Lost the origin of the origin, this is a death threat to them.

Without the universe of this source, I didn't have a road.

Alive is also guilty.

But in the upstream time and space, the bulk of the eight knocked boulder, all think about the way to continue his own vitality, think about it, and steal.

God tower is not so much.

The reason why he lives now is to go to the guardian of the god tower.

I heard this explanation, everyone's views have been changed.

Out of your heart, there will be some respects on your face.

This makes the sword unconsciously, the other person has not robbed, and he has chosen self-understanding.

Just don't want to face yourself after failure.



This news has not been passed to the middle time and space, otherwise these people will not give up so early.

Finish these, although it is a bit anxious, there is still no interruption.

"The people you have to find, actually my relatives, she called: Ancient people!" The God Tower said that there is light in the eyes, it is proud. .

After listening to this name, I can't help itself, "I am!"

"What should she be a reincarnation?"

"Yes!" Finished, no one, no concealment.

The Tower Jing said: "In fact, I have long known that she is a reincarnation, but she is flowing now is the blood of my ancient family. Even if it is a reincarnation, this world is also a person in my ancient family, and I am a later year. Put! "

This is a bit uncomfortable, and I don't have to refute.

After hearing this name, the sword is unparalleled, gave the Bababa directly, let him check the information of the ancient children.

This kind of thing is very simple for Bamata, directly grabbing a strong power of the god tower, can do it.

Less the god tower, catch their appetite.

"Master ........." Baba quickly gave the news to the search, and it told the sword unparalleled.

After listening, the sword is unfolded, and it is dark: "It turns out!"

After learning the truth, he felt that the godhouse said, it is completely free of it.

So causing trouble.

Because the night of the night, I have been given by the godhouse.

Saying good to listen to marry.

It's hard to listen to it.

Originally, he was going to tell the face, but he afraid that the other party will do it directly after hearing it, and the content of the god tower slowly said.

Finished the foreplay, the later is more dramatic.

The ancient children after the translocking, there is a perfect emperor of the king, in just 10,000 years, it became an emperor.

In less than a era, it is the Lord of the universe of the four hops.

One transitioned four robbery.

It is the pride of the whole godhouse time and space.

The godhouse is also extremely valued.

Originally, it is necessary to build a successor.

But the jealousy, breaking his plan.

Many years ago.

I have already reached the ancient age of the four hobbies, and I have been staring at the outside of the mystery last year.

Tidal time and space!

Situated on the other side of the long-term long river, the strength is extremely powerful, and can be ranked seventh in the entire middle time and space.

There is a peak of eight puffs to sit in the town.

There are also five in the seven-hidden universe within the time and space.

It is the top time and space.

And night Ling Xiaomei is a lord of the seven-robbery universe, take the initiative to bring a relative.

The godhouse was originally disagreed.

This is nothing difference.

What's more, the night of the night is excellent, and it is necessary to have five puffs, and it will grow to seven hobbies in the future.

Will be the Lord of ZTE of God Tower Time and Space.

How can I send it.

"Hey!" The godhouse sighed, "which is the same as the main sea of ​​the seven-robbery universe. If I don't agree, I am afraid ........"

"Then you still agree!" After he heard, he was angry.

This is all the things of thousands of years, so fast that the strangeness disappears, if they have a time and space for a few years later, they will find a time and space.

The key is the time and space, what will happen.

Complete, you can't think about it.

The sword has no doubles to shoot the other's shoulders, this kind of thing he has most experienced, but I don't know how to comfort.

It is saved now.

First, I will come over again.

If you are not dissolving, you will kill the seven robbery, which is ok.

He can only do these things to help each other.

Time is impossible to go back.

"Tidal time and space, Haibang Dong!" The face is hurt, bite the teeth: "She is your friends, just like you, keep your own blood, you will give a seven-robbery Old guy? "

After hearing the godhouse, it also leaked it.

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Zuo, I feel some injured, I have become an old guy!

But this is not important.

What is important is that since the godhouse is not afraid of death, how can I come to compromise?

It's hard, the other side is a seven-robbery, because a woman can give the god tower time and space?

Not so!

Thirtyte six tributaries in the middle!

Tidal time and space, just seventh, no first.

Really first, not over the day.

There is absolutely hidden love.

This is also why God Tower hesitate to say this for a long time.

"Because of the abyss time and space!" There is a little fear in the nature of the godhouse, "" "" "Tidal time and space, not terrible, Haibang is more unbeatable, if I can knock your opponent, but his sister is in the abyss time and space The Holy Woman is the Lord of the Abyss, and her son with the owner of the abyss is also the owner of the eight affordable universe! "

In other words, Haibang's foreign embarrassment is the Lord of the universe of Eight.

No wonder is so arrogant.

The information of the abyss time and space, the sword is unparalleled.

The Lord of the abyss is likely to be a full of strong people.

Which abyss demon woman is the Lord of the abyss, and it is also an eight knocked.

There are also two sons, and the Lord of the universe of the Eight.

The three universe of the universe makes the abyss time and space, becoming the midstream hegemony.

No wonder the tidal time and space, so arrogant.

Which sea Posong, dare to jump so.


The sword is unparalleled, even if it is a fullness of the Eight, most of the power is also a thousand and five million.

He can defeat.

"Little things!" The sword didn't swite and shook his head. He said: "Finish, go directly to the tide!"

At this time, you will be like a flies, and you will not dimlyitate the god tower, and you can only nod.

no big deal!

The god tower is leaked, and it feels that the turn is coming, and he has never heard that there is a sword in the middle of these people with swords.

I am afraid it is from the upstream time and space.

These people have to rely on the mountain, and their god tower is also hoped.

"Dear friends, if you have forcibly rescue your child, you still hope that you don't have to fall!" There is a pleading in the tang of the godhouse.

After knowing the drops of the night, he has never been patient, not to mention the current night, it is sent out by the God Tower, and will not give the other person.

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