Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 629 Chaotiange

"Ancient gates?"

The sword is unparalleled to see the information of an old door.

According to this information, although the ancient doctors are just a pointed gate, the prestige in the sky is extremely high, and even under the top three giants.

"Ancient door door, is the first strong person recognized by Tianzhuang?"

"Ancient gang Yongheng is strong, is the first person in the world?"

"The ancient gherries inherited tens of thousands of years, except for the ancient door owners, have been born with three roads?"

Looking at the information of the ancient gates, the sword is not double-sided but it becomes extremely quirky.

No way, because this information is very brilliant, brilliant, and even more than the three giants.

According to the truth, the cloud Haixian Palace, the Emperor of the Emperor, the most powerful demon, since the strongest three giants in the sky, then the top strong in the sky should be gathered in these three giants.

Result ...

The first strong person recognized in the sky is an old door.

The first person in the sky is eternal, and it is also an old door.

Ancient gates and even in addition to the ancient door, I also gave birth to three roads, but the three giants? According to the information, there is a road to the town in the three giants, but it is just a road. There is nothing to say that there is still other road ambassadors in these three giants.

Only ancient gates, born, and also gave birth to three.

Obviously it is just the first top, but the limeling, but it completely covered three giants.

"Ancient gates!" The sword was unanimous.

If this information is not a person in the ancient game, if you deliberately beautify the ancient gates, then this will fully explain it, then the ancient doors ... is not as common.

Next, the sword is unparalleled and continues to look at other paradigumes.

The nine top pointers are also particularly special, as for the other eight top paradise, the fetter is normal, compared with the three giants, the gap is very obvious.

Under the nine top pointers, there are many medium-sized blocks. Although the medium sects have certain strength, but with the three giants, the nine top pole is more than the gap.

After another, there are countless weakness, there are too many quantities.

After reading this information, there is a bottom in the bottom of the sword.

"These paramenities, strength is strong, I want to get adequate cultivation resources, get bigger benefits, naturally join those stronger paramen, three giants, old gates are the best choice, then Secondly, the other eight top paradise, as for those medium sectors, there are those weak small pieces ... These Zongmen have limited resources, join those paramenters, I am not as good as alone. "The sword was unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, it is the interior disciple of the top of the top.

Of course, it is not what he said, but also to see those ambiguous.

On the campus, a thousand geniuses are waiting quietly.

Three days later, rumbling ~~~ a vast power is coming.

"what happened?"

Many geniuses on the campus immediately looked up, in their sight, a tall attic, it came directly.

This loft is a huge size than a mountain. It is so quietly hanging on the campus. There is also three gold big characters in the center of the attic ... Chao Tiange!


"Is it hung in a void?"

"This attic, a strong breath."

Many geniuses on the campus have a horror and even awe.

During the Tiandi, it is indeed a very magnificent breath.

At the same time, they also noticed that this Tiandong is divided into four floors, and there are many rooms in every layer. On the top floor, only three rooms, these three rooms are very huge, there is a concealed Another awesome breath, the three giants of these three rooms should be the three giants.

In the second layer, there are nine rooms, representing the nine top pointers.

As for the third layer, the fourth layer is the medium, the medium, the weak, the weak.

At this moment, in the top three rooms in Tiandi, the most central room, this room represents one of the three giants, Yunhai Xianchaicong.

"Adults, this is the detailed information of the Tianzhimei, through the first round of the genius, there are two data, one is a genius from the ancient circles, nine hundred people, there is a copy, it is those from the age One hundred geniuses in the world. "A White Robe respecting the two information.

Sitting on a namplet seat is a black haired old man who looks like a fairy style. This old man is turbid. I glanced at the white robe in front, and I took one of them, and browsing it. stand up.

This black-haired old man passed through the nine hundred genius information in the ancient circulation, but a hundred genius of the ages of the ancient world did not pay attention.

Only for a moment, the dark old man browsed the nine hundred genius information.

"This session, the level is better than the previous few sessions." The black hair is murmured. "I originally prepared three disciples in this Yunhai Xianche." Come, more add two, five places, five are enough. "

"This is a hundred genius of the ages of the ancient world. Adults don't look at it?" The white robe was careful.

" ?"

The white robe old brow, but it is a smile, "" How can I be with the ancient circles? "

"These little guys from the world, they were born, they were greatly restricted, talents, people who were born more than the people who were born in the ancient circles, plus they did not know how to cultivate their own roots, with Step by step, a step-by-step breakthrough to Lingxiao, and their restrictions are getting bigger and bigger, and the potential is getting smaller and smaller. "

"It has a great disadvantage in the innate, and it has experienced the process of waste, and can you bother?"

"This hundred people can pass the second round of geniic war, I am afraid that there will be no five people, there is no need to waste time on them."

This brunette old man obviously didn't make the sword unparalleled. They were placed in the heart.

"It is the nine hundred students in the wilderness of the ancient circles. There are a few very good, it is worthy of attention." The dark hair smirk.

"That I don't know if the adult needs to invite those genius in advance?" White robe people asked.

"This is not anxious, my threshold of Yunhai Xianzong is not so simple, if there is not enough amazing talent, it is unqualified to become the disciple of my Yunhai Xiancai." The old man said this, The eyebrows also have a proud of it.

Yunhai Xiancai, one of the three giants, and in the third giant, in the first, such a sect, of course, there is a kind of arrogant.

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