Sword Master of All Dao

How can I forget in Chapter 5936!

Danbao and Wu Li also flew over, seeing the heavy swords of expressions, nor well opened.

"I really don't want to go with me?"

"Can't, the big company has long been gone, and the temple is not a good time, but some are sorry for the true spirit!" Zhenwuyang shook his head smile.

The sword is unparalleled, and he is not strange to Wuyang.

If it is him, it may be lost in the end of the end of the end.

But he doesn't understand, what is good in this genus.

Even if you have no more than something to the Dizhen Temple, it is better to leave this place, go to the ancient times, continue to practice.

Why should you waste time between Dynasties.

"The True Dynasty!" The sword did not double turned to the real Wuyang opening: "No matter what, I will take you, what needs, despite the opening!"

He is not willing to give up here, maybe solve the trouble of the true Wu Dynasty, you can make true Wuyang.

The big company is gone.

But the feelings are still!

He couldn't forget, and he almost became the real-name son-in-law of true Wuyang.

And the other party also helped him.

Even the opening of the temple, also has a big relationship with Zhenwuyang.

If it is not the real Wuyang punish him to go to the big, it will not open the temple.

At the beginning, all are all on the eyes.

How can I forget?

"No, talk about you, how can I come here!"

Zhenwu Yang didn't know how strong the sword was unparalleled. Now they are facing a few countries, and he can't pull the sword and come in.

He all gave up the identity of the once, and he didn't reason and let the sword were unparalleled.

"I am coming here, because of him!" The sword did not double turned to Denbao, the opening introduction: "The two people are my friends, Danbao also has Wu Li!"

I heard the introduction you, I'm very politely nod.

Wu Li's heart is more doubtful, and there is a unparalleled identity.

However, in the Wanliu god domain, he also knows that the sword is unparalleled from different time and space, which is not the practitioner of ancient times.

Maybe there is more than one person came!

After the first time, it is a bit embarrassing: "You also saw it, this time is special, it is no way to entertain you!"

"This is simple!" The sword is unparalleled without saying: "Tell me the information from Nan Yunguo, I will solve it!"

After hearing, I just want to refuse, the true martial arts on the side immediately stood out, smiring: "Thank you, Tao friends, is dissatisfied with friends, this Nanyun State dispatched a number of seven robbers to attack me. Dynasty, or because of the sudden coming sudden, the big emperor will inherit the throne! "


"give it to me!"

The sword is unparalleled, and looks up at the distance.

The strong people of Nan Yunguo have arrived.

Wu Li saw the shape, whispered: "Warrior brother, do you want me to help!"

Now that they are three people, Danbao's life is exhausted, still slowly recover, there is no combat effectiveness.

At this time, naturally, we must also expressed.

"Don't need it, you can be around Danbao!" The sword is unparalleled, it will rise up.

Go toward the army of Nan Yunko.

The true struggle saw that the sword was so decisive, the heart is big, and even the sound of the sound of Wuyang Road: "The big emperor, this is what you have gone, what you know, what?"

When the real Wuyang became the Lord of the universe, he left the true Wu Dynasty almost hundreds of millions of era.

But the strength and potential have been stimulated, and it is a big emperor, and it is already a prince.

In this dynasty, no one has opinion.

The opening of the Zhenwu Dynasty was only a half-step eight puff, and the strong strongest was limited.

Among the consecutive generations, a five-knocked universe is already very good.

In fact, it is almost similar to the country.

It's just a comprehensive strength, and it is too much to be more than the country.

The whole of the true Wu Dynasty, with a number of hundreds of puffas, the strong people of six robbery are more than one hundred.

But the power of the true weapon, but there is less poor.

So the Lord of the universe of this five knocked border in Wuyang will be reused.

Nowadays I have met a mysterious seven-robbery, and I have a big job.

Look at the sword unparalleled back.

Especially the amazing wings.

This time, he absolutely blocks the power of Nan Yunguo.

As long as you block Nan Yunguo, the other four battlefields, they can also breathe.

This time, I was besieged, the threatened one was to be here.


The top three of the Zhenwu Dynasty ranked top three.

Sitted in the town.

And Nan Yunko, just sent two ordinary seven-hijacking, obviously did not dare to hard.

But after hearing a mysterious power is coming.

Nan Yunguo, I didn't dare to turn, and I immediately dispatched.

This time I attacked the Victims Dynasty, came to the five seven-bit robbery.

All now.

Two ordinary seven robbers.

Two seven-bit hijacked top, and a seven-robbery peak strong.

This lineup is really good.

Can be crushed the current Zhenwu University.

Zhen Wuhou has also followed it, how he said is also the top of the seven-robbery.

"Which one has a unicorn, it is the nine swords of the Nan Yunguo God, and the remaining is not enough, I can stop alone!"

"Several seven hobbies, you don't have to intervene, you will be optimistic!"

The sword is unparalleled.

As far as these people, he does not need to show super ancient times, robbing the body, has two million power, dealing with these seven-robbery, not to come to the hand.

The strong people from Nan Yunguo saw that the sword was unparalleled, and the scorpion turned.

"It is him, and the Prince of the Zhenwu Dynasty seems to be a friend, it should be coming!"

"His power is only 15 million, and it is not so strong!"

After the Nine Swords, the nine short swords were suspended, and the breath was fierce, and he looked at the sword.

Although it is not afraid, the other party is not a true Wu Dynasty, can you still don't have a good one, and immediately shouted towards the sword: "If you retreat now, my Nan Yunguo is not too!"

"This sentence is the same for you!"

The sword is unparalleled, and this sentence is given to each other.

"What do you mean?"

"Of course it means!"

The other party is afraid of him, he is not afraid of the other party.

The voice just fell, and the power suddenly broke out, the robbing has emerged, and the Shen Li has spread directly to two million. When I rushed to the Nan Yun National Army.

Since choosing to help Zhen Wuyang solve the dispute of the Dynasty, then resolved one time.

Anyway, I can't become a god of life. He is also free, the killing desire to rise in the bones, ignore those emperors, and shock the big array of countless emperors.

After the Jiujian Zun is reacted, it is very angry.

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