So it is very special.

The sword is unparalleled to don't think so.

His force is not from the stars they see, but their own stars.

At the beginning, he has also steesched the power of the starry sky, but after being stared by a super strong, he did not dare to use it again.

Later, I still condensed the Star's origin, it was fully understood.

If he guess the wrong words, those Tianjiao that master the strength of the Starry Sky, the big probability is the power of borrowing.

Just like the power of the origin practice of ordinary practitioners.

They are all from the universe origin, or time and space.

Just those tribers in those stars, I originally belong to a part of the stars, cultivating the power of the stars, is also normal.

He used to use it, he can only say it.

Just like the father of the palace.

Borrowing strength, although powerful, never belongs to yourself.

At that time, he was also fortunate through his heart, entered the starry sky, and then grasped the road, he took the power of the stars.


This is the sword unparalleled induction!

It's not good, just the dangers in the sky, it is the ruins.

In the area, they often meet some years.

It's just that most of them are six robbery, and the seven robbers are rare.

Even if only the annual beast of the six-minded, there are more than a million power.

Comparison of the general seven-robbery.

Of course, the Lord of the seven-robbery universe is not afraid of these years.

But I want to kill these years, and it is also difficult, and I need to arrange the array, ambush in advance.

Just like fishing.

The practitioners walk extremely difficult here, they have a fixed route, but the year beast is not.

The force of the ban, there is no threat to them, how to escape how to escape.

The practitioner has no way to take these years.

It is also better to kill around the periphery.

Because the ban on the periphery is broken by the strong, there is a protection of the ban, and the strength of the year beast is strong, but the tribeman can be siege.

It's just an annual beast in the periphery, most of which is three robbery, and there is not much place to kill.

It is difficult to encounter a five-hobby.

"These years, it is indeed, but it has lost the periphery, I am afraid that the forces of the inner is willing to break. When they go to the core, they will escape!"

Wu Zuo stood in front of the sky, there is no mercy, and it is light: "The competition, this is their life, who makes my people are unique!"

"Good!" Hui Qing's meditation, there is no more to say anything.

Even if it is his character, it is also true that Wu Zuo said.

The sword is unparalleled, I don't have to say it, I think this is what they should do.

It's hard to fight, go to the demon group.

Don't pull it.

Don't say the demon, say the mechanical family of metal life, that is, it is a dead enemy.

Those monsters are throwing towards the north time.

Not the same as the prey.

The competition is only the strength of the strong.

The true essence is, weak meat.

This is the case in the northern time and space.

The same is true for these years.

After a few days of trek, they finally came to Moro or air condense.

Just entered this place, I found a seven-child hijacity level.

Wu Zuo took the lead in shot.

Just one palm, I will kill the beast!

The body is instantly broken, leaving only a demon core.

The demon core is like a fist size, and Wu Zuo played in his hand, throwing it to the sword unparalleled, saying: "You want to refine the beasts, need this, and need a lot, I am in the world, I have seen some masters There is also a master of the gods of the nine knocked hierarchy, but these masters are not true God, and the refining of the nine knocked border is very hard. At that time, I will introduce you to the real cast god of the North Time and Space, he It should be able to help you! "

"Thank you!" The sword didn't double the demon core, smirked: "But you have to find the rest of the beast of the beast.

"You look at this!" Wu Zhi took out a small , said: "This is the eternal tobao that I refined to me. I let me find it, I have reached the nine robbery. At the hierarchy, even the casting level of our Master is not simple, unusual, enough to match the Nine-minded master! "

Refining the treasure, actually does not look at strength.

It is a technique.

If the god of nature is eternal to treasure, it can win with the owner of the universe.

It is the quality of the treasure, not the so-called level.

At this point, the sword is unparalleled.

I really have to visit.

High level!

Now it is to watch the remains left by Mo Mo Luo.

He closed the demon keratual, and he took the pyramid directly.

"Dear, is it a point action, or walk together?" He turned his head and looked at the three behind him.

Wu Zuo saw the remains of Mo Luo's time space, couldn't help but fall into the dark ground, handy a paw, and the claws arrived at a destroyed breath.

There is a scar in the eyes, and sighs: "I will walk alone, I will find you later."

"I don't want to go with you, notify me when I leave, I am fine!" There is no cold, there is no more nonsense, and I will leave directly.

Hui Qing saw this scene, there is no desolate in the eyes, but it is very happy.

To put it, he is still the Buddha's disciples.

I am very happy to see the people who have followed. I am very happy to change my new level.

I didn't think of the influence of the influence of the magic, what changes were there.

"In this case, then I will wait for you in front!"

Finally, he and Hui Qing, together to the depths of Mo Luoli.

The two are very slow, one of the probes, want to find something useful.

Or some of the traces left.

Unfortunately, it was too serious.

There is only something that is equally.

In a ruin, there are only some sporadic toburden.

The sword is unparalleled to a complete column, picking up a piece of treasure fragment on the ground, blot: "The universe is going to the treasure, it is so far!"

The treasure can also leave a debris, but those practitioners have not left anything.

Isn't it more pitiful!

Two people go all the way, all the way.

In the remains of Moop, there is no encounter.

Why is it sad!

Once Moro time, turned into a coke soil, nothing.

"The original gods, how to think!" The sword didn't looked up at the sky and fell into a contemplation.

I don't want to face the failure of ferry, with the whole Moose time to destroy, and it has reached a certain cooperation with the life.

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