Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 617 departs, the ancient world!


Although Xiao Emi, I can't help but I can't help but feel my heart after the great improvement of the sword.

"I am a means of this friend, it is really incredible!"

"The perfect roots will be released. After all, it can be formed in accordance with his own efforts. It can be given a person's talent, understanding ... that is he gave, it is born, can this big days, can be changed?" Xiao Emperor is admired.

How firmly, the foundation of a person is strong, it is made by his own efforts.

But a person's talent is born.

Active students have created a perfect root base, although it is an incredible means, but still in the accepted scope of Xiao Em.

Can a changeable person's talent?

Even Xiao Emperor is incredible.

"Okay, you have broken, the next time, go to your loved ones with your loved ones, after all, I will leave, I want to go back to the ancient world, I am afraid that I have to wait until many years later." Xiao Em Say.

"Well." The sword nodded without a double point, and even left.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no back to Nanyang, everything is almost almost.

Just next to this huge black castle, a table, three people sitting there, the table, a pot of a pot of wine, obviously going to not be drunk.

These three people are naturally swords, and Yang Weixuan is with Wang Yuan.

"Come, old three, today we must have a good time, I will take the most precious wine I collected out." Wang Yuan is a painful look.

"The rare Wang Yuan boss, you will be generous today, then you must drink a lot of happiness." The sword was unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and after returning to this black castle, there is not long after he saw Wang Yuan.

Now Wang Yuan, the body is compared to a few years ago, and it is obvious to lose a large circle. Although it is still a big fat man, there is no previous 'shock', once the Wang Yuan, the road is like rolling Same, and now it is like a personal.

So, that is also because the days of Wang Yuan said, it is indeed a bit miserable.

The sword didn't listen to Wang Yuan. During this time, Wang Yuan has been with a master of alchemy, and learning to refine Dan under the teaching of the Master of the Master, and the Master of the Master ... is a very mysterious. Strong, according to Wang Yuan said, the master of the alchemy should not be a person in the ancient world.

The Master of the alchemy not only refines Dan, the strength is also extremely strong, and the temper is also very quirky, Wang Yuan is not less tortured by him.

"Unfortunately, the old four is not there, it will be perfect." Wang Yuan sighed.

"The old four?" The sword didn't have a double, and immediately remembered the girl Su soft.

Su Song is very unique. After the Nanyang Continental Suofangqi wakes up, he was taken away by a mystery, and the sword did not know where Su is here.

As three years, the sword is also like Xiao Em. I have asked Su. There is also his father, and Xiao Emily did not answer him. Whether it is Su soft, there is also his father to think, Xiao Emperor is not Ming said that just let him practice, and so on, it is more qualified to know these things.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled.

"Old three, I heard that the ancient border is more dangerous than the ancient world. You go alone, you can be careful." Wang Yuan Ji said.

"Unfortunately, the Master has another arrangement for me. Otherwise, I will also go to the elderly, and I will go to Wanchai to participate in the birthplace." Yang Zai Xuan said.

Wen said, the sword is unparalleled and smiled.

For these three years, he is often in contact with Yang Zi Xuan. He knows that Yang Zai Xuan's strength is not much better than yourself. To participate in the day of the event, it is more than enough, but Yang Weixuan is Xiao Emperor's pro-disciple, Xiao The emperor has another arrangement for him and is not intended to let him participate in the Tianzhimei.

"Don't worry, I was also full of dangerous, but I was not alone." The sword is unparalleled, but I don't dare to have a big idea.

He is very clear, the ancient circles can be different from Shenzhou.

Three brothers drinking wine, chatting, and drinking it directly.

The next day, in the garden of this black castle, Xiao Emperor, Emperor Jing, Yang Zi Xuan, Wang Yuan four people standing next to the center of the sword.

Today, it is the day of the sword where you are unhappy.

"The seniors of Xiao Emperor, the sword Houfu took the predecessor, you took a two." The sword has no double.

"Don't worry, the ordinary small don't pay attention, I will not pay attention, but if the sword Houfu encounters the crisis of the destruction, I will naturally come out." Xiao Emily said.

"So, I would like to thank God Emperor." The sword didn't have a double point.

With this sentence of Xiao Em, he also rest assured.

There is Xiao Emperor secretly asylum, and there is absolutely no one can cover the sword.

At this time, the eugenic order that has already appeared in the sword has no hands, suddenly bursting with a bright light, followed by a vast power, from the ancient dollar, time, wind and clouds.

"come yet?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it has seen a space channel that appears above himself.

There is a unique atmosphere to pass in the space channel, this breath, the sword is not the first time.

At the beginning of the Dark Temple, after the sister crushed the letter, the people of the Wanwei Rayzer were raised, and the blood came from the space channel, and the unique breath was also distributed.

The sword is unparalleled, this unique breath is the breath of the ancient circles!

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalphed. Xiao Emperor and others, "all the people, this!"

"Go!" Xiao Emily waved.

"The old three, take care." Wang Yuan and Yang Zexuan are solemn.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are around the world around the world.

"Age, Shenzhou, Nanyang Mainland ... Goodbye!"

The voice fell, the next moment, the sword was unparalleled, and directly took directly to the space channel.

Soon the sword is unparalleled to completely disappear in the space channel, and this space channel is slowly closed, leaving only Xiao Emperor in the garden and others to each other.

"Wan Dujie, my sword is unparalleled, come!"


The sword is unparalleled.

He left the ancient world, perhaps he will return from the ancient borders in the future, but it is now a lot of things after many years.

And some of his deeds in the ages, it has also become another legend, in which it is a long time.


PS: The fifth volume of the sword is finished!

The sixth volume of the day is now on, wonderful continues!

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