These vortices can even drag the eight robbery.

But there is no threat of life, just it will be trapped, there are some singular banned.

So this place, even the year beast is very small.

Annual beast is just immunization prohibition, and the sand is also extremely dangerous for the Year of the Beast.

"For so many years, I am afraid that this is not a few years!" He felt that those years were afraid that there was a good wisdom than the practitioners, nor will they have not swallowed.

Sand is like a filter, a big network for screening an annual beast.

The annual beast of the Qi Qi, I am afraid it will be killed by Sand.

But the ancient beast of the Eight's affairs will not be, and the probability is below.

Because there is no ban, it is not dangerous under the sand.

Naturally, it can also survive.

And the power of the family is up to this place.

It is too difficult to walk through this sand.

They are mostly in the sands, looking for treasures that miss out.

And there are still many.

The sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing, just observed a moment, found some treasures leaking from the sand sand.

Herbicides, as well as a variety of treasures.

Send a dazzling ray.

It's just a distance, and the peak of the Eight's affairs dares to take risks.

The sword is unparalleled with this strength, but there is no idleness.

I can't see these treasures.

Hui Qing is also the same.

He helped the king of the king, and the treasure gained is not less than him.

"Let's go!" The sword is unparalleled, and it is directly that it will enter the sand, and the huge suction will directly let his figure, almost fall from the air.

The power of attracting the power, beyond millions of power.

But there is no need to directly show super ancient times.

Just also in the middle of the sky, he directly took out the beastist.

The robbery on the body also started.

The foundation is three million, plus two million robbery, the basic skill is five million.

Now use the beastists, there is no limit.

The body can increase at will.

But the beast god soldiers have been in his own limits.

Up to ten times the power of the beast.

The increase is more than 5 million.

His power has also reached a million.

Just offset the power of attraction and can walk freely.

As for Hui Qing, his foundation is 1,500, entering the land of the sand, just as simple as walking, there is no threat.

The power of the body has not changed, just like an ordinary person.

Surroundings around them, surround them, they also avoid them.

This is the gas field.

The gas field of the strong, is incomparably strong, and it will condense this gas field after the land.

Some envy in swords are unparalpassed, if his foundation, there is also a thousand and five million.

Unfortunately, he is not augmentation!

Every cultivation of Hui Qing, seems to have no chance, or it is flat, but it is often able to explode the powerful people who are difficult to understand.

Especially the peak of the future.

It is definitely he has seen the most powerful secret law.

With his super ancient times.

It is worthy of mastering the super power of the heavens.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it is still concerned: "Hui Qing, that is the treasure, how is your reference?"

"It's just to master a trace, my own realm is still a little low!" Hui Qing is extremely modest, taken out the chessboard, then said: "Almost forgot, this chessboard can also play some effect!"

"Oh!" The sword was unparalleled. He looked at Hui Qing's modest morning. The other person said slightly, it was absolutely mastered, so it was not strange, but the chessboard can play this role, let him Surprised, also with some curiosity, "Try to see, there are some shames, when you get it, you can't understand!"

This also said that he said that heavenly chessboard has arrived in his hand, his greatest achievement, may give a successful service.

I got a robbery.

And the pairs of chess pieces on the early viewing chessboard, it is more helpful to him.

But for the role of this chessboard, he did not have a clue half.

Hui Qing holds the chessboard, and the finger is lightly shouted: "Shang Tianhe!"

When the voice came out, the huge shadow of the chessboard was coming.


A piece of vain, holding a variety of banners, distributed around.

Hui Qing's book is incomparably, like God.

"The will be listened to the order, the town is four square time and space!"

"Followed!" The four-party chess pieces, and they gave their hands, and then the appearance of the status, put the flag in the hand into the groove of the chessboard.

The land of the sand is also at this moment, still.

All traps stopped.

The power of attracting disappears.

"This?" The sword was unparalleled, and it was stunned: "This chessboard is still able to block the time and space?"

Hui Qing stood out: "Yes, you can maintain a time and space, on this board, not only banned the time and space, but also to fight these chess pieces!"

Mobilize the chess!

This sword is unparalleled, because he has also had this idea, but it will not be used.

Will only use a stupid method, that is, take the source of the chess pieces, refining into a cockroach to help himself fight.

But in the hand of Hui Qing, he can mobilize all the chess pieces.

And look like, these chess pieces should not be weak.

Or the original division.

God, handsome, will, soldiers.

He originally absorbed the origin of these chess pieces, and also tied to temper your own source and try to fuse.

It seems that it is not right.

"There is no brother, let these chess pieces are here, let's go to the following years ........"

If you haven't finished it, I feel a shake.

In the vortex of the sand, there is a powerful power being surging.

The sword is unparalleled: "It's an anteriety!"

After the time and space is stationary, the sand has become a dead.

I can't flow, I naturally got an attractive force.

The years that were originally inhaled in the sandhae, at this time, they were crazy and wanted to rush out.

In this way, I also gave the sword without double them.

Below should be a dead end, if you can leave from it else, then these years are not so embarrassed.


Next, the gravel of the vortex was punched, and the annual beast group rushed out.

"Eight Bumbery Annual Beasts?" The sword was amazed.

And look like, each of the power beyond millions.

Full of a full foot.

This is to rush out of the monarch, I am afraid that the whole middle of time and space must be completed.

Fortunately, these years, only adapt to the monarchy.

Otherwise it is a big disaster.

But there is no double for swords, but it is a rare treasure.

The beast god soldiers have hidden from vitro, and the blue breath on the body rises.

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