Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 635, Xuan Yi's

"Ancient gates?"

"Is this a big man?"

A piece of mistake, dull!

These geniuses present, they have read the information of those sects before, and they are very clear about the status of many people in the sky.

Although only one of the nine top pointers, ancient doors are in many ways, stronger than that of the three giants.

In particular, cultivate disciples, old doors and even surpass the three giants, otherwise the old doctors are not likely to be born.

It can be said that the ancient gates' attractions to these geniuses will never be lower than that of the three giants.

As for a big man?

That is the first person in Tianye, Yonghe, why, how is it?

This mystery is not only to watch this geniic war in Chaotiange, but now it is directly to send the governor, and the sender will be done. But the mysterious one will send a six-way contest, but there is no One is the top genius to the ancient circles, but have given six people from the ancient world.

What's happening here?

Don't say that the geniuses of those who are in the ancient world, even if the sword is unparalleled, they are all sent by one.

Although some can't believe, the sword is unparalleled or immediately connected, after picking up, there is a message transfer immediately.

"This seat, the ancient giant Xuanyi!"

"The six in the genius war is very good, the next third round genius war, it is crucial, this seat will determine if you accept your disciples for the ancient gods, I hope you are in the first Three rounds put their strength and completely. "

The message is very simple, and this message does not directly invite them to join the ancient gates, and after receiving the message, the sword is unparalleled and other six genius is still excited.

"Ancient gates!" The fire and baby clasp hands, and the eyes were hot.

"I thought I could have a top block. I saw me. I received it for the peripheral disciple. I didn't expect the ancient gates. I didn't think I would like to collect me as a disciple." A white robe is indifferent iceberg, reach out of the tongue, squat, Lips.

"Old gates?" Feng looked up, and his eyes were also slightly smashed.

Next, those geniuses in the ancient circles, looking at the sword without double six people, but with a shade.

"Ancient gates!"

"Even we are all invited by the ancient gates, and this from the six people from the ancient world have got a gap."

"On Talent, the Power, the strongest peaks in this poplar, in our people, but only the first twenty, like the Wuhuang, sword, iceberg, fashionable Their strength is in our people, but also the bottom, but they have also got a good value to send out of the mysterious one person. "

"I don't know the mysterious people in the ancient doors, what do you think?"

How is the mysterious? This problem is not only whispering these genius, but even the strong people of the Zongmen, they also have a doubt.

"Mr. Xuan Yi, I am interested in the sixth guys from the Avenue of the Avenue?" The evil spirits of the evil spirits came, and the sound took a wonderful doubt.

"Hehe." Xuan is not hidden, directly: "I attached great importance to the genius, but the genius was divided into two kinds. One is the talent that talent, the other, is the genius of the heart And these two geniuses, I personally prefer it to latter. "

"These geniuses born from the ancient circles, compared to the ancient world, the innate advantages are too big, they are unique, it is easy to practice to reach Lingxiao, they encountered the setbacks, hardship, less, and less heart nature A lot of difference. "

"And those little guys who come to the elderly are different."

"The ancient world, the plane world, where the cultivation conditions are too bad, and there are countless priests in the world, but only those who can reach the number of Lingxiao, but if they can reach the level, all It is growing from endless setbacks, and their minds have matured one by one, saying that they are as mentally demon, and they are not too much. "

"Wan Dujie, unusual danger, want to live longer in the ancient world, is the most important aspect."

During the Xuan Yi, there are many people who are in the temples of the earth.

In the vast critical, the heart is indeed.

Of course, there are also people.

"Xuan Yi, we are coming to choose genius, and the reason why these geniuses are wanting to make them a strong in the future, becoming the medium-sized pillars of their respective sects, but it is not to live longer." Yunhai Xiancai The black old man smiled.

"That is your Yunhai Xiancai, my ancient disciples, cultivation only for living, regardless of strength is strong, it is enough to have a good time." Xuan said.

"Hey, distort the concept, no wonder you have always become the fourth big head in the sky." The black hair is cold: "In this case, the Tian Tian Festival, you are six small people in the ancient world. The guy is enough to take away. "

"If there are many people who don't compete with my ancient gates, the six little guys in this elderly are all right." Xuanyi directly.

"Give you, six little guys from the ancient world." The dark man dismissed.

"Since Xuan Yi wants to have the six little guys, I don't want to give face without a poor devil." The unligated magic evil spirits gave a visit.

"I don't die, I am not interested in the six little guys. Since your mysterious, since I want, I will naturally win." The middle-aged middle age of the Emperor Dynasty.

"So, I thank you very much." Xuan is a little, but this smile has a mystery.

On the campus, through the 24th genius of the second round of genius war, I waited quietly, waiting for those passing to invitation.

At the beginning, there was a few robes who had a white robe from the Tiande, and they came to invite those paradigues, but when most of the time passed, they calm down.

Then, under these geniuses, a large number of strong people woven from the Parents, and then left directly.

"How come?"

Those geniuses have doubtful.

At this time, the middle-aged man who was responsible for hosting the meeting was once again opened.

"After the second round of geniic war, I will start the third round of genius war after waiting until a month, and this month, I will take you to a place, let you spend a month there."

I heard this, the genius on the campus couldn't help but surprised.

The third round of genius war, I still have to wait until a month?

"Take us to a place?" The sword was unbeded, "I don't know where to take us."


PS: The website is caught, a little, the fourth chapter has been written, come out.

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