Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6102 Commitment

6097 chapter being hitted

It is a disciple, in fact, some have a big flag.

There are not many divisions.

Some is just a kindness.

Help the sword has no shovel in addition to the life in Wanliu Shenmu.

It doesn't matter this place.

The kids in the stars are indeed fallen, which is not the promise of Vis, but in the sake of shattering to high rules.

Need to be cleared.

"Refers to it!"

The hand disappeared in front of everyone.

After returning to the temple of the world, he completely broke out.

The true death of the incarnation.

, countless from the body.

"It is evil, it is evil!"

The world is roaring, the bottom is not willing.

The words of the kings did play a role.

I know that I am looking for a wrong opponent, and the sword is not a double.

It's useless!

He is now a little way.

All plans are bubble.

I really moved away.

Can he still have to return now?

Cannot shuttle time.

He can't do this to the starry sky!

Going is also dead, and the strength cannot restore the peak.

Stay in an affiliated time and space and is not willing.

He can't see it here.

This is to become stronger.

Don't say strong now, the road is blocked.

At the time of his mad, a narrow body appeared in the Temple of Dram.

"Is this going to give up?" The disdain was introduced into the ears, and his harsh.

Decoction to restore a touch of love, look down on the portrait of the temple, do not know who the other person is.

It may be that God does not know the ghost to enter his temple, absolutely not simple.

"Who are you?" Now, the life is like a bird, and just scared is too big.

That people saw that the other party was so expression, some disdain, slowly came out from the shadow, leaked the true performance.


Red man in the world of king.

It is also the next king of kings, and it is very famous in the stars.

Dry natural understanding.

I didn't think of the successor of the other side of the king of the world, why is it to come to him.

"Strong, you are also a person with gain, just because some words are scared?" Zamas frowned, gloom: "You make me very disappointed!"

"Hey!" " " , If it is nothing, hurry! "

After listening to Zamas, he smiled and smiled: "If I am really gone, you will regret it!"

He is not looking at each other joke.

During the life, I know that Zamas's things, I feel that the other party will not be so bored, and I am afraid this place.

"That's talk?"

"Talk!" Zamas nodded.

Everyone in the outside world, I still don't know that another horror is coming, let their winning will decline again.


The king of just king is shattering, although the words are said, but behind the cold sweat, they are afraid to kill the crogent tips, and the gas is suffering and destroyed throughout the northern time and space.

Then let him all the best in these years.

Although the time and space of this source will be repaired according to time.

I don't know how long it takes to come down, and all lives will fall.

I only left some time and space gods, I didn't use it.

Because the mortal, there will be God.

Without the foundation, what is the use of God?

Originally, I wanted to take the opportunity to persuade the life, but I didn't expect that the other party didn't want to go directly.

Therefore, the king will worry.

I can only wait.

The sword is unparalleled but stopped because of these things.

Also fighting with Brole.

And he has killed Brole.

Now the other party recovers from the temple of the world.

"The interior of the temple of the Temple, I am afraid there is a small turn back!" The sword didn't have a double heart guess: "Let the ginger to send death, I am afraid it is for the Wanliu Shenmu in the body, absorb the vain of Wanliu Shenmu, will also have life The force, only the power of so little life can be reincarnated ... "

Although it is an opponent, you can admire the strength of the life.

He just created a reincarn sword, he used to exhaust the means.

Finally, it is difficult to form.

It is only a small chance.

It can be done with a small turn back.

After all, it is God!

He is also more and more expecting to have dowrened with the life.

Unfortunately, he is now indifferent.

The brilliance that once again appeared, and the breath raised a grade.

"Time and space round!"

He didn't hesitate this time, it is the strongest sword.

The second time defeated the other party is because of this strongest sword.

Just don't know, how many swords need this time can be killed each other.

He didn't believe it. This small reincarnation can always let Baroleum will resort.

A sword out, the half of Brole's half of the body was cracked by him.

Just this time, the other party did not fall.

This is also similar to him.

A sword is not enough, then two swords.

Three swords, and even the sword.

He is now like a spurt, blocking the door of others, come out and kill one.

It's okay two times, you can also play it for a while.

The third time, the sword is unparalleled, because there is no war, there is only a killing.

Delivery of the sword, the power of the starry sky has dropped a lot, and the third resurrected Brole is directly smashed.

"The king of the king, can there be a way?" He had long known that the king is coming, but it is only no time to take the other party. After the third time I kill Brole, he also turned to the king.

At this time, the king is a little hesitant: "The way is indeed, just ..."

Seeing the king of the king tangled, the next next to the road couldn't help to ask: "What is the way, you are saying, now you are here!"

"you shut up!"

The North Royal King roared, he was depressed than anyone.

"But there is nothing!" The sword is unbentered and is firmly waiting for the King of the North.

However, there is a nonsense who said that he has not been in the big king, where there is any way, where there is an urgent point of red, but also can't say a way.

I heard a moment, the North of the North Route said, what did you think of, and just said: "Yes!"

This can be blurred in the sword.

Brole, at this time, the temple is still in the temple!

Just this time, it is different.

Because of the emergence of Zamas, let the original plan of the original plan.

Small reincarnation, completely integrated with Brilli's popp up.

A crazy beast is about to come out.

"His strength ..." Zamas saw Brolen Baroleum that blended the heart of the reincarnation, I couldn't help but surprised: "It seems to exceed the nine hobbies!"

I have shot his head and said: "No, it's a long distance, just the heart of the reincarnation will gradually strengthen his strength!"

"That is to say, the stronger he will fight?"


His mood is not good.

First, I was hit by the king, then Zamas came, cooperated with him.

But did not play much role.

Turning with his target.

This success, the position of the reincarnation is gone.

But the location of the king has one.

Zamas promised to kill the king of the northern time.

It is not possible to start the life.

But Zamas promises, as long as you become a king of the king, you will be a new big king.

The big king, it is not a general time and space god.

It is not the same as the star.

If it is before, it can't be seen.

Because he was the Starry God, it was not enough to maintain the previous brilliance now.

As long as you live, there will be unlimited opportunities.

"Okay, I will not be more than this place, wait for your triumphant!" Zamas leaked a smile, throwing a small wooden box to the life, the Turkey: "Remember, I can't get it after fusion. separate!"

Decoction deep breathing, did not speak, open the wooden box and found that it is a jade simple, Shen Sheng: "Is this the secret law created by the king of the king? I didn't expect that I also had to use it!"

"Hey!" Zamas didn't say anything, left the Directive Hall.

For him, it is not a way, and it can only be placed.

Don't have to supervise the war, the other party will fight hard to remove the entire northern time and space.

After he left.

Introduction, first put Barole, and then start the final plan.

It is also a plan from that has not changed.

Even if I can't get a reincarnation.

This plan is also implemented.

Because this is his commitment to the mountain monarch.

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