The Lord of Light, "Hosiotive?"

He thought of thinking, and I couldn't think of anyone.

The things of the Temple, he buried in the bottom, and he didn't think about this.

After returning to the ancient times, he went to the treasure yellow sky in nine days.

After a seven-star Zongmen became a pro-disciple, after the Lord of the Universe, in a secret, accidents were sent to Tian Cang Yongyi.

However, after entering Tian Cang, he first arrived in a secret, after an ancient inheritance, he entered the Tiangang.

With a strong inheritance, plus the cultivation of Tiangang, cultivating millions of era, and broke through the Lord of the Six-hearted universe.

This is coming, he has not had a friendly friend.

I have always put the ancient times and the sky, and then as my own tempered stone. .

Never had emotion.

I have heard the words of the words and let his heart move.

But I don't dare to think.

Because he took the initiative to find a few people come together.

But there is no news.

Therefore, he feels that his man is not as well as false.

Or, all the original, is another dream of Huang?

The sword is unparalleled to see the other party's doubts. In fact, everyone will do this.

In addition to himself.

It is not because of how rugged his heart.

Instead, he is in Wanliu Shen, the time is slow, and the flow rate of the outside world is too fast.

Leading him has passed a few era, the outside world has passed millions of era.

Those of the people were all arranged by the kings, he didn't come out, these people won't meet.

So this time, there will be such a big doubt.

Variety in your heart!

Hooked a memories.

And the young faces, the oath standing in front of the god tombstone, it became a lie.

"Who are you?" The Lord of Light, did not dare to think, wrinkled with a brow, returned to the sword and unparalleled, and his eyes did not believe in the eyes.

The sword is unparalleled and smiled.


He pulls directly.

Ten thousand rumored swords and light blue light pull from the sword.

This action is his sign.

At the beginning, the cloud sword was also pulled out, and the avatar of the sank of life.

The Lord of Lights is seen.

After seeing this action now, there is a little trip.

The people in front of me are really human.

This also makes the Lord of the light and shadow have some peace of mind, but he has not retired again, and there is a few dark shadows.

The sword is unparalleled, and the two will shoot at the same time.

Since it is the old man, it will inspect each other's strength growth.

The Lord of Light, which can be one of the tops of the talents.

Even at some point, force the sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing.

In addition to the merchants in the tomb mountain, it is the first inheritor.

Now I have entered the ancient month time and space, although it is also the Lord of the six-knocked universe.

But the comprehensive strength is indeed stronger than Dongsheng and more.

Three shadows furnished, instantly dispatched.

Each of the fellowships is controlled by 12 million.

It is not much different from this respect.

And these fellow gods are not very strange.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is only one hundred and 500,000, but it is not going to deal with these shadows.

The figure flashes, the digital stream is highlighted.

A sword three, passing through three shadows.

Finally rushed to the Lord of Lights and Youth.

"Sure enough!" The Lord of the light and shadow does not mean that the original sword is unparalleled or the sword is unparalleled.

Still so powerful.

However, he has no white mixed years.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will be a thousand blue light shadow.

The power is the top peak.

There is a $ 1500,000 power.

Directly punctured the Lord of Lights.

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled, looked at the pierced, the brow, and quickly turned to the back.

The Lord of the Light and Ying Yue once again agglomerated, but on the surrounding platform, it was more than a hundred shadows.

Every shadow of each shadow has built to 1330,000.

This scene made a lot of people in the scene.

They have seen the top ten of the Lord of Light and Ying.

Moreover, the beauty of the shadow is also about 12 million.

This kind of power is the peak power of most of the Lord of the Six-Bombia Universe.

The Lord of Light and Ying can do this, which is already the peak in the Lord of the Hexagged Universe.

This is still not considered.

The same size, no one can try out the power of the Lord of the Shadow.

"I didn't expect that the Light Shadow was also concealed with their strength!" Some Tianjiao on the rest of the platform have been opposite.

Stunning the strength of the Lord of Lights.

At the same time, it is more curious and unparalleled.

They can feel the realm of swords and unparalleled, and they are also the Lord.

It is actually able to make a flat hand with the Lord of Lights.

Everyone on the watchtock is really very light.

Especially the Wu Zhi, who knows the sword, unparalleled real strength.

Don't say that it is a 300,000 shadow, even this shadow, the sword is unparalleled.

The month of standing on the side is the strength of the Lord of Surprised Gran, I didn't expect such a character in his .

Such strength, plus talent and potential, the future of the seven-robbery universe!

At the same time, I also understand that there is no wonder that the sword is unparalleled.

A look at the turn.

Among the swords, there is a powerful U., can be comparable to the top of the eight robbery, and it is much better than him.

There is also Dongsheng follow-up, the power of the two bodies, all of which are more than 15 million, just one free, it is the top Tianjiao in the great power.

The Invincible Existence of the Lord of the Six Beacon Universe.

As for the sword, the unparalleled is not said, it is possible to do the existence of strength resistance.

It is a single existence in nine-day time and space.

It is just that the sword on the ring is not expressed.

At this time, it faces a hundred shadows, although there is no pressure, but it has not been shown to be too strong.

Instead, it is the Lord Try the Lights and Shadow.

"Light and shadow, take out your true skills, otherwise the battle will end!" The sword is unparalleled to step down the sword, and the sword is broken, and the digital light is directly shocked.

There are countless swords behind the shadows, and this wild shadow can be broken.

The secret law of the other party is very good, it is definitely the peak secret law.

However, it is not a lot of shadows.

At least a thousand shadings can be displayed.

And the shadow of the monomer will be more powerful.

The Light and Youth Head, the voice is low. "Hey, let you see, I have learned these years!"


The ground began to collapse, and the light and shadow became a ground.

The sky begins to distort.

"Wanjie robbery!"


Week and space began to sway.

Countless light shadow condenses in the air.

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