Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6011, Wu Z. ! !

I can find Huiqing together at the time.

Then bid farewell to the ancient times, say goodbye to the entire upstream time and space.

"White brother, don't have to be sent, let's come to the day!" The sword has no doubles with a day, and the tear of the void leaving the white pole.

It has been to the ancient times of ancient times, and there is no longer leave during the day.

Unlike Used, the whole nine big time and space, even the mainland of the world ran over.

! !

The two people have reached the void, and the sword has no doubles, and it is shocked.

"Is this?" There was a surprised day, he can feel the pyramid power, and the power is enough to suppress his life.

It is the Bao Bao, above the eight knobs.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is very proud. "This is the flying boat of the mechanical family. You can see it in the north time, your blessing!"


The pyramid is hovering in the top of the two, and the two will introduce the interior of the pyramid.

After entering, the sword is unparalleled, "Barba, transfer us to Qiankun Temple!"

"Yes, the owner!" The voice of the Babata sounded around, and then the two came to the so-called Qiankun Temple.

This is the central hall of the pyramid.

There is a rest, cultivation.

The sword is unparalleled, and the comfort of the coated futon is sitting down, raising his hand, saying: "If you don't have an urgent practice, just find a place to sit, what needs to be called Bababa to help you solve, everything can be solved!"

Say that I have died and drink it. .

In order to show the ability of the pyramid, he deliberately let Bababa report around the situation.

There is a huge sky with a few blocks in front of them, and there are all scenes of the outside world, and there is a lot of green dots flash.

Green dots are all the people of the universe.

If it is an enemy, it is a red dot.

Distance, and the road number can be marked.

Looking at this every day, I followed a country kid and entered the Huangcheng.

After a while, I found a place to sit down, then said: "Babaga!"

"At!" The figure of Bamata appeared in an instant, came to no day.

There is even feeling that the power of life in Bamata is deeply awkward, "" Copy the information of the ancient times of time! "

"No problem!" Babata said, starting to play a microfah, there is no effort to do it, and you will have a day. "It's on this, you can slow down, do you understand Call Bamata at any time! "

It is directly disappeared.

Take the sky, don't need to look, automatically display everything about the ancient moon time.

From opening up time and space, to today's era, all things are all recorded above.

"The sword is unparalleled, this Baba, are you still?" Obviously he is still a bit is very moved, even if the personality is more introverted, or I can't help ask, I want to get one.

This is too convenient!

Everyone will be as moving.

The sword has no double leaks a smile. The hijacked super strong man is grabbed! "

I heard it comparable to the nine hobbies. The eyes of the day were shaking, and I quickly disappeared this thought.

Start constantly looking at the information of the ancient times of the sky.

Time and space development, Tianwu era, nine days ten land, falsehood, most of them are a time period.

After reading these, there is no way to see the middle of the era, directly open the things happening nearly a million era.

Flame The gods fall!

This is a big thing, Fan Tianfeng also falls together, this is also recorded, because Fan Tianfeng's problem has led to the flame gods, naturally will be recorded.

In addition to this matter, it is the disappearance of the Umixi.

Then go to Wanliu Shenwood.

Until the Wanliu Shenmu disappeared, then to the relic of the ancient moon disappeared.

The ancient month time and space, the most dangerous three secrets, all disappeared.

They have a great relationship with ten people.

Wanliu disappears with swords without double, the relationship is not small.

Although the ancient moon, although it is a celestial meaning, there is also the existence of Hui Qing.

The Ufar is not to say, it is prepared for Wu Zhi, Wu Zhi left, the king will take it away.

These three secrets, except for the , is not the secret of the birth of ancient times.

The Ufar is a king of king.

Wanliu Shenmu, is Timis moved from the Star Space.

This is gone.

After understanding the modern changes in the ancient times, there is no more surprising sword who is unparalleled.

Witness and even helped a god of life.

The sword is unparalleled in the eyes of the sky, drinking wine, does not speak, and holds a master.


"Master, Wu Z. help!"

The Babata flew now, and his face was anxious.

After entering the pyramid, the sword is unparalleled, the token is managed by Bamata.

After listening to Wu Zuo rescue, I finished drinking the wine in the cup, and said: "Coordinate, time, opponent!"

A series of orders are reached.

Bamata quickly made a reply, "The land outside the ancient times, probably takes half a year to arrive, the opponent is a top-stricken strong person, currently to Wu Zuo, etc., it is not a threat, but someone Have been taken away! "

"Well?" The sword couldn't sleep, immediately stood up, "Who is being taken away?"

"Night Ling Wei!"

After listening to the name, the sword is unparalleled.

But Night Ling is taken away, this is really not his accident, but he didn't expect to be so fast.

"Help me contact Wu Zhuo!" The sword was sinking.

At this time, I dare to sin him with Wu Zuo, or the desperate, or hidden guys in the dark corner.

Not afraid of their background, not afraid of his strength.

The top of the eight-knocked strong, according to the truth, Wu Zuo should be able to stand.

This is taken away by the other person, which can only say that the other's power is estimated to be more than 8 million, and has arrived at the peak level.

Just Wu Zuo Zhi did not find out.

And only snatched the night, that is, it is, or some scruples on their background and strength.

Barba Tower is helping the sword without both true and time.

There is a face of Wu Zuo directly on the sky.

"Wu Zhuang brother, are you nothing?" The sword was unparalleled to care about several security issues.

After seeing the nature of everyone through the sky, it was relieved.

Wu Zuo, but he was embarrassed: "Warrior brother, you will pick us up, the man has not fled, you have come over, catch up with that, I must let him regret!"

Didn't eat Wu Zuo, the sky is not afraid, this time, not only is it hit, but also snatched himself.

Will you give it.

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