Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5961, breaking the boat

The space is also condensed.

Time isolated.

Jedi Tiantong!

The big array has fallen.

This time I really can't run again.

Barbi broke all the people, with himself.

No more unexpected.

The metal life in the silver pyramid saw that Babi is so unhappy, it is also a glimpse.


He is from the south time and space. .

In other people's view, he is the biggest threat of Wanliu.

It is terrorist.

But in the South Time and Space, he is like a dog who is funeral.

Snoving to the Wanliu Shenmu, is to become strong, then blood is shameful.

Returning to the South Time and Space.

It is also the case now I have seen Babi.

Suddenly there is a touch of touch.

It seems that they are all incomparable, and they are extremely arrogant.


They are spelling.

Has all incident.

The same is the same as Babi.

Although he comes from the stars, his origin is extremely bleak.

It is a pet.

Slave being slavered.

In particular, it is a slavery.

That kind of torture, I have long gave him crazy.

If you don't want God.

He must stand in the peak and worse the shame of the past.


Barbi has an endless anger, one finger, and the nine is too strong, stepped out.

After the Dan Bao figure retired to the core of the temple, raised his hand to shake the entire immortal temple, and the same angry: "destroy!"

All lives on the immortal temple, all dispatched.

It is more than 100.

Shen Mu Wang and Dahe have also shot together at this time.

I was surrounded by nine.

As for the sword, unparalleled, etc., can only look at it.

The battle is started.

Red Jiuyi Battle Hundreds of Bench.

It also has the strongest four digits.

Ginger is a three-person, as well as Shenmao.

The huge Moshimo vine is coming, surrounded by the nine.

Four party cloud.

The battle of the cave is in the space space, which has created countless black holes.

Each is an entrance.

Everyone slammed breathing, this battle was extremely fierce.

More than the scale of the ancient times.

Hundreds of fighting.

Don't say that the ancient times is time, it is rare to see the entire North Time and Space.

That is, some unique secrets will lead to 100 pornstacks.

Key these strong people are also from all parties.

Not a long-term long river.

Where is it like them now.

Hundreds of eight robbery top battles.

Among them, there is an eight robbery limit.

Red Jiuyi is also comparable to the power of the nine knocked.

Direct out of 20 million.

The hit can be able to re-create the peak of the eight porn.

The ninety-nine-nine rumors of the immortal temple, integrated the big array, the integrity, and the strength of the outstanding efforts arrived for half a step.

The three gods show the peak of the peak.

"Three gas is one!"

Leading with ginger.

Similarly, it is half a step.

The top ten gods will be headed by the song, and it also begins to fuse.

Their integration is used as a singular treasure.

The sword has never seen it.

Handsome, will, soldiers.

The handsome is the "Jiang Taixue" after returning.

Will be the song "Luoyang" after the first blend

The soldiers are the "Nantian" that is blended in the South Shengwang

Three gods, each broke out for half a step-seeking.

From the perspective, turn back the advantage.

It is also the first time to suppress Red Jiuyi.

The big monk is still a bit confusing with Shenmu Wang for a while, and he can't keep up with the rhythm. He has to assist next to it.

Everyone in the immortal temple, but the eyes of the eyes, excited: "This time won, no wonder the Danbao will so calm, it has long been a countermeasure."

"Not so simple!" The sword rushed to rush, and he was equally solely a lot of life, and found a green swelling around the immortal temple.

That is the field of immortal temple.

In this field, as long as the red kill ginger is too empty, then they will not be fallen by Denbao immediately after the injury.

It is simply not dead.

Half-step the battle of nine hobbies.

These three ultimate lives makers, almost invincible.

It is also possible to die.

It can be broken unless it is a true nine robbery.

But now the most powerful thing is Red Jiu, but it is comparable to the nine hobbies.

They really have to win this time.

"Everything is over!" The joy of the sword unparalleled.

The rest is the same.

After spelling it for so long, I finally saw hope.

Danbao continues to grow, constantly become stronger.

Defeat the nine, there is a Babi, like air.

There is no threat.

Finally, it is a metal life.

With the immortal temple, they can suppress the other party.

Everything is moving towards good direction.

At this time, the Babi is panicked.

The potential of Red Jijiu is developing to the ultimate.

I have no hope of rising.

If you can't win.

He really did not have a card available.

"How can I get this!" Babi frowned, and it was incredible in the eyes.

His panic, let the soul of the soul look at the eyes.

Even Babi is panicked.

It is now the moment of life and death.

Silver pyramid.

The internal structure is extremely complex, and countless fine particles are in regular operation, looking away, countless metal particles, manipulating the entire pyramid.

At the heart of the pyramid.

Have a half a figure, the ferrite is black, the surface is smooth, and the arms have a chest, and there is a head.

It is just a clear five senses as ordinary people.

This black figure, only a hot eye on the face.

At the bottom of the figure, you gathered an endless power of sea.

Countless metal particles, is using the power of seawater to create this black.

The awareness of metal life is present in the eyes of black.


In the hot eye hole, a miniature is from it.

"So strong life, is controlled by a waste, it is a pity!" Mini is a metal life from the south time.

There is also a photocopy in his head, that is his real consciousness, even miniature , it is the avatar he created.

His strength is actually very weak.

Some similar to Babi.

Just he can create extremely powerful.

Life, the power.

There are two things, he is invincible.

Birth countless metal warrior.

And powerful metal .

He is the most taken.

The black metal in the eyes is his peak.

Half of it is now completed.

And just the body.

Unless the entire power of the ocean is used as the soda, as well as the source of life as the source of the source, it can reach the peak.

At that time, he had the truly nine robbery.

It will also be manipulated by him, returning to the largest capital in the South time.

In the eyes, he can't see hope.

Chijiu is so late.

When I arrived at him.

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