Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 638 Sword Musou and Chuyang

On the campus, many geniuses are dead, staring at the palace that came out from the battlefield, and a face is extremely dignified.

"The palace? Yes, qualified as my opponent, but I am sure is more stronger than him!" The Qianqiu has no traces hit his hands, and the battle is rising.

"Does the palace?" The crowd became a non-trimming, and the more green girl looked up at the palace, and the eyes flashed a light.

"Very strong people." Feng also lifted his head and stared at the palace, secretly sinking. "Face him, I have to go all out, I have the opportunity to fight with him."

"Three sticks defeated Jin Yue, the strength can be really strong." The sword is unparalleled, and it is too hot.

The battle is still going on, but also a few pairs of talents, when a fierce battle is over ...

"Chu Yang!"

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The middle-aged man shouted to these two names.

When the genius on the field, they immediately saw the sword without double with Chuyang.

"Is it coming to me?" The sword was unhappy.

"The sword is unparalleled, come on." Iceberg, Xuan Ying two said next to him.

He has just experienced the battle of the battle, and the results they are all under their respective opponents.

The sword is unparalleled, and then it will go to the battlefield.

That Chuyang also went to the battlefield. There were many geniuses from the ancient circles on the way, and they looked at his eyes.

"This Chuyang, the luck can be really good, I have encountered the sword from the ancient world."

"There is a hundred and twenty-four geniuses that have been eligible to enter this third round. This sword is unparalleled is one of the top of the bottom. Who can encounter him, almost stable."

"That Chu Yang is very lucky!"

"This battle, there is no suspense."

The genius of these ancient worlds have sred.

In the Tiandoge, those strong people from all parties, obviously don't have much interest in this battle.

After all, the expression of swords is too poor in the second round of genius war, with that Chuyang, almost the same level, they all think that this battle will not have any suspense.

Only an old door is a mysterious one, and there is a silk expectation.

"That kid, hidden for so long, and it should be slightly exhibited?"

"Let me have a good life."


On the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with the Chu Yangzhi's distance, holding it.

"Kid, remember how much I said before?" Chu Yang was smiling, and his hand had a bronze big hammer. "I said, this battle, I will let you make a chance to connect. nothing."

"I will wait and see." The sword is unparalleled.

"This little child is still quite calm?"

"It is definitely strong, I gambling him in the hands of Chu Yang, but there is ten breathing!"

"Ten breathing? It is too short? The sword is unparalleled. What is the second round of genius war, walking in the war."

Those geniuses in the battlefield are all talking.

At this time, the hand of the bronze hammer has been working.


The harsh broken wind sounded, this Chuyang deep into the phantom, and there was no double near the sword. The bronze hammer was in his hands. With a pound of the big land, this bronze hammer began Maxing at an amazing speed.

In a blink of blinking, this bronze hammer has been turned into a poundful bronze mountain, carrying a thrilling power, directly in the sword, unparalleled.

Seeing this the appearance of this ancient bronze mountain, there was a burst of surplus on the battlefield.

"If you lose weight? This is the feeling of this Chuyang to the land of the earth."

"A month ago, his feelings of the land of the earth, not this, it seems that he is in the moon in Wukong, and it is not small."

"The sword is unparalleled, it is miserable!"

Many geniuses are .

The Chuyang face in the hand-held bronze hammer is all over the cold smile.

"See it? See my month's progress?" Chu Yang is very much.

This month, he made a small progress, and he was in this competition, he couldn't wait to make the sword to make the progress of this month, and attract the attention of those strong.

As for the sword, unparalleled ... just let him show the strength of the stones.

But this time, the sword is unparalleled ... out of the sword.


The cold sword, the moment, the whole world is completely dark, and the darkness is very unparalleled.

In this no darkness, this cold sword is unusual.

First-order top secret skills star!

The same trick, the sword is unparalleled now, but it is more embarrassing than a month ago.

Its power is directly improved!

Two offensive, contact.


A loud sound, high judgment.


A big mouth was sprayed from the Chuyang mouth. This smile that Chuyang has been hanging on his face immediately, and the heart is in an instant.

His eyes brought a shock, with a trace of incredible death staring at the sword, and his body shape was huge, crazy in the rear.

Outside the battlefield, those who laughed and smirked a lot of people, at this moment, they couldn't help but stay.

The expression on the face also turned into a mistake.

It is wrong.

In their way, this battle, there will be no suspense.

And the result, only one sword, Chu Yang was vomiting blood?

It is completely crushed!

It can be originally followed by their script, it should be that Chuyang is completely crushed with swords, but now, it is completely changed.

"How can it be?"

All people have not made these four words in my mind.

In the Tiandangge, the strong people of all parties to the doctors have also widen the swords on the battlefield at this moment.

Just that collision, they are all very clear.

"The first heavy mystery of killing, thorough understanding?"

"It is realistic, otherwise it is just that sword, the power is not in this strong horizontal."

"But this, how is this? One month ago, he was in the sense of killing, it was general, the distance will be the first to mystery, or there is a lot of difference, how short it is a month, just understand What can't I realize it, but I still have to involve the second redo. "

"Just a month, then make it so fast?"

These strong people from all parties are also horrified.

One month of Wu Daofeng, these geniuses or less have some progress, and the advancement of swords is not too big.

From the distance to the first heavy metaphysque, it is a lot of thorough understanding. Yes or even longer.

And the sword is unparalleled, one month?

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