Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6101 has no back

He at this time, is very image with the mountain.

Have a guilty.

But there is no good choice!

"Vissear people say this, this time ........" The big king is still unable to bear.

But he can't help it.

The words of the Star, that is the sacred.

The North Ring is slow down, and the voice is vicissitudes. "I will resist it!"

After that, it is ready to leave.

Even if I don't have any combat power, I have to go to the war.

Otherwise, others think that he is afraid.

"Right, I heard the king of the king said that he left a pair of earrings in the northern time and space to get the sword unparalleled, maybe this is the hope of you north time and space, must grasp!" The big king thought The reminder of Wang Shen, told the North Royal King at this time.

That piece, he knows.

But I want to rely on the treasure to win the hope very embarrassing.

Hui Qing Declinations don't come out of star god, but the big king can push the performance.

Although it is a bit blur, it can still be seen.

Really threat, or to kill.

Far is not the present Brole.

If you can't even solve a Brole, it will be gone.

"I will!" The North King didn't look back, but he had repeatedly promised that his body was separated.

After entering his north time and space, he went straight downstream.

When the distance is far, it is seen that an elliptical sphere begins to break.

That is a powerful air wave that fights.

The entire northern time and space of the earthquake is shaking.

A lot of strong people in the middle of the sky, I came to the intersection with the downstream, looking at the horror.

Although I don't know who is fighting, I can feel it, this war is likely to destroy the entire downstream time and space.

It can feel it.

There is a big event in the North Time.

Can contact the tribepers of the king, at this time, ask questions about the downstream time and space.

It's just that the king didn't have time to take care of them.


The temple is over, the king of the world is coming.

"The king of the king!" Hui Qing first forward, he and the king were also the old man, and he also helped the king to drive to Lu Lu.

Behind Beirut also turned over.

Seeing the king of kings, he is looking forward to the other party to give help.

The rest did not understand, who suddenly appeared, the blush is who!

It is still that Wu Zuo Lei is in front of the king, and everyone will understand that it will be probably.

At the same time, I also leaked the same eyes as Zuo Huiqing, I look forward to the king of Wang out.

Looking at these people, the kings will take a breath, and I don't know what to say.

If it is left before, the big king reminds the sword unparalleled a pair of earrings, and he has no face to face these people.

This awkward moment.

During the life is the first time.

"Old friends, I haven't seen you for a long time!" The fictitious shadow of the life appeared next to the temple, but it didn't see the king of the world.

The king of the northern time and space said to him, the combat power is not as good as the air.

It is really nothing to worry.

It is also looking at him to become a big plan.

Kings also took the opportunity to turn around and didn't go face the people of the temple, pointed to the sword unparalleled direction: "During the life, you choose the wrong opponent!"

"Oh?" Instead, I feel a bit ridiculous, put on a pair of tattoo, say: "What is this saying!"

He is going to listen to Wang Xiang, or if you use your mouth to defeat him?

The king looked at the sword and was unparalleled.

"Falling!" During his mouth, he almost smiled.

If it is not a face, it is really stretched.

"Oh!" The king of the king gradually became cold, and asked: "I know that you are from the future, you also know that you have worked the time and space, I have to pass the Wanliu Shenmu, I know that you have failed many times, this time isn't you countless If I guess it, if I guess it is right, you have left the back of yourself, it is to go to the sky, because you know that Wanliu Shenmu is in the upstream space, but now Wanliu Shenmu has been The Visner took away, so you can only travel to the upstream time and space! "

I'm trying to see the king, but the more I feel that it is not right, the brow has been squeezed together.

"What do you want to say?"

"You fail this time, no way, because the Visner has already sealed your back, and this time you will fail, it will be renamed in the starry sky!" The words of the king powerful.

After the Temple of the Temple stood behind his body, although he didn't understand, he listened to it, and I felt this time.

Kings come, must have a way to save them.

The crowned frowned and found his secrets, and the taste was very bad, which beyond his accountant.

There is no way, the number of shuttle is too much, this is a sequelae.

It was found in advance and normal.

In the past, he was discovered.

Only those who found him are falling.

This time is Star Lings.

He is something is afraid.

The rearward road is sealed, that is, said that the dead in the sky is now in the name.

Even if you have no swords, you have to travel to once, go to your own meeting and.

However, the route of the shuttle time is blocked by Vis.

"You scare me!" Due to the life, I didn't dare to believe. If this is true, then this time is really finished.

At present, he thinks that the sword is unparalleled will be the god of life.

I thought that the swallowing sword is unparalleled, it can cast it.

At this time, the wheel went to the king leaking disdain. He also wants to use the speech to fight the other party, or let the other party take the initiative to retreat, or let the other person crazy, it is a double-edged sword.

But now he has only a way.

Decoction will not accept failure.

Or do not accept yourself will fall.

If you fail, he still has a back, just now there is no way.

Then he can't fail.

Can only swallow the sword in the first skin.

"Just think, I can also tell you that the god of life in North Time and Space has appeared, and it is in the world of Wanliu Shen, and is currently in the world!" The king said very much.

This is also why he sent Danbao into the mainland in the morning, lepon her life.

"It's impossible!" Decoction is a little disorder, and the head said: "Vistead is a star spirit, how can you manage your life, it is more impossible to have me!"

"Of course, the Star Spirit of the Star, how can I get a subactive space, I am afraid that we are all extinct, and the Star Spirit is frowned!"

The king first nodded, then the end is sinking, reaching out, sword is unparalleled, loud: "But you can't think of it, it is him, a practitioner, causing the attention of Vissear people, but also the sword is unparalleled for disciples! , I will tell you something, and the Vissear people still have a disciple, which is the ginger after the turn. "

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