rula slaughter.

It is also fortunate.

Fortunately, he became a wasteland.

Next time I saw the sword is unparalleled, I will give it a few heads to the other side.

I must thank you for your repayment.

To put it up, he didn't become a wasteland for a month of receiving the goods in a rumor.

Maybe because everyone has this opportunity in front of this huge body.

This opportunity allowed him to arrive at the top of the five-way.

Although it became a wasteland, he never regret.

"Gula Adult!" Li Wei smashed.

Thoroughly became a dog of the family.

Gulu and Li Wei were rubbed, and the emperor and the direction of the Wheel Trump. After Li Wei, he said: "Look at Dragon Ball, wait for me to kill these people, I will guarantee you into the six-hearted body ! "

In this case, Li Wei's eyes have changed several colors.

"Guarantan to enter the six-hearted!"

This sentence is in the ear of Li Wei, constantly retracting.

Six puff!

He is still the owner of the universe.

That is the Lord of the universe of the six knobs.

In the ancient wood continent is a character.

He can also open up a secret, let the family move to the secret, become the emperor of the territory.

The Lord of the Hexack Universe.

No matter where you go, you will pay attention.

It is even more dangerous secret, slowly stabilizing your strength.

Drop the seven robbery.

This temptation is too big for Li Wei.

He had to consider, this is not his largest opportunity in this life.

Once missed, it may regret life.

"Six puff!" Li Wei made a sentence.

He never dared to want to want to think.

Before entering infinity world, he said the most madness in Li Jia is that he can be ranked first in the Vietnamese four.

However, the Lord of Vietnami's four hobby universe is not a few.

The top three counts a fart.

Just blinking, he witnessed the fallen of dozens of five hobby universe, hundreds of thousands of four knobs fallen.

In this manner, the four pilgrims are weeds, and the five hobbies are also anti.

Even if it is six robbery, it is unable to interfere.

Everything happened today, it is indeed more than his past visits and cognition.

This has to let his mood have changed a variety of changes.

The Emperor saw that he was constantly close to Guula, frowned frowned.

She is still unable to lobby the pulsator.

Can only be fighting.

"A group of idiots!" In order to maintain power, the emperor did not want to face ancient puller.

Especially when a person.

When the figure flashed, I want to rush to the Longshan Mountain.


Guula is a step in advance and blocked the emperor Fengchen.

"What is it, where is it?"

The speed is fast, and it is again beyond everyone's mental power.

I can't see it at all.

Mountain top!

The sword is unparalleled. "" Isn't there yet? "

Now the emperor is alone in the ancient lacker, it is definitely not an opponent.

If the emperor is gone, the rest is not much hope.

At that time, he tried to escape with Wu Li, there may be no more opportunities.

Brui must join hands with the emperor.

This has hope.

It's really can't, he can also show super ancient times, halfway sneak attacks.

And he still has a rear hand "Li Wei"

It's just that he doesn't know, Li Wei is now a magical.

It is in the delusion of hexack.


Danbao sat directly on the ground, and Bru's breath arrived at the peak.

But seeing Dan Bao's temperament, it should be reached in your own limits.

There is still no way to compare with his life.

However, he can restore a super power of the six hundred thousand people to get 95,000, and it is very worthless.

If this is sent, no matter in that force, it is a seat.

No wonder, the old and old, the elders of the holy place, is extremely valued for Danbao.

Moreover, I have said that if it is destroyed, he will bring a Danbao run.

It seems that Danbao's body is also a secret.

"Fast, the people outside have already can't live!" The sword watched the crystal ball, and then turned to Bruce: "With the Girls of the Emperor, there will be wins!"

In fact, he wins and not win.

There is a hundred and eight thousand Shenli, which has no transformation.

Now Brucely join hands with the gods, there is a possibility of winning.

But it is absolutely can't win the Guli after transition.

But if you don't join your hand, you can only wait until you die.

Bruce also looked at the crystal ball, but he didn't work with the emperor!

"You are looking for a chance to get escape!" He turned his eyes, and he looked at the room where the elder is located, and a war is again.

After the words, the pool is disappeared in the original place.

Once again, I have come to the mountain.

The battle between the emperor and the ancient Rula is still continuing.

It is only easy to fight the ancient rules of the battle.

After all, the two sides still have some gaps.

After Bruges appeared, there was no nonsense and moved directly toward the ancient tai.

Although the emperor also killed the pulsator, now the biggest opponent is Guula.

Solved the ancient ru, then packed the emperor is not too late.

"Haha, just, I can't come out, I have to fall asleep!" Guula hurts, standing in the air and one-handed fork, glance the eyes, rushing slightly, and the body has suddenly rushed out.

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