Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6098 fierce

Anyway, it can't open the opponent's death shield.

The power of powerful death has become a died after death.

Brole's hair has become light green.

Outside the body, there is a dark black shield, and some arc flashes.

It fully absorbs the power of death, but also fully understands the power of death.

Now Brilli is the real death.

"Haha!" In the temple of the world, you alone in the art of life: "Ready to meet death, mortal!"


Brolen slowly walked to the sword. Every time the foot offended the frozen endless years of the frozen, the sound of the harsh.

On the other party, the sword is unparalleled and feels the sense of oppression.

He incomes the sword.

This time, he wants to defeat the power with Shen.

"Ah!" The sword was unparalleled, and the power was raised to the extreme, and his anger: "Ha!"

Brilliance also came to him in front of him.

The arcs on the two people are colliding.

A high one low.

The four eyes are relative.

And the distance is very close.

There is only one foot interval.

The two stared at each other and didn't know what.

Silent terrorism.

A piece of gravel cracked on the mountain range is very careful.

The many strong people of Zhenling and the Shenshen stared at this scene. They didn't dare to blink. They were afraid that the two super powerful handshakemen were not seen.


At a moment of up and down the chest, the sword is unparalleled first.

After the body, I will stand up, and the truth is playing in the abdomen of Brole.

This punch made Brolen whole people.

The sword is unparalleled with a knee, kicking in the face of Brole, this hit is more kicking Brole to half air.

He figured a flash, and the speed beyond Baroleum that was kicked. In Brilli just steadily stabilizes the body shape, it is a boxing hammer, put Brole's scorpion into the ground.

This time, the entire sword is broken.

The following is the heat of the hot rock.

Jianzheng also turned into hell.

A series of offensive, he made full strength and there is no job.

God can say that it is the ultimate.

However, Baroleum falling into the magma, but the body shape is slow, and looks up at the sword, there is no one, and the mouth is ridden.

The sword is unparalleled, and the handsome gathered strong power, constantly erupting a blue beam dropped from the sky, impacting the Brole of Brole below.

He didn't believe it, his own power will also lose to the same order.

In fact, he is not the same as Brolen.

Because Brole is absorbed by those deaths, it is equivalent to being harmful.

Don't look at it now, it is actually can't live.

The other party is not as red as the nine, completely running the heart, only its table.


Dramatic sound, shocked the time and space of Jianzheng, which is completely placed as a coke.

All strengths are shocked by the sword unparalleled power.

It is conceivable that he has just an outbreak.

Even if there is an ancient existence, it is difficult to resist, and it is also seriously injured.

The blood magma is more counterflow, swept the void.

Completely covered Brole.

On the occasion of magma, Brilli's figure leaks from it.

Not informal!

"How is it?" The sword didn't have a bidding, and the just attack did not work.

On the side of the temple, the true spirit is even more hands, caught in self-mind.

He really does not understand, how is it for half-step seven-robbery, you can cultivate such a monster.

The sword is unparalleled against the sky, it is just that the temple is just the emperor, and it is now so powerful because of the upstream time and space.

How can Brolen can also be so strive?

In the first batch of inheritors, Brole is not the heritor on the tomb mountain. The true spirit did not care about the other party, and later after being killed, he was later known, and the potential of the other party was not general. It is possible to compare the sword and unparalleled.

Behind it also confirms your own ideas.

However, since the sword is unparalleled with Hui Qing, he feels that Brole is mostly compared with the sword. It is completely different compared to the sword.

It is only for him to open your eyes.

"Hui Qing, I think some are not right, or do you want to help?" Zhenwei turned his head to see Hui Qing, although he is not good, but the eyes are still there, although there is no sword, but what is displayed The power is also reached.

This has not hurt Brolence.

After the other party absorbs those deaths, there is no hand, in case it is completely suppressed in the sword.

Now the burden of the Temple is on the sword, unparalleled and Hui Qing, can not do things.

Hui Qing did not expect Brolear to be so powerful.

I felt that this time it could be stable.

So when he is fighting with Jiang Wei, the scourge is mostly half, still seriously injured, the foundation is still, but it is not possible to show the future.

Unable to help swords are unparalleled.

"Your injury?" The true spirit also saw Hui Qing's face is not right, and I will ask: "How much time is your injury? I still have the power of life ......."

Hui Qing is far away. "Useless, my current power cannot be recovered with ordinary life!"

"It is still to give arson!" Wu Zuo stood up at this time, and said comfort: "Although it can't beat Brole, you can do not necessarily defeat the unparalleled, no need ... "

But he didn't finish it.

Baroleum suspended on the hot rock, has been handed over.

His Shen Li pushed the magma below, and suddenly set off a stormy waves, which lit up with his breath.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

Low snoring, the whole downstream time and space is shaking.

The swords above the sword are somewhat unstable, and they feel that an unprecedented pressure is gathering.

"Hey!" He snorted, so on.

No one can help him now.

Can only face it alone.

And he still has a base card, and there is a backhand.

Even Brilliance is strong, and you can't shake him.

But others don't know!

The fight against Brole, the sword has gradually falling into the wind.

When I just handed my hand, I was still able to stabilize.

The stronger the Barole, the stronger, it seems that there is no endless power that cannot break out in the body, and the ultraday breaks the limit.

Although only 20 million power, two thousand and five million power can be burst.

The sword of the earth is unparalleled.

Brolen fist to meat, extremely fierce.

And it is the kind of unsatisfactory fierce, and if you don't care about his attack, you will have the strongest attack.

The sword is unparalleled to defense.

Now I can only resist Brole's attack.

boom! boom! boom!

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