Although there is Luhua's teaching, it can be lost in the starting phase compared to the Tianjiao of the main family of the universe.

Now the ranking of the two has not entered 10,000.

One thing is very important.

That is what they grow faster in battle.

From a small world, you will soon keep up with the pace of Tianjiao.

Even on the talents of the battle, they also surpass each other.

This is where it is worthy of attention.

Unfortunately, Wu Z has not seen these small details.

Try time, there is no clear standard.

It has blinks in a hundred years.

Tens of thousands of DVDs are reduced again.

Today is only a thousand people.

Titan and Shenjian are still still there.

Of the number of people who are still inconspicuous.

However, it is no longer in the eyes, there are thousands of people left, and it is also eyeped by some universe.


In particular, the monsoon's home owner, in this case, it is found that there is a season of blood in the season.

However, with the season, Ji Hao is still a lot.

But it is possible to adhere to the present, it is definitely beyond the talent of ordinary people.

Even if I can't enter the first thousand, he will also bring the season to the family and focus on cultivating.

Just he asked a circle, and each of the families did not know that there were people.

"It's not the side, it is not a clan, it should be the blood of the outside!" The monsoon's home is emotionally, "there is such a talent," I have to be so talent, I will be thin! "

He immediately ordered his family to search for those blood drops.

Maybe there is also a very good person, you have to get back to the family as soon as possible.

It is unfortunately outside.


From the beginning of the original universe, it is a super forion.

Early primitive universe hegemony.

It is a super forces until now.


It is because a super power is sitting in the town.

From the first old ancestors, the fourth-order emperor began.

In the back of the quarter sun, the heritage of the quaternary is raised to a new height.

Unfortunately, the back is falling, otherwise the current quarters will be more powerful.

Even now, there is a quaternary peak strong in the town.

At the entire downstream time and space, it is also the top ten family.

Moreover, the season is still unparalleled with the sword. Hui Qing's two gods have thousands of relationships.

If someone has someone, it is necessary forces.

The heritage is also powerful.


Top ten gods.

There are very few families, and only Dongsheng is full of family concerns.

Others, the most is to cultivate some forces.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no way, and he was born in his place.

Be a lonely old man.

This time I received a few pro-disciples, but also to leave my own way.

As for the blood, I have never thought about it.

Maybe people encountered in the future .........

Maybe it may not be encountered.

The trial is left, there will be the last thousands of people.

Everyone on the watchtock, also has a suitable candidate.

Finally, it should be very small, almost no one is hiding strength.

It is the best opportunity to impact the top thousand.

"The true spirit, can you narrow the trial range, I'm going to fall asleep!" Wu Zuo is pulled his eyepiece.

I have seen more than 100 years in a row.

Even if they are resistant, they can't help this torture.

This is the same as an adult, and it is fresh, and it is tired after the start.

I have already had a candidate in my heart, I naturally think about it.

The true spirit heard the words, scratched his head, narrowing this kind of thing is also very simple, but unfortunately he is not prepared.

"Let's come!" The sword didn't double raise his hand.

A rollover falls.

And it is constantly shrinking.

Start shrink from the world's edge.

True to see this, and immediately pass a message in the token of those trials.

The neighborhood will continue to shrink until the last thousand will stop.

This is the last time.

Follow the shrinkage speed of the necrosis, up to month.

This makes those who want to leak, leaked the desperate expression.

Facing huge temptation.

Some people still have a shortcut.

There are many trials, but I have been looking for a place to hide at the beginning.

Hard to hide, I will enter 10,000.

You said that he is wretched, it is not suitable.

It can always be hidden, it is considered some.

It is possible to focus on true war, they are very weak.

Don't say that the sword is unparalleled, even if the people of the universe look down on these people.

It is impossible to be selected against the stealing.

Those trials also understand this truth, but before entering the trial, the family said that the first thousand, even if it is not selected, it will be received by the universe.

So I want to touch my luck.

With the constant contraction of the comics, all of them broke all their air transport.


A trial that has had to appear, just shattered by a sword.

Yuan Shen can only be admitted to keep your life.

It was also taken away by a emperor.

However, there is only dozens of tokens left.

Which trial of the sword, I won't be filled, and I will go.

This kind of scene is staged every entirety in the entire trial world.

One month is very fast.

The nungee is also reduced to a range.

This range, the mental power of the Deman can be packaged.

No place to hide.

The staff also reduced most.

There are only one thousand people.

It takes only half a day to shrink to a thousand people.

This is also the opportunity to rely on the releared trial.

If you can defeat a trial of the previous thousand, you can replace each other.

Such an environment also makes many trials to kill the eyes.

There are more trials, originally in front of thousands, but by two backward trials, eventually defeated.

Even if you die.

The fall is impossible, and those emperors have received the emotion of the true spirit soon.

Some of the defeated trials will be taken away.

Will not have any talents due to trial loss.

True Spirit also made out, even if there is no one thousand thousands, you can enter the tomb mountain and become the heritage of the temple.

The hempians of the temple can be said to be the place where the next time and space tribepers are dreaming.

Because the top of the top of the universe now is the heritage of the tomb mountain.

From the first generation, in the current three-generation disciples, each era will emerge in a large number of super power.

And once it becomes a heritor, a family or a power, it has also followed the boat high.

The inheritor is also united.

It can be said that as long as it becomes a heritor, then a feet have already stepped into the high level of downstream time and space.

As long as it becomes the Lord of the Universe, you can pin your universe in the sea of ​​the universe.

This is endless glory.

Downstream time and space, in addition to the owner of the universe born in the inheritor, there is still some of the universe that is missing from itself.

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