Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5946, the nine hobbies are not equal to eternal

However, there is no such thing as a chance, he is impossible to change so powerful.

Everything is fair.

The sword is unparalleled without a complaint.

Under the leadership of the South Shengwang, they once again met the three gods.

This time, they will follow the southern Sanquan, take the song to the universe to find metal life.

Put it before, the three gods will not do this.

However, after I know the cause of the source of life, it is more anxious.

There will be no feeling, but the more you are more like.

Because I am worried!

I don't appear when I am worried about the treasures such as life.

When they arrive, they can fall.

Immortal Temple, is immortal.

Without the power of life, immortality became a joke.

It is difficult to protect itself.

So they will be anxious.

Although the owner of the universe of the eight knocked, although it is not anxious, there is also a sadness of the rabbit death fox.

One day in the morning and evening, it will step into the dust.

No one dares to step into the nine hobbies.

I don't know why, the nine hobbies are like a shackle, which is firmly controlled by the owner of the universe.

Never pass over.

North Time and Space, nine core time and space long river.

There is only three super power that exist.

But these three, but said by Vissen.

It can be seen!

These three ancient existence, I am afraid it is not a strong force, but because some reason has been eternal existence.

It is really capable of showing, and the strong people who have shown the power of the nine knocked power have not appeared.

There may be other time and space, or there is this existence in the stars.

But north time and space should not.

This may have some relationship with the law.


The goal of the three gods is actually not nine robbery.

Instead, it breaks the law.

Ultra-horizontal time and space.

Casting is eternal.

The premise that I want to do this is the power of life.

And the operation of the immortal temple.

Singlely cultivation, it is basically a white fee.

The sword is unparalleled. They don't understand this. I naturally don't understand, but still thinking that these three gods are just simple to save.

Talking with the three gods.

So as always, there is no substantial information leakage.

It is mainly worried that the sword is unparalleled.

Some good words have been said.

For the swords, these words are not used, and he left the ear.

Finally, I got my own faith, I left the southern San Fay.

Out of the immortal temple.

It is the entrance of the Cosmic Sea.

The reason why didn't move, in fact, the power of life could not be wasted again, and the entrance to the universe is also very good.

Several teams, rushing to the cosmic sea search for metal life.

You can find some treasures in the way.

For example, this new discovery is the secret.

It is a big discovery.

That secrets floated from the depth of the universe, just found that people were found in the song, naturally they took people.

And now people are still not enough.

This allows the sword to be unparalleled.

Of course, it is not just because of this.

Recall the words of the three gods.

Especially the eyes of Denba, you can also see that there is doubt in your eyes.

Because they look at Danbao.

I feel that Dan Bao is very special.

So will let the sword have no doubles, try it.

Maybe you can find the metal life.

This time, as long as you find it, transfer the location to the three gods, the immortal temple will come instantly.

Regardless of any place in the cosmic sea, the immortal temple can be reached in an instant to have enough life.

After this guarantee, the sword is unparalleled and others.

As long as you are responsible for going, you will find that the three gods will be notified, and they don't need them.

Even the sword is unparalleled. When I got three gods and metal life, they can also take the opportunity to escape.

This is the best plan.

Unfortunately, every time it is better, it is difficult to show it.


The Nan Sheng Fei Wang stands before the entrance of the cosmic sea, and the hands are printed, and it is unknown secret law.

The entrance of the cosmic sea was blocked.

"This is........"

The sword is unparalleled, watching the entrance of ordinary communication, after the printing, there is a wave of waves.

Then I felt the turbulence from it.

The southern San Fawang said: "How, didn't I feel the power of the universe?"

"It's just a printed of the King, it is actually the key of this entrance, I will wait for the silly entry, I am afraid it will be stopped!"

The sword is unparalleled naturally not to say things about the sea, which is from heterod with you.

Just then, he was really scared.

The violent power continues to blow from the entrance.

"Is the whole cosmic sea, all like this?" The sword was unfolded and surprised, the eyes were flashing, and the eyes were shocked.

After Wu Li, Wu Lihou, even more eyes, and afraid that others can't see them, they have never been the universe.

The sword didn't help but cough, reminded the other party.

Don't be shame.

They don't know anything.

Fortunately, Dan Bao is enough calm.

And the south of the saints, although there is no double conversation with the sword, but the eyes are watching Denbao.

After the entrance of the universe is opened, it hasn't been out of time, and there is a number of eight hobbies in the entrance.

These eight robbery are all scattered.

Turn once every 100 million years.

The Lord of the remaining eight knocked the universe is followed by the song of the song. The bulkity of these eight knobs, and the vitality is less, and the metal life is still still.

Fighting even.

The cosmic sea is Shen Li.

Flying above, it will consume a lot of power, and it is no more than fighting.

These beats, every hundreds of years will come back to cultivate once, or the vital consumption is too big, I am afraid I will sleep directly.

Older years of the outside world, inside the universe, it is a time of the era, so it is necessary to rotate.

In order to find the three gods of metal life, the immortal temple, the Lord of the seven-robbery universe convened a large group and went to the seafront of the universe.

Just these people's mental power, very weak comparison is too weak.

Slee-dead camel is big.

Although there is no source, the mental strength is still there.

An eight hobbies can top one group of seven-robes.

But the sword is unparalleled, his mental strength is better than that of the eight-hidden universe.

This is also the three gods, indicating the reason why he is going.

There is also Danbao.

Since he became a candidate for the god of life, it refines the treasure, and the mental power is a big horror.

He felt the power, Danbao can feel it.

"Nan Sheng, give you!"

After returning to the eight-minded strong, hit a greeting, read the sword unparalleled and others, and turned into the immortal temple.

Nan Shengjing said: "The sword is unparalleled, we will go too!"

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