Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5888, is generally finally played

It is also a headache.

Step by step.


Spit out a turbidity, sword is unparalleled, standing side by side with Li Wei, reminding: "Preparing to convert, the end of Guula is here!"

"I thought that you will always look!" Li Wei was surprised.

He used to look forward to the sword and unparalleled, and now I can't see it.

Just feel that the temperament of the sword has a certain change.

The sword is unparalared shrugged, and she said: "You don't know, the strong is finally debut, ready to witness!"

After that, the figure flashed, and I went to the ancient role.

The power of the beast is also crazy, and the power will arrive at $ 19,500 instantly.

"Five times the power of the beast!"

Roade your hand and put it in the face of the face of the Gulus.


The ancient Rula's figure is like a backward movement of a meteor and falls into the bottom of the abyss.

After Wu Li and Brui saw him, it was a happy.

"Warrior brother, you finally broke through!"

The two are relieved.

Especially Wu Li, he knows that the sword is unparalleled, and you can double it.

This doubled, not doubled.

It is doubled.

At the beginning, from nowcent of the foundation, it has directly soaring to 800,000.

The breath and the hair becomes blue.

Wu Li saw very well.

As for the current dark red atmosphere, he knows that this is the sword unparalleled, the treasure of the congenital universe, excited the power.

Single universe the treasure of the universe, there is a hundred and 500,000,

If you use that trick, I am afraid that I can reach 2 million.

Wu Li is indeed accurate.

Now I have to finish.

"I have worked hard!" The sword didn't turn back to Wu Li and Brui, and the force of the two groups were thiled.

Go directly to their body.

The shocking of the Bruky eye hole, the power of the already sluggish, the moment is restored to the peak.

The speed of the more than one is restored.

Wu Li is more surprised.

He is more sensitive to life.

When you feel the power of life, your eyes are far away.

"Warriors, have you pulled the Wanliu?" Wu Li is unable to confirm.

In his opinion, this innate life is only in Wanliu.


This hit, crushed the core of the whole infinity world.

Now his combat power can ruin the whole world.

Wu Li saw the power of the big group, and the head was awen: "This is also too wasteful. If you give me a come, I will go to the ancient Rula!"

"This requirement, I still heard it!" He somewhat speechless. If you tell Wu Li, there is a lot of life, there is a little death.

He won't say this.

Those who died, he used some of his life and reverse the power of death.

Although there are some gaps with the power of the innocent death.

But after integrated into the power of life, the reversal power generation is still very powerful.

Wu Li has faced his face and said: "You shouldn't, really master the power of life?"

At the beginning, he saw that the sword was unparalleled to life, he was skeptical.

Now I heard the sword is unparalleled, I really believe it.

The sword is unparalleled. It is not so sensitive to the power of life.

It is mainly to leave the temple for the first time.

He mastered his life in the Shenshen, only to kill someone for him.

There is no preparation for other people.

It is found to find it in ancient times.

The power of life is so sensitive.

In order to absorb the life of life in the cloud sword.

At that time, Wu Li did doubting, but unfortunately did not recover the tree at that time.

Later, the recovery, the tree people did not see the sword, and they did not think too much.

Until now, the sword is unparalleled.

They were determined that there were really people to master the strength of the congenital life.

So, open Wanliu, it is too simple.

Kill the ancient Rula, they can rush to Wanliu, do not need those curved around.

"Why, or you can solve the Gulu?" The sword is unparalleled, let Wu Li goes forward.

Wu Li took the hand: "Forget it, I will spare him once, you just broke through Jiu Nagola to practice!"

One hundred and 500,000 power.

Brucely can't solve it.

Only the sword is unparalleled, one person can kill ancient lands.

At this time, Li Wei also converted into a family.

He is obvious, and the sword is unparalleled.

There is no need to stand on both sides.

Waiting for the sword, there is no double, and he will leave with the sword without double.

Bruce also noticed Li Wei at this time, and his eyes were angry.

"Li Wei, I will refer to you, and you escape towards the bordering of the southeast. You should catch up now!" Wu Li quickly gave Li Wei.

Otherwise, I have to solve the Gulu, Brui is going to Li Wei.

Both sides have no help to him with swords.

But it is also a lightweight.

Obviously, they are more in the power of the pulley.

And there is something you want in Danbao.

Li Wei standing in the distance, holding a box, knowing his embarrassing situation.

This is the case.

Even if you leak the original appearance, it is difficult to accept.

What's more, he killed a lot of pulsator.

Stay this is also embarrassed.

It turned around to play towards it.

Now the Long Shen mainland is destroyed.

There is no wasteland block.

Can be directly Darm River, where he is more familiar.

Without Tam King, the deceased of those five knocked, they also threatened him.

I can find the emperor of the emperor.

Then leave the infinity world with the emperor.

Regardless of whether the other party has become a sacred girl, he is a success.

There are also swords and unparalleled commitments.

It is very good for a lifetime.

Six puffy is so simple.

Looking at Li Wei disappeared, Wu Li is secretly sighed, and the other's luck is good.

"Guula, can you still come out?" The sword shouted in the abyss of the following: "I can't come out, I will go down."

It is directly rushed into the abyss.

The opponent's power has reached 15 million, and it is similar to Li Wei.

Really a hundred and fifty weak, you won't think it will be dragged!


Entering the dark abyss, relying on his mind to feel the deepest Gula.

He has been printed with his hands and constantly roaring the power of the body.

I want to take ancient to pull out.

"You are really interesting!" The sword was unparalleled and shook his head, and the Shen Li returned directly to the normal state.

But he pulled out the rushed sword.

Since the other party can't come out, let the battle solve in the abyss!


Wan robbery is pulled out, and the cold lights illuminates the entire abyss.

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