Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6067 Today you will die! ! !

It has arrived for 2,500 million.

The natives of the three perfect universe have also erupted the power of endogenous origins, and the source is constantly entering the stem of phagocytosis in the abyss.


Feel the origin of the initiative, the abyss began to swallow down.

This is simply delicious for it.

The abyss over.

Beirut is stunned. He has not taken the initiative to swallow the sword. There are two people. I didn't expect these two fools to reveal the source, standing.

"I am dying?" He couldn't help but leak a smile, rushing to the king of the king: "This time, don't say that I don't give you a face, they take the initiative to die, I want ......."

Have not finished, Beirut's smile is solidified to his face.

The body is also an uncontrolled extension at this moment.

After the king saw it, it was also a glimpse, I don't know. .

But he can see that Beirut's power is constantly rising, and has touched the universe.

I have doubled the power of a double, so that Beirut is a lot.

"This ... How is this possible?" Beirut's eye god has an incredible, can't believe the power that has just been phagocytical.

Just instantly, let his body have cracks.

Net virtual, I saw the problem at this time, pointing at Beirut, I smiled: "Don't you like to eat? This time it seems to be eaten!"

"It's a sword!" The king also responded over, leaking the highlights, "Beirut, this time is unlucky!"

In order to be integrated, Beirut can only be forced to absorb the continuous power of the source, and the completion has become purple.

Obviously it is the limit.


His figure flashed and directly entered the abyss.

Want to go to kill swords and unparalleled and Hui Qing.

"You should die!" Beirut shouted, one hand is a group of colorful light balls, constantly taking out in the abyss.

The swords in the abyss are unparalleled and Hui Qing quickly avoided, and all the attacks have been engaged in the stem of the origin, and finally, they still have given Beirut.

Let his body burst more serious.

The sword is unparalleled, looking up at the Beirut of the wolf, "Don't waste my husband, if you really kill me, my native will be directly integrated into the stem of this source, you will die!"

"I ..... I don't shoot ... fear ... I am afraid it is the same!" Beirut's words couldn't say it, and no effort to attack.

Although he has infinite power, he is like an unforeseen universe, there is a power, but it can't be used, because his power is pressed, not dare to show.

As long as one is accidentally, his expanded universe fell.

Beirut, there is no way, can only be sent to Zamas to seek help.

"How long can you still support?" The sword stared at the other side, and the power in the source was released again, and the stem of phagocytosis was.

Hui Qing also launched the limits in the future, and it took a part to swallow the source.

"Ah, ah !!!!!!"

Beirut is completely crazy, in the abyss, he absorbs more power, it can't stop it, you can only escape from the abyss.

The king who was still worried about saw that Beirut flew out from the abyss, and he was still a breath.

In the abyss, Hui Qing looked to the sword unparalleled, said: "With a double brother, Beirut has no preparation, now a fire, go out for a battle?"


This time, the sword is unparalleled, the hand is wrapped in Huiqing, and the time and space shuttled forcibly left the abyss.

! !

Appear again, it has reached the top of the abyss.


Wanji, the blue sword blade points to Beirut, "Today, you will die!"

He wants to kill Belut!

The Beirut at this time is thoroughly panicked.

The king did not have a threat to him, and the net deficiency is the big king, and the big king and Zamas are obviously stopped, and will not shoot him.

Can sword no double more to kill him, who can stop?

A northern spatial native tribener, killing the threat of time and space.

Heaven is not in him.

"You can't kill me!" Beirut was crazy back, the speech threatened: "I am a person of Zamas, if you kill me, go to the mainland, you will have no place!"

The sword is unparalleled, but this is a big wind, and it doesn't care.

Is his enemy less?

At the beginning of the metallic life threatened him, how did it?

The threat has not been seen, and the king of listening to the king said, it has also been gone in the world.

There is also the threat of Xilu, and is also in the world.

What is he still?


He heard, but he was not afraid!

"Time and Space!"


The sword is unparalleled, and the thousands of followers have burst out of the sword!

Drink your blood!

At this moment, his rumored sword has an incomparable desire.

Desperate blood taste!

His murder is also to the peak.

Today is the King Laozi is coming, can't stop him.


Sword Ying took the sword and rushed.

Open time and air, casting back.

A sword, seal your past life, no reincarnation!

This is the time-space reincarnation.


Sword shadow covered the entire mid-range time and space.

This sword has already touched the level of mass.

The level of the original entry is raised by two grades.

This is the wonderful thing of the battle.

I can always bring you some unexpected receipt, and sudden breakthroughs have joy in the sword.

Sword shadow tears time and space, straight Berut.

If it is the peak of Beirut, this sword can't kill each other.

It can now be expanded to Beirut of the burst edge, it can't stop, as long as a slight attack, it will make him fall.

"Zamas, save me!"

On the occipline of Beirut, you can only call the name of Zamas.

"Don't say Zamas, it is Visse, and can't stay!"

The sword is unparalleled without any retreat, killing high.

The other party must be removed.

Although he doesn't care, he doesn't care, but he is very careful.

It can be eradicated to eradicate, staying to find trouble.

So he didn't leave it up, and directly all my best, it was rushing to kill.

Beirut faced this sword, there is no power of resistance, only desperate to give Zamas emotions, "If I fall, your gods will fall into the north time and space, and the people will be more powerful!"

Dynasty mainland.

It was not very concerned about Beirut's death, but after hearing this sentence of Beirut, Zamas stood up.

Friction, the ring on his hand, frown frowned, "It's a waste!"

The ring broke out, a seven-color rays, Zamas's figure disappeared directly in the universe.


At the same time, a seven-color rays have also appeared in the abyss time and space.

A figure, slowly rising from the abyss.

Come, is Zamas.

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