Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5938 Those years!

When he doesn't want to go back, you have to be alone.

"You stop our Nan Yunguo, but you can't stop the immortal temple!"

Although the ninejuts respect, although the mouth is hard, it can still have a vow.

He did not believe in swords and dared to fight against the immortal temple, and to fight against this rule.

The sword is unparalleled to be an enemy with the immortal temple. He just wants to persuade the true Wuyang to go with himself.

That will come to the immortal people to come to find him trouble.

After leaving the Nan Yun National Army, the Trumpet Dynasty's army was very excited and won without war.

This is actually a win-win situation.

For those weakers.

"Let's go, go to your site, let me see how you mix these years!"

"Please!" Zhen Wuyang waved.

A huge palace falls from the sky.

"Emperor, you took the army, to support the father, I want to accompany the guest!"

"No problem, behind the things, just give it to me!"

The true struggle followed: "If the senior is really eight hobbies ......."

"Emperor uncle, I have an inset!" Zhen Wuyang knows what to say.

If the sword is unparalleled, it will lead to the immortal temple.

At that time, the sword is unparalleled, and it will involve them without cooperation.

Seeing the other party clearly, the true martial arts is not more.

This time I lost more than the sword, there was no double shot, and the strong people in Nanyunko were shocked.

In this way, he took the army to support other battlefields and can slow down with the Zhenwu Dynasty.

Zhenwu Yang turned his head and looked at the battlefield, with the escort, and entered the palace.

The palace is a flying universe to treasure.

The speed is extremely fast.

It takes only one day, you can reach the king of the Zhenwu Dynasty.

After entering the temple, the sword is unparalleled.

After a while, Zhen Wuyang also came in.

"Unparalleled, this time, thank you!" True Wuyang is very polite, even when he is unparalleled, the eyes are more respectful.

This is a respect for the power.

The sword has no double performance, has arrived at the threshold of the eight robbery.

Even if you are familiar with him, you will also respect each other.

Of course, in addition to Wu Li.

What's more, I haven't seen it for a long time.

It is more than 10,000 years for the sword.

However, it is a numerous era.

The time and space of this place is different from the outside, and even different from the upper class.

More like two extremes.

Almost the outside world is almost a era.

It can be in the world of Tianzhu, waiting for an era, the outside world is only a day.

Belong to two extremes.

"Don't be so polite, just solve it!" The sword was unparalleled, this kind of thing, it is too simple to say to him.

Really in Wuyang to pick tea, after the three people fall, say: "These years, in fact, I found you many times, and even I thought you were falling!"

"Some, I didn't find your trail in the outside world. I have been cultivating!" The sword didn't swear shook his head, added: "The outside time is slower than here, in fact, we leave the temple, but Wannie time! "

"Wan Youtun!" Zhenwuyang took a breath.

He is not surprising that the time is slow.

Instead, the sword is not too doubled, from an emperor, it is directly comparable to the strong border.

Say it, I am afraid no one will believe.

Wu Li has always followed the sword and unparalleled, and he has not felt that his strength is in the end of the year, and there is no change, it does not change.

It is said that it is a hundred years of time, there is a change in the earth.

Since I encountered Dan Bao, the speed of the two increased was more than one.

The "Gulu" of the Frozen Devils

Only millions of power.

Let them feel unprecedented pressure.

Nowadays, the shake is changed, and it can be randomly crushed.

Even if they think they think, they don't dare to think.

The sword is unparalleled to see the other party curious, and there will be more things happened in the way.

There is no too much concealment because it is nothing to conceal.

Barbi, or the things of Wanliu universe, can now be said that people are well known.

Zhen Wuyang listened to the god, he thought that his world was big enough, did not expect the outside world to be wonderful than it.

For a time, there is really a yearning for color.

The sword is unparalleled, "In fact, it is just a beginning. The outside world is our journey. As for the god hall, I have already capable of solving, I will have a good temple, I will return to the temple. It is better to go back together, there is a companion! "

"go back!"

The true Wuyang eyes flashed a light, slowly shook his head: "The sword is unparalleled, telling the truth, I have always feel that I have been in the same thing, like a dream, I am afraid I really regard the previous things as a dream. ! "

The other party's insistence, let the sword are unparalleled.

"The True Dynasty, is there anything that can't be put?"

He thought of the predicament of the true Wu Dynasty, is because of which Zhenwu Emperor has reached the limit.

In fact, this is also simple to help him and can help each other recover.


This time I really stood directly.

They have restricted the country of the True Dynasty.

Within the main hall, you can see the whole of the kingdom.

Wangcheng's positive center, as well as the statue of this true Wu Emperor.

When you see the statue, the sword is unhealthy.

"Noise, Wuyang will feel that everything that once is a dream. At the beginning, the true military inheritance, I am afraid it is from this place!"

He thought, the main hall has slowly fall into the ground.

"Go, go to our house!"

After the Wang Tuo, the whole people of the true Wuyang are like a change, very affinity.

There is no descending of the emperor in the big dirty.

There is no feeling of high high.

Instead, it is like a temperament of ordinary people.

These changes, the sword is unparalleled in the eyes.

When I came to Wangfu, I didn't have a guard guard, waiting for them to go to the door, the chic gate quietly opened.

I haven't entered the house, and the sword is unparalleled. I heard the child's play.

Zhenwuyang heard these voices, turned to see a sword and a soft, smirk: "It should be my Sun Chier!"



True Wuyang's time in the world, more than 100 million years.

I am afraid that the descendants don't know how many generations have been reproduced.

But when he entered the house, he saw the children, but stunned.

Those children's blood is extremely rich.

Almost all have a blood of 70% in Wuyang.

If it is in the outside, or the original universe, this cannot be done.

Seeing the eyes of the sword, there is a unparalleled look: "I was very surprised. Later, I learned that the Lord of the universe wanted to have a very difficult thing, but once there was a child, the blood pulse will be more Powerful, just these little guys, just born is immortal, which is the Deman we think! "

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