Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6026 is too emotional

"Warriors!" Wu Zuo was retired by the breath of breath, stabilizing the figure, surprising: "How did your Shen become dark red, isn't it blue?"

He is a peak secretary of knowing the sword, but it is red, and it is the power of the beast.


The sword is unparalleled, and it is light: "This is the power of the beast, just try!"

The other people can be surprised.

When the ambitious backbone, it was also low, it was better.

In the scene of the scene, I also wonder the sword without double one.

"Hui Qing, how much is your basic beauty?" The sword was unparalleled to Hui Qing, and I would like to ask the other party's infrastructure.

"Ten million!" Hui Qing is calm.

Wu Zhi and others are secretly scattered.

"Monsters, you are monsters!"

Several people are not working with swords and unparalleled, each once again absorb blood color, want to reach the limit.

After hearing a thousand, he was not too surprised.

Ten million basic skills, plus the growth of the origin, reaching one thousand five million, then show the future, Hui Qing has 20 million power.

Hui Qing's strength is indeed the strongest existence in all of them.

There is no restriction in Wanliu Shenmu, and you can do more than 30 million.

This is his strongest existence. .

But Hui Qing is different, he is a practitioner.

It will be more powerful in the future.

And the North Time and Space has a restriction, it is impossible to break through 20 million this boundary.

Departing is Danbao to create a constipation of life, and enhance a grade to the northern time and space.

However, it is a bit far away, and the current thing of the current resurrection is not known for how long.

What's more to enhance this.

"Dear, after I am ready to pass the seventh robbery, I will waste some time!" After the sword didn't have a breath, I turned to look at everyone.

It was originally planned to be robbed in the middle, but now I absorbed the bloody breath, and the power arrived successfully, but did not arrive.

After he wants to ferment, he will absorb blood color.

When I listened to the sword, there was no double, the other people's eyes were flashing.


That's a big thing, it is also a good thing.

And now the sword is unparalleled is that the Lord of the six-minded universe is so powerful. After the robbery, it is not enough to be comparable.

Everyone is very supportive, but they don't worry.

Wu Zuo said at this time: "Warrior brother, what is going on?"

This will make the sword unparalleled, he has never thought of this.

"Robbery, can you just find a place?" He spread his hands and felt that he had completely grasp, and he would not need to pick anything, as well as a special time.

"Hey!" Wu Zhi got up and took his shoulders and said: "This is a little unknown, even if you have absolute grasp, then you have to pick a Feng Shui Bao, you need a very huge power, the foundation Three million, the light is the body volume, the power consumed, I am afraid it will be mixed, and I have money, but I have to learn to save! "

The sword is unparalleled, I really don't understand this.

But he heard that it can save mixed yuan, it is interested, and the amount of gods will take the least consumption, 3 million power, which does need more mixed yuan stone, this point of mixing stone does not care, but the origin of the universe It is not the same as high robbery.

That consumption is called big.

Three perfect universe, ferry, the mixed omestical stone required, I am afraid that hundreds of millions.

This is the seventh robbery.

The eighth robbery is more than 100 times more robbery. When you need more mixed omelette, with him, I am afraid it to have a million era of life, can you make so much stones .

The key is that the power of his life is unlimited, but it is not unlimited.

North time and space, so many eight puffs, even if it is counted, he will not sell it so much!

In addition to the top of the top, the remaining five robbery, even some of the weakened scents, can't get much mixed stones at all.

Although these people are more, they are pitiful, let them get together!

The sword is also precipitated, and it can save some mixed ingredients.

After all, we must cultivate into the eight hobbies in the north time.

Going to the world, there is no gum, he is not prepared.

Especially dealing with the monsters of Xilu, there is no two million power, or you can't get together.

The next time, Wu Zuo informs the coordinates, they entered a core of the northern time and space.

Also a time and space secret.

"It's too emotional!"

At this time, everyone is almost the same, and they have seen the midst of the sky.

Time and Space Middle Time and Space throughout the North.

This place in this place is a time and space in ancient times.

Internal contained endless danger, of course, has a chance.

In the beginning, Wu Zuou robbed, it was here.

But that time, the king came with him.

So don't encounter something dangerous.

This time, several of them entered, but they didn't have such a big face.

Just entering the perimeter, I found a group of seven-hidden deceased, the leader or the peak of the seven-robbery, the power of up to 2 million.

This is to come from the Lord of the seven-robbery, I am afraid that it is difficult to swear in the outside.

That is, some eight pillars came to sway.

The weakest eight hobbies have three million power, and the strength can break through the five million power.

There is still no danger of periphery.

The sword is unparalleled. There is no too much stay, directly crossing the deceased group, shocked the deceased of the death of the dead into powder.

This has not been displayed. If it is attacking these deceased, the most common star attack can destroy these deceased beasts.

The same is too wasteful.

The Wanfang, the essence of the king, all used.

Only the seventeen parties left, the sword is unparalleled to save.

It is a slap in the Wu Zhi, who is itchy, and it is natural to crush those deceased. There is no time to drag the shaft, only a fragrant time, will kill the entire deceased group.

And it is simple destruction and does not collect the treasures of those desertes.

The treasures on the desert beast are actually useful, they have a bloody, and they can't see these beast nucleus.

The sword is not anxious, waiting for them to destroy the desert group, the limit will go deep toward the Tooemia.

The place in Wu Zuo said in the core of the awful and secret.

Where is extremely dangerous, it is good to enter.

Generally, the Lord of the Aquadium Universe is in the area, not dare to approach the core.

The core of the rumors is a big horror.

It is an ancient relic.

Northern Time and Space Times.

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