Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6013 and go to the daughter country

Strong and other daughters, find him.

Sure enough, there is a team of daughter's national strength to come in the moment.

"Is you?" The coming is also familiar, it is the country where the sword is unparalleled and Jin Chen.

The Lord of the Hexack Universe.

The strength is extremely strong.

Failee in the infinite world, the Emperor Feng Chen.

The sword is unparalleled, it is very low, it is light: "Suddenly, the harassment, please refer to the country, there is no side!"

"Come with me!" The female Wushen knows the sword unparalleled, and the original emperor is still the same as her, and it has become the Lord of the six-knocked universe, and I still have heard that the sword is unparalleled, naturally, I will not dare to neglect. . .

With the sword, there is no double change toward the father of the daughter.

The secret has naturally been reported to the daughter's country!

After entering the imperial city, he went straight to the main hall.

Looking up, I saw a familiar figure, the sword was unparalleled and paved in a sigh of relief, respecting the road: "The older sword is unparalleled, see Yunzhi State!"

"Well!" Yunzhi State leaks the same smile as the past, "I can feel that your power has exceeded me, you don't have to claim later, you will call me Yunzhi in the future!"

Although the sword is only leaking some basic skills, but the power contained in the power is extremely special, the Lord of the seven-robbery universe, in their own way, or can see the strength of the sword without double leakage, no margin.

Of course, if it is intentionally hidden, it is not possible to see it.

The sword is unparalleled, and the face is serious, "It is not, the country is a matter of me, there is no double should be held in the evening!"

"Hey!" Yunzhi's owner shook his head, seeing today's sense of swords and unparalleled, have not changed the initial heart, but unfortunately, the first person is not there, but also feels sorry for Jin Chen.

After sigh, Yunzhi slowly got up, and he went to the sword. "This time, there is something to do!"

"Well, there is an important thing to ask for the emperor ..... Emperor!" His hesitated, or shouted the respect of Feng Chen.

The main color of Yunzhou country is a bit surprised, and then it will miss the color.

After seeing this scene, the sword was unparalleled to explain: "The country is relieved, I am here, I have some things in the country, with Jin Chen .... I don't know!"

He is afraid that the other party will be wrong, and the reasons have been made.

Vietnam is destroyed, in fact, the time of the Holy Association, all the strong people in the ancient wood continent stare at the Holy Association, no one noticed.

Later, the Holy will end and opened Wanliu Shenmu.

The disappearance of Vietnami is even more insignificant.

And the ancient mouse is gone, and no one will take the tube.

Shi State himself can't hold himself, the old ancestors are still falling.

The flame god is gone.

Losing the town of Bayuo.

The latter is still successful, and has become the main situation of the seven-robbery universe, it has stabilized the situation.

However, stone country's status is big.

Or the existence of the entire grass sixteen countries is declining.

The present ancient wood mainland is the world of ancient mouse, and the rule is much stronger than ever.

Moreover, Shenmu Wang has come from Wanliu Shenmu, has changed a lot, opened the mountain gate, wide-gardens, and teaches uncomfortable, and whoever needs.

Now the comprehensive strength of the ancient mouse has surpassed a lot of eight-star.

In the ancient wood mainland, it is a unique. I used to bully the ancient muto to bully, but now I have a true heritage.

This is full of God's strength.

The whole ancient times, the top three are present.

Even the Lord of the Eight Beacove Universe is not his opponent.

Only when the ancient month, the Pope can press him with his own universe.

Zongmen is blooming.

The days of the Qingzi Sixth countries are not good.

Today's low strokes.

And the 16th National Kingdoms were destroyed.

The eternal country disappears because of the emergence of Babi.

The country is also slaughtered by mysterious power, and now only fourteen countries remain.

At the beginning, Vietnam Province was destroyed, in fact, many people know, but there is no time to take care.

Only the Yunzhi State of Yunzhi, who personally, personally went to see it, and saw the truth of Vietnami!

Now he heard the sword is unparalleled to ask the country's things, she is still a little surprised.

Both people will mean.

"Do you want to know how the Vietnam is overhavented?" Yunzhi State is slowly stepped to go to the face of swords.

The sword is unparalleled, I didn't expect it to receive the goods, and I asked with myself: "Ask the country to see!"

"The Vietnam of the year ..." There was a recollection in the eyes of Yunzhi State, and thought of the scene that I saw in V. Since the seventh year, Viet Guo's practitioners began to be massacre, and no one was noticed until all the family families were destroyed. Here, there were a practitioner to escape the Vietnamese, and the Vietnamese Kings had a scorpion. I gave me this thing before falling, but I was closed at that time! "

The time after the Holy Association opened, Yunzhi State Breakthrough in the seven-robbery, did not have a long time, nor did it go out, just in the daughter's country.

I haven't seen it for the outside world.

When the departure, the harmonic practitioners in Vietnam are all overwhelmed and become a dead place.

The strong people of Vietnami have gone, and the surrounding power begins to return to the test, and after discovering there is no threat, it will be occupied by the original Vietaki.

I have passed a few million era since the past, I have no original appearance.

The sword is unparalleled, "Monk is gone along with the mortal,"

"Yes, I was also very surprised when I saw it!" Yunzhi country is nodded.

Can slaughter a monk of a country, and there are still a few six robbery of the Vietnamese family, and the strength is good. If there is no ability to resist, it will fall.

The murderer attempts is the strong person of the seven-robbery, and it can be so quietly.

Otherwise, he will not find the emperor to understand Chen Jia. Nowadays, the strong people of Vietnam have, very few.

At that time, it was not in the country, and he hided a robbery.

For example, those who see the Holy Association.

It's just that the luck of those people will be fine, and they fall in the Dragon God World.

The real Vietnamese is now there are still a few.

Female Emperor Feng Chen calculates one, the king of the country!

It is also Wu Li.

The sword is unparalleled, and the more than the country, because the ancient moon time and space is not given to him.

"Is it the magic power?"

He thought of what the murderer, but he can slaughter a country, and he did not leave the monk and mortal.

Then it may be the magic power.

Yunzhi National Lord recalled the figure, silently shook his head, "Not ... I reverse time and space, I saw it, not a family!"

"Water beast?" The sword is unparalleled, some are very surprised, if it is a wasteland, the courage is too big.

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