Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6084 is not white!

The least come twice.

Once you have to pass the time.

Once, it was a super power to fall.

When I came here, everyone was respectful.

Containment with the sword is also the same.

Because behind the gods of the god, there is a mountain.

Or that is a tombstone.

There is a portrait above.

There are many acquaintances.

There is a heritage of Wanxing, Qiyang Chaoyang with their same generation.

There are also the emperors who were recovered.

Among them, the three eyes of the sword unparalleled, is the first batch of the earliest.

There is also Qiuhuang, as well as the five-level emperor of the original universe.

For example, the day!

Too much.

A portrait is all the highlights on the battlefield.

Zhenling took them to this place, and many people were red.

"Take a look!" The true spirit pointed to countless portraits, trembling his lips: "They can't die, can't die!"

The sword is unparalleled. This moment understands the meaning of true spirit, whispering: "No!"

"Will n't die white ........"

The true spirit took a deep breath, turned to everyone, said: "Today's inheritance, I don't want to mention the war, but I see you, I have to say, the temple is in danger, the position of God has to Stand, because they are the only hope of the temple, if they fail, the first fallen is God, then you, and you will take you to sleep, even if you fail, you will not let the destroyed into the temple Half step! "

"True Spirit, you think more ......." Wu Zuo wants to say the true battle of the sword and Hui Qing, but broke out by the true spirit.

He turned his head stared at Wu Zhi, drink: "Shut up!"

This sound of angry, let Wu Z Z Z Z Z. The years of sad reminders, I really didn't dare to say it for a while.

"The location of God, today I personally open up, if you have a complaint, you can find me!" The words of the true spirit are very determined.

In fact, at this time, we must be a saying, can't scruple.

However, the sword is unparalleled is not that kind of person who is sitting.

"The true spirit, no work, no need, I don't need the position of the God's position to prove, I will take the source of life, I will not open it again!"

"Good, I mean with there is no brother!" Hui Qing is clear, and the sword is unparalleled.

Wu Zuo has also swayed at this time, saying: "I am the same!"

The rest is true.

This scene made a lot of second-generation heritors leaked their respectful eyes.

The true spirits are light, excited: "You really grow, but the position of God ........"

"If the true spirit is insisted, it is better to give a list first. What is the thing to open up in the future?" The sword is unlocked, and there is a compromise.

Anyway, he also can't see the universe of the temple. When the Wanliu Shenmu is so big, he has not yet, how can he look at the universe of the universe of the 19 acres of the Temple.

Even if you will be swallowed through the universe of the whole temple, it will not improve.

What's more, he really wants to face the face, and you can't afford to fall inheritors.

Opening a thing, it can be delayed.

He also knows the original intention of Taoism, I am afraid that they don't work, or when I see the trend of the Temple, I will run.

So I want to bundle them to the god hall.

Because of this example of Zhenwuyang, he also knows how much the original vow has not been.

I am worried that someone is not willing!

It is also working hard.

His approach, also looked at the sword, and he saw that the true spirit was also helpless, did not say anything, just gave the true spirit promised again.

The thing that promised, he must do it.

In fact, it is now looking into the true spirit. I feel that the other party is also very good.

Just like an old man, pull a child.

Now that the children grow up, the old man is afraid that the children don't care about him, leaking a flaw, and makes it out.


True spirit stared at the little eyes, the drizzle turned, flashing and looking at the sword unparalleled, etc. origin!"

"Everything is done!"

"Yes, taking the power to work!"

The nodes of all people brush.

In this way, the second generation of the inheritors, no more than half a visit.

Because they have accumulated a big merit, but the treasures of the temple are not much treasure, they don't dare to exchange, and even the essentials are exchanged.

I am thinking about the temple in my heart.

"That is to win!" After the real spirit board decided, then he said: "But you are the most dazzling inheritor, you can't make a nameless, the position of God is, if you take out your life After that, some people have more than you, don't blame me! "

"Haha!" Wu Zuo can't help but laugh: "Don't worry, we will not be surpassed!"

Everyone relaxed.

At the same time, ten vortex appeared.

A respectful stone column appeared.

True Ling finger, loudly: "First God!"

This is the location of the first God of Deli Temple.

Everyone is staring.

In fact, many people have also guessed who is.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

When he heard his name, he didn't even be eased, and immediately spacked, stood on the stone pillar.

Give this location, not because of what is credit or war, but because he has almost completed the original commitment, people brought back.

Fan Tianfeng himself came back, this will not say it.

As for the true Wuyang, it can only say that the world is impermanent.

There is no way.

The rest can be brought back, and each strength is amazing.

This is also a credit!

If it is the dazzling level in the temple.

In fact, the sword is unbound countless.

In the beginning of the god hall, the batch of inheritors, Hui Qing's most dazzling.

Later, he emerged, and some of the business was pressed above.

He has not been the first.

Just this time, complete the commitment to the true spirit, so give him the position of the first God.

"Second God!" The true spirit did not look at Hui Qing this time.

The position of the second God is also given.

In the first batch of inheritors, the most dazzling existence.

It also created a lot of myths.


Hui Qing figure flashes, foot footsteps and falls on the column.

For this assignment, almost no one is opposed.

But at the third God, many people leaked the look.


The only midden disciple of gods.

This position gives Wu Zhi.

Even Wu Zuo is shocked.

If you really have a true strength, he is indeed the third.

But in addition to the swords, no one knows his true war.

The true spirit has given him this position.

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