Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5992 Big That

Once you can carry the nine hobility life.

The northern time and space will also reach the peak state.

It can be continuously born in nine hobbies.

The rest of the three major time and space is this.

The northern time and space is the bottom.

It is also no wonder that the West will stink the North Royal King.

Now Tiandang is the same as the bulk, it is waiting for Danbao to create secret law.

Their current state is not an eight knocked, nor a nine knocked. .

Accurately, it is seal your own origin, and the power can also increase, but the source cannot improve.

Then increase the ninth robbery, the current state of the north of time and space, even if the robbery is also falling.

It has been cultivated for such a long time, and the three ancient times exists. For the robbery, I have been preparing for the robbery, and there is absolute confidence to rob the robbery, just can't take it.

Only seal your own home, stagnating the cultivation of this source.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is also very curious.

Curious why can suppress the ninth robbery for so long.

If you can press the time to suppress a ferry, then there will be no bulk in the eight hobbies.

In the end, it will come to the ancient times.

Later, the explanation is still related to the world's mainland.

Not only is the boundaries of the world, and the help of the king, cultivating a strange secret law, can be able to reach ancient state.

After this explanation, the sword is unparalleled.

At the same time, I also sigh the misery of the rest of the bassing.

Write with ruthless.

The front servant succeeded, and finally became a bulk.

No wonder three ancient times exist, there is no other realm.

Just let those eight robbery, go to speculate, but finally lost their lives.

Now I am fine, there is a god of life, there is hope, and there is hope.

This era is really the best era.

The sword is unparalleled!

As the opening of this time and space, he also has a very excited.

I hope to see a different color world.

Your own strength has touched the world's dome, if there is no more powerful existence, it is really borus.

Although there is a strong body of the world.

But it is almost changed a world.

Essentially improved.

Unconsciously, I walked up.

The sword is unparalleled to felt the heart to fall.

The existence of the life, maybe still a good thing, let him have endless motivation.

The banquet is over, everyone is scattered.

The problem of Tiancang's old man prepares materials, and the sword is unparalleled by the moon.

They are not just here to visit so simple.

In the sky, there is still one person, waiting for them to find.

And you need to buy some treasures.

The thing to buy treasures is ready to give it to Wu Zhi.

But this time I repair the pyramid, I know the difficulty behind it.

The sword is unparalleled and has taken out the source of life, and gives it to the moon, let the other party help the purchase treasure.

Even if life is compensated.

The moon is very unlocked, it is very trying to go, not to help buy treasures, but not dare to have these life.

He is now a good idea, especially in front of the sword.

"Unlimited Trunks, you will accept it, this life, how much is it for me, not anything!" The sword was unparalleled.

But is still big.

The moon is very careful, first, please ask the old ancestors, and finally I received it.

So much life, he is also very moved, although you don't need it, you can take it out to change your life!

Born in the sky.

And is the strong in the top, or the best generation of Tianjiao.

It's not a treasure, but a heart.

He needs the support of the family's strong people, such as the two eight knocked brainy.

With these people's support, he can get the boundaries.

After getting the power of life, the month has no greatness and more diligent, while introducing some of the singular treasures of Tiangang Palace, one side told Tiangangguang's strong, to collect the treasures of swords in the sword.

After watching the list, he couldn't help but hurt.

There is too much treasure that needs to be purchased, and Tiangang is not full.

Need to go to other time and space.

Just repair the pyramid also takes a few years.

But not delay.

It is a few years, this is still a million times time acceleration of Tiantong's old man.

Repair a mechanical for a nine-knocked level, it is not that simple.

Although it is only fixed to a 70% power, it also takes a lot of time.

And some materials are not in the old man, he still needs to find two ancient times.

At the banquet, he didn't say a big bit, and he couldn't get the boundaries.

Play with an old fox who lived countless years, the sword is still a little tender.

But this is nothing.

Just some little smart.

The sword is unparalleled to take out the boundary of the god, and we also have a fortune.

Asking is a heartbeat.

For the old man, there is no complaint.

It is very grateful to each other.

It is worth repairing that all the pyramids are worth it.

After reading the power of the pyramid.

He has more recognized his own ideas.

There is no problem at all.

Repair 70%, as long as the pyramid can also emit the kind of red light column, he has an absolute focal return to the temple.

The power of Nine hobbies, he does not believe in life.

Downstream is not upstream.

According to Vis and Kings, the time and space in the original universe is found, and it will not play a peak strength.

It is good to have an octacoological peak.

Otherwise, he has not even greatness.

Prepare everything wholehearted.

Warm Palace!

Tiangang Gao Palace.

It is also a downtown.

It is used to discuss.

In order to give the sword unparalleled and equal people, the month has no poles to hold the challenge in Tiantang Palace in advance.

That is to incentive to motivate the internal members of the internal team, the contest is held.

"Are the Lord of the universe?" The sword is unparalleled, sitting at the top of the watchtock, all over the world, and most of the watchs have been packaged by them.

No outsiders are disturbed.

But at this time, there were more than two eight puffs.

The Lord of the Badbera Cosmic Universe in Tiangang Palace is outside.

Not in Tiantang.

Even if there is, the moon is no longer allowed to come.

This opportunity for this performance, gave each other, you can do anything.

Since Tiandang got a sword unparalleled boundary, the moon did not look like a competitor.

So this time this time is held.

They are all disciples below Qi.

In order to improve the effect of watching, naturally, it will not get some scattered shackles.

Therefore, all are the owners of the universe.

Thousands of people in foot.

The sword is unparalleled.

The Lord of the Thousands of Heel Beacon Universe.

This is still his first time I see so many universers.

Tiangang Palace does not loss is with the power of Tianxong.

The bottom is really powerful.

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