Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5894 says

"Well ..." Vissed, and then rushed to the air: "If you fine your air transport today!"

Words have been followed.

After this sentence, the sky suddenly darken.

The sword is unparalleled, just income of the spirit, I found a group of black crows in the distance of the horizon.

This group of crowns have this high crown.

"Walk!" I didn't want to think too much. I quickly pulled everyone to escape.

He still don't know, all of this is because of a word of the Lord of Hengmu.

Visse on Tianqing Mountain is carefully, punishing the Lord of Hengmu, and even the sword is unparalleled.

I will revoke it.

From the chair, they stretched a lazy waist, and came to which mountain range moved in. After finding the Lingquan, the finger is a bit, this is the same.

The power of the spring water, at least 100 times higher than ever.

Value also increased by 100 times.

Mandarin gold!

"The pattern is small!"

This Lingquan is still not general in Vis.

It is a sword where they don't know the goods.

Because the potential of Lingquan is very large.

After his exulting seedlings, it turned into a moment.

If the ordinary Lingquan, he does not grow several times.

"Look at you, I will help you once!"

Vissed's words make swords unpacking.

Is this going to him?

But now he doesn't have this idle heart.

After another treasure of the Lord of Hengmu, he couldn't help but ask: "Where is you forgotten, this is a circle!"

This sentence is not confident.

I have some hesitation for a while.

"It's impossible, I remember very clearly, I should need a few landmark instructions to find it, don't worry!"

The sword is unparalleled can only be taken.

Who let him don't know!

Just when he is ready to go to a treasure, the figure is no longer controlled.

"This is?"

He just prepared to ask Vis, this time I have to let him do.

I found that the surroundings have been changed.

After seeing this familiar valley, Hengmu is surprised: "Found, it is here!"

At the same time, it was also surprised: "How do you know this place?"

This sentence will ask the sword.

But if he said, this is Wiz, I am afraid that each other will not believe it.

The sure is vague.

The Lord of Hengmu has not been asked again. Now it is a matter of urgency, it is open Wanliu Shenmu.

After turning to see the huge willow tree in the core zone of the gods, they took all the people to the valley.

After the sword is unparalleled into the ground, it also begins the difference in this place.

There is a lot of engraving this place.

It is like someone living here.

Follow the Lord of Hengmu, walk towards the depths of the valley.

The carvings on the road are getting more and more.

The carved thing is like a group of totems.

The sword is unparalleled, it should be related to the ethnic group inside the wood.

Wanliu Shenmu has innate life.

They can also treat Wanliu Shenmu as the Lord of the Universe.

And it is the master of the universe above the eight pockets.

Such a congenital life universe, the internal world structure, and the ethnic group, it is always extraordinary.

After the sword is unparalleled, after Wu Li, all the way.

"Is these totems, is it a constant wood predecessor?" I went to the halfway, he couldn't help but ask.

All of these he saw it was more than a family.

It is possible to portray so delicate, only people living in the internal universe of Wanliu Shenmu can be recorded.

I know that there is only one of Hengmu's host.

Then there is only his portrait.

It is not that the sword is unbearable.

"Don't surprise, I am not the first practice in the Wanliu Shenmu. When I left, I was as surprised as you, I can enter the absolute people, but I am not as well!" "The voice of Hengmu is issued from Wu Li.

The sword nodded without a double point, but the bottom is definitely not believed.

There are other people to enter over Wanliu, how could it be a little message.

And so many years, for things in Wanliu Shenmu, there is basically a few people.

The Lord of Hengmu is definitely a lot of things.

Then go to the depth, the statue is getting bigger and bigger, and each is very realistic.

The top also contains the power.

Everyone who is looking is very careful.

The sword is unparalleled.

So true and there is a statue of Shen Li, why is anyone in so many years to find it?

Although Wanliu Shennia has been sealed by the ancient wood.

But the people of the ancient mouse, there is always a way to come in!

They can be done periphery and can even reach the margin of the inoperation.

Why didn't you find this place?

Or I will know it early, just can't go in!

Think of this, the sword is not rotated.

But there is nothing to ask.

Their group, through the statue group, entered a huge lava empty hole.

This place is abnormal.

The seepage in the stone seam is down.

"It's here!" The voice of Hengmu's Lord sounded, and everyone stopped.

Wu Li is in the forefront, naturally seeing.

In their forehead, there is a altar.

The look of this altar is very similar to the outside world.

Just is empty, nothing.

The sword is unparalleled, and there are a few eyes around. I asked: "Hengmu predecessors, this altar is to use life to open it?"

At the bottom of the altar, he felt a familiar atmosphere and is the power of life.

It seems that this place is the entrance to Hengmu's Lord.

Nowadays, many strong people, a brain is coming from here.

How many times they have.

The altar must be opened quickly.

Then enter the universe of Wanliu Shenmu.

The Lord of Hengmu directly came out from Wu Li's body, but it is not a virtual thing.

It is true flesh.

It is a flesh that is a flesh, but it is the flesh of the evolution of Wanliu Shenwood.

He took the altar, took out a few fragrances, inserted into the incense burner in front of the altar, worshiping two times, turned to everyone, said: "As with no double friends, this place is to enter Wanliu Shenmu The channel, the switch to open the entrance is also very special. It takes the strength of the innate life. The congenital life is to understand, that is the life from time and space, the life of the original universe, and this is accompanied by this The power of life. "

In fact, there is still a little, and the Lord of Hengmu has not been proposed.

Life in the secret, from time and space.

The life of the original universe is from the original universe.

There is also a kind of life, is the universe of the practice.

This kind of life is life.

It doesn't have the force of congenital life.

I thought about it, it should be that they are them, it seems to be the congenital life.

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