His hands are slightly shaking.

He looked at the ancient children and saw that he was very strong.

That uncomfortable tough!

He appreciates the personality of each other.

Now it is going to erase this persistence.

"Forget it!" The rays in the eyes of the eyes were full of lonely.

Finally, I still give up.

If you really want to erase the memory of the ancient children, maybe kill each other.

He is not willing to do this.

Because the ancient people are now a complete person.

Not an item.

The king is not to understand the child's feelings. It is not easy to see the face of everyone, and I am busy saying: "In fact, the soul can be exchanged, not as good as I divide the soul into two?"

"No!" Years shook his head, followed by the face of the face of the king, "This time the trouble of the royal people, I have been hunt!"

Seeing this scene, Hui Qing is also very guilty, but there is no way.

The ancient children also saw that it would give up, and the heart is also long.

Although I don't understand what these people have the relationship with their own past life, she can see the feelings of interest.

The king khong blinds, and finally didn't say anything, and I know that I have been waiting here, I have rushed goodbye.

I sent a king, and the sword was unparalleled.

Let your own calm for a while.

"Let her go!" Finish turned to look at the sword unparalleled, leaking a little smile: "This time, you also have trouble!"

The sword is unparalleled, "Little things, since you can put down, then ..."

Since I don't want to remove, then I can't hurt, I can only send it back.


Those doing, they are all like a fool.

The monster king did not relieve it.

Of course, this is just standing at their perspective, and it is actually the angle of the king, there is no problem.

Obviously more importantly, more important than night Ling Xiao, the world.

If it is not the first sword, there is no pair choice to bring Dongsheng and finish, or the king will not look at these people.

The pyramid direction is rotated, and the original road is returned.

In the border of the tidal time and space, the sword was unparalleled.

He doesn't want to go in and shame.

Just like this, the mother and female are almost the same, this place has arrived in the border, and it is not dangerous.

"Is there anything to say?" He looked into the face, this perhaps the last chance.

The ancient age gone, and the night will never disappear.

It's not talking, I took a sigh of relief, back to everyone, just shook his head.

So, the sword is nothing to say.

After lifting the ban on the ancient children, it is lightly: "Let's go!"

When Hui Qing, I went over and handed my baby's baby to each other.

After picking up the baby, the ancient children will relieve a sigh of relief, but she still can't face these people, did not say anything, directly turned away.

Wu Zuo saw here, blaming: "All she is gone, nor does it give a good face."

"It's almost, let's tie people, you still think about others to give you a good face?" The sword has no fun.

Looking at the back of the opponent's disappearance, the sword is unparalleled and others turned to the head.

But I don't know when, I have already turned my head, I look at the figure of the ancient children, I can't let go for a long time.

"I have to turn off!"

Only a word is left to enter his own cave.

He wants to become strong!

Powerful strength can make up for the current mood.

"I have long been over from the five elements of the world, and the things of emotion will only make people be weak!"

The sword is unparalleled, and he looks more thorough.

I'm lonely on the road, it is alone.

He is not lacking in red and sorrowful brothers.

But how many can you follow him now?

At the beginning, those people in the green world, the gods and the big downtown, have not yet.

Later came to the temple.

I have encountered a lot of people.

Shanjun, Bai Jun Wang, Yangjiao, palace seconds, etc. .....

These people can't keep up with his footsteps.

This is the case.

If you have a certain mind, you have to ensure that the two people go and enter.

Like a sword is unparalleled with this disaster star, it is not easy.

"Let's go too!"


The pyramid tears the void, and directly looks at the ridiculous place outside the tide, and goes toward the monarch.

Going to see the remains of Moop, they also have to go downstream.

As for the ancient children, she was put away from the sword unparalleled, leaving the time-space road, returned to the sea family.

A family reunited, everyone leaked a lottery.

For those mysterious, they only have fear.

No feelings!

In the Time and Space of the Tower, there is a desirable elderly, burying the sigh.

The middle of the long river, far from these children.

There is also a variety of battles.

For example, the head of the head!

The ranking in the second giant peak is always competed with the strong people of the abyss time and space.

This competition is not a pool of one city.

It is a time and space of abyss.

Now he heard the super strong in the upstream time and space falls in the middle time and space, and there is a huge change between the two.

The two sides of the original sword are unsatisfactory, and they have to start constantly negotiation, even cooperation.

This is just a way of understanding.

In the back, it is dark flow.

It seems that there is no relationship with the sword.

Leaving the eight thousand years of the tidy time and space, they pass through thirty-three time and space, and after the big deceased land, they saw the largest time and space in the middle time and space.

Annual god secret.

I have encountered a lot of practitioners along the way.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no cover, so the big Zhangqi drums arrived at the periphery of the monarch secret.

This place has many forces stationed.

Every moment has strong people, exploring the secret of the year.

As the secret level of time and space, the scope is naturally larger than those in the universe.

The light is peripheral, there is a long-term long river.

Like the star ring, surround the monarch secret.

They all see the secrets of the year, the sword is unparalleled and others are also very shocking.

"Bamata, crossing the whole year of the year, how long is it?" This time, he is a purpose, how can you enter the core.

Even all the entire exploration.

Look for the traces of the original god, as well as the beast.

The beast will be the key.

The value of this universe is great.

Each can reach the August Hierarchy.

The nine big beast soldiers, if it is integrated, it is impact to a rare treasure of the nine hobbian universe.

At that time, his skills can also be qualitatively, so, he also has an idea to go to the world.

Babata heard the sword without double to cross the whole year of the monarch, widened, surprised: "The owner, the current year's mission, the most explored the intersection of the core, is an universe of the peak The Lord, according to his description, you want to enter the core, you need to break the nine-reform system, every heavy resistance, exceeds 20 million power, almost no one can do it! "

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