Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6086 is a laser

Dongsheng is also not polite, directly into the god column.

The backbone is biting his teeth below, and the heart is flying.

He wants to be amazing!

If it is not in the god, he wants to break out some of the power, let these people look at it, he has more powerful.

Unfortunately, he did not expect that the ninth God's position did not give him.

Instead, it gives a second-generation heritor.

Ten gods.

The sword is unparalleled, and it must be eight positions.

There are two positions left, one gives a strong "Xin Jiu" from the Shenshen Temple.

Another one, nature is selected from the second-generation heritage.

And this person is also unexpected.

It is an extremely young inheritor that has become a six-minded border.

Even after the six robbery, didn't shoot, very few people know his true strength.

It is said that this person is also a bit related to the sword.

However, the relationship is not big, it is really important to say that it is still some relationship with the mother of the other.


At the time of the other party, the sword was unparalleled to feel an invisible cause.

When he broke the heart of the palace, he didn't expect her son so much.

However, after he entered the temple, he did not detect the breath of the palace.

On the mountain, there is no portrait of the palace.

But he can be sure that the palace is already fallen.

The son left, named "Mang Ming"

It is also the Lord of the most talented universe of the Temple of 10,000.

Because birth to 100,000 era is now, it has become the Lord of the Six-Bombia Universe.

However, after he became the Lord of the Six, it was still in the tomb of the mountain, not a business, nor the four temples and Yuanyang Palace.

It is the power of the true spirit.

Of course, this is also related to his life.

The sword is unparalleled from the other side, I am afraid that behind it is a bleak ending.

Regardless, the ninth God is from the second generation of inheritors.

Even if he does not belong to any camp, it cannot be changed.

The backbone of the backbone is crazy, and he has made him row behind a bad boy.

Xin Jiu didn't say, although it is the Lord of the six-knocked universe, but it is also able to take a look at it, and he can also take a look, plus Dongsheng also follow him, not too shame.

Now you are now.

The seventh is Xin Jiu, the eighth is Dongsheng, the ninth is that Mang Ming, a master of the universe that cultivates the 100,000 era, and it is not more than a long time to break through the six robbery. It is also in front of him.


He is really not convinced.

But you can't fight for a long time, you can only say it later.

The position of the top ten gods has no suspense.

Naturally a backbone.

Nobody is saying what is awkward.

This time, the true spirit is a lot of concise, and said directly: "Bone Rob, this last pillar is yours, I will let you put the axis, you won't blame me!"

He still didn't forget to kill people.

The backbone can only leak a smile, and it is light: "How can I have a person who is reactivated, there is a sense of the name, how can I still have the order!"

"Haha, it's good!" The true spirit laughed, not going to pay attention to each other.

This kind of thing, who will look at the face to protest!

I can only eat yellow even dumb.

In fact, I still have to climb.

If it is a sword, he will not care about this.

The position of God is standing.

The next thing is a matter of calculation.

People have come back, and the wars will also open.

I have been in the side of it, when I saw the real spirit, I stood up and announced: "After three days, the majority of the major temples and the top ten gods have just been discussed, the rest People are all prepared, and they will attack the world! "

In this case, there are countless people's war.

These years, they have been retreat too long.

I have long wanted to go out with the Temple of the World, just there is no command to order, they all don't go, I can only wait.

Nowadays, it is an end.

As the company announced, everyone has begun to dissipate.

But the sword is unparalleled, I don't know where, I have been standing in place.

At this time, Xin Jiu also took the initiative to go forward, respectd: "Thank you for your predecessors for many years ago, Xin Jiu Yongsheng is unforgettable!"

"You don't have to thank me, have today's achievements, because of your efforts!" The sword is unparalleled, the other's achievements will be so high. At the beginning, he only felt that Xin Jiu had a good posture, did not expect this time, each other It is the Lord of the Saixian Universe.

And also killed the same order.

If he came back to pass the seventh robbery, he almost homoked with the other party.

This does exceed his expectations and is more effort to the other part.

Only today's strength.

Also made him think of the scene of the future.

In the future, his or his own failed is the protection of Xin Jiuyi, and redeems him.

In fact, the two kinds of kindness have long been clear.

He talked to the other side for half a day with an equal posture, and then he was argued to leave.

After three days, it was decided to die in the world, and the four secrets were also lively, and each Moxh was built.

But treasure is scarce!

At this time, the treasures brought by Wu Zhi sent a big usage.

The sword is also like this time, condenses a lot of life, and also takes his treasures.

Almost all of them are useless.

Let the treasure house of the Temple, instantly expand it.

It is only 10,000 kinds of treasures, and now many thousands of classes.

The treasures collected by the god of the temple are not much.

Even if there is a so-called time and space to treasure, it is also the light that is staining, and it was originally from the upper class.

Ordinary treasures, there are many, after all, the strength of the gods is not weak, and seven seven eight eight collected through the treasures of Mo Luo time, and let the temple will cultivate so many universe.

Of course, it also has a relationship with the downstream time and space.

But the treasure is the day for useful light.

These years, if they are not true, they have to go.

Fortunately, there is a foresight in Wu Zhi, and I have made a batch of treasures early.

Now I will send it.

This makes the real spirit are very happy, gratitude: "At the beginning, my eyes were really correct, I received such a disciple!"

Wu Zuo is also very happy, he will eat this set.

The sword is unparalleled, it took the opportunity to find the hometown of the ninth God.

What is the future generation of a woman, or take care of it.

Anyway, these few days, he did nothing, and the people who have to visit and visit are almost the same.

"Seniors!" Mi Ming found that the sword was unparalleled to the body, and even the arrogance of his body, the character was well-behaved, and there was no arrogance.

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