Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 590 back to Nanyang

After leaving the garden, the sword was unparalleled, and Yang Weixuan, who had been waiting, two people with the nun.

"I'm old, I have called Wang Yuan, I will drink a cup of a cup." Yang Zi Xuan said.

"No." The sword is unparalleled, and the face is cold. "Xiao Emperor has just told me that the Jian Houfu is dangerous, I have to come back now, otherwise the sword Houfu is gone."

"So?" Yang Chang Xuan's brow wrinkled, "The Master is very big. Since he said that the sword Houfu is dangerous, then you have to come back now."

"Old two, you told me to say to Wang Yuan." The sword was unhappy with a ribbon, then I saw it in the emperor. "The seniors of the emperor, I want to return to Nanyang Mainland."

"Yes, come with me." The emperor nodded, followed by a sword where there was no double toward the castle.

Not long after, the sword is unparalleled to a secret room, and there is a giant space insect hole.

"This spatial worm hole can directly lead to the Nanyang Mainland Datang Dynasty, the territory." The emperor said, then the sword is unparalleled to open the worm hole.

"Thank you." The sword has no double road, thank you, and immediately enter the space insect cave, a space fluctuating, the shape of the sword has disappeared.


Nanyang Lu, Datang Dynasty Tang Dynasty.

The Datang Dynasty is still the same as before, chaotic, killing, and completely killing the killing dynasty.

At this moment, next to the Datang Dynasty, a two-way figure is killing in the life and death.

The two of this killing, the breath of the sacredness, in which the Nanyang continent is definitely the peak.

The two major sacred strongman has already attracted a large number of martial arts nearby, surrounding the battlefield, dense Ma Ma gathered, all people are agreed to look at this fierce battle, and I am afraid to miss any detail.

Nobody noticed that there is a huge space insect hole in the unnamed mountain, and this spatial worm hole is already bright.

Just a moment, a movie, a movie, spanning from this space insect hole, followed by the channel in front, slowly walking outside.

Soon, this people came out from this cave.

"Nanyang Continent!"

The sword is not a smile, and the surrounding air is breathed, and it is ready to look up.



A low drinking in the world, then I saw that the sword was unparalleled in front of a huge knife. He was originally going to a holy old man. The road is light, and this knife is not reduced, but it is just the direction of the sword unparalleled.

The sword has just returned to Nanyang Mainland. I haven't come to see the sky of this Nanyang continent, I suddenly attacked.

Although this attacked the attack on him is slightly ignored, but it still makes him rushing a hint of anger.


There is no double-faced in the sword, and there is a bursting in the mouth.

This burst, like a raging, rang through the world, covering all the sounds near this mountain.

The knife who came to him, under this explosive, instantly collapsed, and even a purple man who was exhibited with this knife, the old man who had just avoided the knife, his head They all roared, their eyes, noses, and their mouths have flowers.

Although they didn't die directly, these two have suffered heavy.

The two major sacred stations originally tempered, but it is like a frost, it is straightforward, and the two people are unable to fall from the void, struggle on the ground, and I can't stand it for a long time.

At that battlefield, there are all the ordinary people, and they all have their own ears, and there are many kinds of snoring.

Time, all the world is dead.

Countless eyes are full of horror, and the sword has not seen the past.

The two lying on the ground struggled to stand the strategies who stood up and stared at the sword.

They are very clear, what horror of the sword is unparalleled, there is no horror.

If you are not polite, just if you are not in your hands, you will be able to bind them from the two holy bits.

"He, who is he?"

"The strength of the horrible, the Shengde strong is in front of him, and it seems to be a baby. Just a burst, it will hit these two conementers."

"This is the real pinhower."

Many military doors that watch the battle are talking about.

The sword is unparalleled, sweeping around, suddenly understand, obviously the two holy bits are just in this, and did not expect him from the mountain, this will spread him.

After understanding this, his anger will dissipate this, and one waved separately of the two sacred medicine, then the body is shaking, the people present, including the two contexts, only see a streamer Flashing, the shape of the sword has completely disappeared in their sight.

"This speed!"

"too fast!"

"Who is he?"

The two big figures were horrified, and then they looked at the sword without double throwing them.

After a while, the two chose to swallow the Dan medicine. After swallowing, the two immediately found that they had just hurt, and they started recovery at an amazing speed, short mens. It has already reached the peak, and it is even better.

The horrible means, incredible speed, and this magical medicinal medicine, so that these two contexts understand that they have encountered high people.


After the sword is unparalleled from the mountain, they will go to the swords of the sword.

He knows that the swords and Houfu are now very bad, and they naturally do not dare to delay.

And this Datang Dynasty is a very distant distance. Although there is a very distant distance, you can rush to the road. If you don't have a time, you can't drive it in the Tiangong Dynasty.

Tianzong Dynasty Tianzhu Direction Province Baishuang County, Jie Houfu!

After the Sword Houfu, since there was a unparalleled genius, his situation was quite huge throughout the Nanyang mainland. Although the Judou Houfu did not have a very amazing genius or strong, because The Tiansong Dynasty royal family supported, even Danmen also secretly helped each other, the overall strength of the swords Houfu was still much better than before, and it was already the top power of the Tianzong Dynasty.

Originally, it is a new scene, but it is a few days ago, the sword Houfu, but suddenly changed!

A strong mysterious power of strong strength directly broke into the Jianhoufu, showing a big means, and arrested all people of the entire swords Houfu.


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