Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5873 is given to me!


The sword is unparalleled, the sound said: "Bruce is old, you have previously, how much time it take?"

Bruges, Shen Li, has reached millions.

If it is ahead of the previous trick, it may not be able to play a role.

Guula also takes some time, if you can change the ancient pulland in the other party, you can make big.

"Three breaths!" Bruges have hard works in the ancient rules, and they look at the swords.

He also understands the idea of ​​swords.

I want to be directly ended to Guula.

Add oil tactics, dealing with Guula is looking for death.

Even if the four sinsides can have a whole flower, there is no big use.

Four six-hearted body, which is strong to go.

That is, there are more than four Bruce.

Perhaps you can block the current Gula.

But absolutely can't stop the Guli after turning into


The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is pulled out.

I turned a little emperor again, and the power of the other party was unstable.

It is a problem that can be reliable.

So these three breathing, he must take yourself to live.

"Guula, now your opponent is me!" The sword has no double sword, and the wings behind, the speed is already flat.

This makes Guula are very shocked!

If you want to avoid the sword, it is impossible, and suddenly a bit mess.

He didn't think of the speed of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled with only 800,000 power, and Guulan is naturally not placed.

But now, the speed suddenly keeps up with him, which makes the ancient lady worry that the sword is unparalleled.

But after I feel the power of the sword, I am relieved.

"I thought you were as strong as your speed!" Guulan hand pinned the sword, and the thrill shocks the sword without double earthquake.

The sword being shocked is unparalleled, and the body is unstable and slow.

The Gulu is a flashing, a hands, a head hammer, sharp threaded angle, and directly wearing a sword unparalleled chest.


Blood water left the chest and forth, the sword was unparalleled, and his own body was broken.

The difference is still too far.

Although he showed super ancient times, Shen Li arrived at 800,000, and the source is more double, but he is still emandy.

The power of life is crazy, and I want to restore my own injury, but it is greater than the growth.

The head of the ancientus, slammed into the ground, directly into the ground without double from the sky.


The sword of the fall is unparalleled, and I have passed a huge deep pit.

The injury of the chest is extremely serious, and has run through the universe.

Even if the power of life is recovering, it is impossible to instantly recover.

This is the gap.

If it is the same order, or just a strong battle that is strong, it will not be so wolf.

But he is a way for the super power of the ancient Lila, he is not.

"Two breathing!" The sword was unparalleled, and the body could not move.

This time he really didn't recruit.

He turned to see the direction of the emperor, prayed to the bottom of the heart: "Block him, give Bruce a breathing time, we still have a chance!"

The emperor trembled, and the body has begun to crack, and the time to stop, it is for gathering.

Now I just gathered some breath and began to be unstable.

And the sword is unparalleled is about to fall.

"Little guy!" The emperor is also a bit moving.

This time the position of the saint is already her.

In fact, there is no need to lying down a water, even if you don't finish the mission, the position of the saints will be in this time, and she will earn enough this time.

From half a step, I went to the peak of the six-pipup.

Many of the costs, it is worth it.

Why bother to fight again?

And the sword is unparalleled, there is no need to save.

It is better to take this opportunity to escape.

I saw Li Wei, who was hesitating in the distance, but an anxious feet.

The sword is unparalleled, he will not return to the family.

Guula killed all of the people of the country, he couldn't return to the 16th National Countries.

In this infinite world, even if it does not mean it?

He can't look at the sword and death.

Wu Li in the top of the mountain is the same.

Now the sword is unparalleled to die. He entered the plan of the Wanliu also bubbled.

"I have long said that I don't want to go, don't go!" Wu Li smashed his head, reached out and pulled out three-foot wood sword, turned to look at the elder room, and the breath suddenly changed.

On the occasion of Wu Li, the emperor is moving.

She is not going to the ancient pulling, but rushed to Li Wei.

"The king saved me!" Li Wei shouted, directly throwing Dragon Ball.

This is his plan with the emperor.

Use Dragon Ball to Call ancient La.

I heard the shouted Gula and figured out the position of the emperor.

Have to stop!

"It's evil, you are completely annoying me!" Gu jugged his fist, he didn't want to play.

The emperor just rushed to Li Wei, but he was treated by the ancient Rula's breath.

The color of the sky begins to distort.

The Shenli's Shenli has also begun to be beating.

The sword of the pit is not double taking the opportunity to turn over, loudly reminded: "Be careful with him!"

"Kid, you don't know the identity of this king!" The ancient Rula is extremely embarrassing, this is a sign of transformation.

What did he didn't expect a family boy, and he could know that he could change it.

As far as he is known, the outside world has no frozen devil.

The sword that fled to the distance was unparalleled. At this time, it was a breath.

Waiting for a chance now.

"Frozen Devil!" The sword has no double taking the opportunity to say: "Guula, I killed a frozen devil, he is very similar to you!"

This sentence is slightly provocative.

But Guula is not careful to this.

The strong man of the frozen devil is rare.

But it is not united like a pulley.

It doesn't matter if you die.

What he cares is that some people know his basement.

This makes him very uncomfortable.

I was still thinking in front of these people, showing one hand.

The result is now broken.

"Since you know, let you become the first person to kill me, kill the first person!" The ancient tiles shaped, and the power rose again.

The sword is unparalleled but said to Bruce: "It's now!"


A light column surrounded in a black breath rushed to the sky, Bruce spelled out the power of the whole body, exhausted the last silk and angry: "Magic light kills!"


This gas column is like Changhong.

Instantly rush to the Gulu.

Also prepared to transform, turned to see, have already arrived in front of him, the blood in the eye bursts, exclaimed: "What!"

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