Brolen continuously played three unparalleled boxing, straight to him.

The power of terror, tearing the space.

Containment with this time and space tributary began to break.

The ridiculousness of the other is beginning to break.

The sword is unparalleled, the hands are blocked in front of the face, suddenly blaze.

"Star Road!"

He looked up his head, forcibly blocked the three boxing shadows that Brole.

However, I am also shattered, and the chest begins to collapse.

A bloody spring.


This time, I really didn't hold back, and my heart spit directly.

"I am evil, how is his skills still so strong!" Dressed up his mouth, the sword is unparalleled, but this is a day, Brole's power has no slight signs.

How do you play.

His spirit is unlimited for ordinary people.

But compared with Brole's metamorphosis, he couldn't hurry.

It's good to be prepared, but it is left to the life.

Now I haven't seen the shadow of the life, but I have consumed a lot of mixed yuan stones and the power of Baroleum.

This is not.

He must consider it, is this a strongest battle in his return.

If not, he has to do a quick speed.

Hurry and solve the other party.

So dragging it, it is unfavorable to him.

And Hui Qing is seriously injured, can't help him.


Hesitant for a long time, he still chose to pull the sword.

Ice Blue Jianfeng, straight to Brole.

"Originally, you are not qualified to let me pull the sword ......... I don't know if you are lucky, or I have no patience ..." The sword has no arms confessed, and the sword is Pass through.

"Is it ready to face?"

The strongest school, the most powerful law.

Star Chart!

The crazy Brole is stunned, and there is no straight-hearted sword without a double, and the body has been rushed again.

Obviously, this speech is unfained!

"Hey!" The sword was unparalleled by the other party's move.

It was also laughed by himself.

With a madman, what is good to say.

Directly was shot.

"Double Sword!"


Death, one hand.

Ten thousand rumors are divided into two, the double sword is in front of him, the sword is unparalleled, and the moment is turned through Brole.

As with time and space, you will be opened.

"Call!" He shouted, and the double sword was two, and then went back behind him.

Snail turning, looking to Brole.

Double swords can be opened, it is the power of the Starry.

Beyond time and space.

The amazing level of the double sword has given a little sweat.

"The power of the stars, he actually mastered this extent!" During the life, he was a starry, and naturally also mastered the power of the stars.

Based on death, he can also explode powerful stars.

It is not as good as the sword, but it is worse than the sword.

If it is in the stars, the sword is unparalleled.

It is a north time.

The power of his death is suppressed, not to mention the power of the Starry Space.

"No wonder I don't think about his future, even can't change his future!" Koven a scorpion, this moment he has a disturbing feeling.

The uncomfortable potential from the sword.

Brole's sword is unparalleled is a variable.

The sword is unparalleled to the life and how is it not a variable.

Suddenly disappeared, after returning, it arrived at the limit of the North Time and Space.

"Also, I don't need to suppress strength!"

At that time, he can go to swallow the sword and unparalleled life.

This is the step of growing behind.

It can make him only cast it directly and return to the position of the Star Sky.

"Well?" A familiar atmosphere is peek at him.

The life shouted in the temple: "Mountain Jun, don't you come to see your gorge?"

"Hey ...

It is the mountain monarch.

These years, the life will be completely engaged in the rest of the demon.

Help the Mountain Jun returned to the level of swallowing the magic king.

At the beginning of the god of gods, three three have formed a mountain king, a magic, ancient king.

And the mountain monarch is also a five, the mountain monarch himself plus the magic, the wind, the blood magic, the heart.

"I am not his master, but I felt that he was expected to inherit the swallowing!" Mountain Jun shook his head.

Instead, it is nose, cold channel: "In this case, then you can't keep him!"

"Do you think I have a stay?" Samun laughed.

He is now alone.

Even after the death of the magic, the top 7 is the peak.

There is also an ancient monarch being trapped in the god hall, so many years have not been made.

At the beginning, the truth captured the merchant and wanted to change the ancient king and the heart.

But you can't agree.

Finally, the soft grinding hard bubbles, with the life of the merchant, only changed a heart.

The temple behind him is at home, and it has made ancient programs, and she holds it.

For this matter, it has been very calm. He didn't look at the mountain, and the tone is firm: "Don't be self-purple, we have the opportunity, and it is very big."

"Hey, in addition to the discipline of the plan, you have lost control over the sword!" Mountain Jun shook his head smile, "You give up Jiang Wei too early, Hui Qing's threat is not as big as you think!" "

I heard the last sentence of the mountain, but I frowned, and I slowly turned my heart. He slowly said: "You know a fart, the sword is a variable, I can't see his future, but I can see Your future, I have a win-win, but I have seen myself! "

"So Jiang Yan must die, but also to die in Hui Qing's hand, press Baoda to Brole, so we can win, and you can also use the way to swallow the path of sorrow, return to me back to the starry sky, when one Recycling and practitioner, do you understand? "The tone of the life has an angry, and the reincarnation is his heart.

Top time, go to the future, don't know how many times, it is for this moment.

When I returned, I didn't stop failure.

Who can't make a way to shake his determination.

This is the last time he is successful.

I must grasp.

The mountain monarch holds a fist, although there are some anger, but all this is his choice, can't resentment anyone.

Just just, actually give yourself.

I don't have to go with myself.

Looking at the gods of the temple again, fighting with death.

I have stood on the opposite side of myself.

This is a torture.

outside world.

The sword is unparalleled to pour the sword and turn around and look at Brole.

"I thought you were indestructible!" He made a brow, leaking a smile.

Just two swords, although she didn't let Baroleum dawn, but have broken the opponent's death shield.

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