Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5925, I will stop!

"I went to the outside world to block them, you go to explore the situation in the city!"

In this way, everyone is a shock.

Let Dan Bao go outside, they go fishing.

This is not very good!

And some say that it can't.

Are they here, what is it for?

It is definitely not because of these ordinary treasures.

Instead, for the way of resurrection.

Dan Bao as the god of life, is the opening of the road of resurrection.

Let Dan Bao go to the top.

Don't say that they have a face.

Just don't have face, I don't dare to do this!

The big monk is the first to refute.

Shen Mu Wang also advised.

The rest is also very moving.

Only the sword is unparalleled without opening.

Bruce also feels that there is nothing.

It is better to let Babi Emperor come in.

They can rely on the shield of Danbao's life.

Danbao smiled and comforted: "Let them come in, I also need to use the shield of life, where is it, it is better to be outside!"

"I agree!" The sword has no double station, turned to everyone to say: "I think Danbao is right, anyway, it is necessary to use our life shield, it is better to keep the whole sky in the outside world. More important than the city of our sky! "

This last sentence is really a bit.

It will also calm these people.

Maintain the city of the sky, more important than they.

In case this is the test?

"Danbao, I will go out with you!" Bruce nodded and chose to support Danbao practices.

The rest is useless.

Although the strength of Brui is not good, but it is the same family with Danbao.

Two people are a heart.

The big monk is still in the shape, and the bottom is flashing, and it is still standing.

"Okay, just like this!" Danbao saw that someone had to take the initiative, and the action of those people were interrupted.

Only with the big monk and Bruce.

Shenmu Wang looked at the back of the three people, and she sighed: "If it is a god of life, he can become God, I admire!"

"Shenmao Wang, we still go to explore the city of this sky, say that there is no hand in this place, and you can get Danbao to come back!"

Looking at the other party, the sword is unparalleled, and the people will remind everyone, the current thing is still to enter the city of the sky.

Can't wait any time.

Everyone is nodded.

Shenmu king, starting to arrange people to search.

After all, it is an ancient mouse, there is natural leadership.

Assign everyone, each with his mind to cover a region.

Taking the fastest time to explore the city of the whole sky.

"Langxing Taoist, you go to the Southeast City, explore the unparalleled brother!"

"no problem!"

The sword is unparalleled with the alcine star, and then directly.

Shen Mu Wang also knows that he is more familiar with the alcine, deliberately divides them together.

The two people have a very fast, just a fragrant time, and they have come to the corner of the southeast urban area.

But this is already great.

Two people want to search and need a time.

This is not letting them fly away.

Instead, he carefully searched every corner.

"There is no double friends, point you!"

The sword nodded and said: "Good!"

Two people are separated.

Each of them is a meteor, enters the city.

At that moment, the sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled.

God is beating.

At the beginning, the big figure is definitely a powerful.

The light is in this place, it will make this place become an invaluable practice.

He looked at the material of the city and there was no special.

It is exactly because there is a breath left, which affects the city of the sky.


I am free to walk on the empty street, a breeze, blown up the dead leaves on the white stone floor, so like the world is general.

Those dead leaves should be left behind.

He absorbs the power, which is the atmosphere that is left.

No wonder is so powerful.

If you collect the vines all, I am afraid it is not weak.

Unfortunately, the vines have not been returned, and the book will be seriously injured by Red Jijiu Storm.

I am afraid it is faster.

Carefully search along the street.

"too slow!"

He still thinks something slow.

The differentiation of countless framed, flies from a small courtyard.

This is a leisurely walking on the empty street.

Free to enter any of the house, search all around.

There is still a lot of movable things.

For example, some tables and chairs, lights.

Even the door can be removed away.

But this is some embarrassment.


One of his furnished a place in a place, found that the hospital was clean, and there was no door.

The window is removed!

I really dare to do this!

Think of the proliferation.

He found a familiar atmosphere.

Near this place, he will follow the star.

Wild star will not work.

So only "Wu Li" coming in in advance!


The figure flashes.

After the breath, his book directly moved to Wu Li.

"The sword is unparalleled!" Wu Li found someone behind, it was shocked, and then he saw that the sword was unparalleled.

I saw a stool in the other hand, the sword was unparalleled and frowned: "Almost, which doesn't have any breath on the object, but there is no need to remove the door!"

"This is, you don't understand, if you have a simple absorption, you have to spend a few days, you can absorb the above breath, we have time, it is better to bring it, go out. Slowly absorb! "

Wu Li walked forward, took a pair of words, directly gave the sword, there was a unparalleled, comfortable: "Don't think about it, though the price is full, but you can intend to plan, you and my strength is almost The foundation is more than 100 million. After upgrading the power, however, you know what you know, the treasure spending is not to say, it is very big, it is very big, these things are not only don't want you to buy, There are more powerful skills, just draw, you absorb, minimize one hundred power, this place can find the same hundreds of hundreds, that is, 10,000 God, such a big sky city, how many you have Do you want to think? "


Wrinkled the brown sword unparalleled, and threw the word painting directly.

"Hey!" Wu Li is regarded as a treasure, and it is busy, I want to continue, but I have been interrupted by the sword.

"You will take yourself, don't worry about me, I am not looking for it here!"

He finished, and his body has disappeared.

Wu Li said it is right.

It is planned for future.

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