Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 679 pro-disciples

The big campus, a silence.

"Thirty floor?"

Everyone almost does not believe in their ears.

Even if Luo Yong is with East, these two geniuses, they also looked at the sword unparalleled.

The two of them have entered the ancient doctors for decades. The speed of self-friendly progress is also very amazing, but now there is no double comparable to the sword ... There is no longer than it is.

I have passed the thirtieth floor, and I have a total of 31st layers in nine days. The sword is unparalleled just the last floor.

And the sword is unparalleled into ancient gates, and it is only two years!

"Sword is unparalleled, you ..."

Standing on the sword and unparalleled peaks, it is also a look of a ghost. I just asked the sword and unparalleled. I know that the sword is unparalleled than him. But he only believes that the sword is unparalleled. The first floor is better than him, he is not discouraged, and the future is hoped to catch up with the sword.

But now ... The thirty floor, leading him foot 10!

Two years, he thought that he had chased the sword and was unparalleled, but it was a horrified discovery, his gap between the swords, even farther, and even far apart.


The ancient gherdes have a big ratio, and it is over.

The quota of the ten inner-door disciples has also had an answer, and the sword is unparalleled. The two people have maintained the position of the interior disciples. Only the fire is a peripheral disciple.

However, the ancestors of the Zongmen are over, but they can surround the topic of the sword, but they rang throughout the ancient doors. Many old-fashioned disciples are in Jinjin, until a few days, this topic gradually calm down.

The sword is unparalleled, but he immediately went to the swordsman before the end of the Zongmen.

The three swords traces left in Xuan, the sword unparalleled, so I realized the two of them and became a mission-famous disciple, as for the third ...

The third sword mark is the first sword nine-style sword, completely integrated into a sword, this step is more difficult than the second sword mark.

During the time of the sword where there is no double, his swordsmanship has been upgraded, nor does it have to have a third sword mark, but unfortunately there is no shortprint.

Until now, he condensed the sword.

After condensed the sword, he once again looked at these three swords and felt it very completely.

The strongest sword of this third sword is before, he has no shortcomings, but now just looks at it, the sword has some feelings.

Half a month later.


A sword is straightforward, and the piercing front is empty.

It seems that there is no sound, but the sword is really stabbed on the void, you bullish ~~~ A stunning sound explosion is directly spread.

This sword, integrates with unhappy, and the power is extremely horrible, showing it, the strongest trick created by the sword is unparalleled, and the third-order top secrets are more stronger.

"A horror of a sword."

The sword is unparalleled in the hands of the sword, watching the heavy swords in front of the swords around, and there is no shocked color.

This sword is indeed extremely horrible, the sword is unparalleled, even if this sword is like power, it is afraid that it is much more than those four-order secrets.

Absolutely a killing.

"Do you understand this?" A light fluttering sound suddenly came from side.

The sword is unparalleled immediately, seeing it, seeing Xuan Yi, I have already appeared next to my side.

"Master." The sword was unparalleled immediately.

Xuan Yi took the pace, slowly embedded, went to the sword without double, and stopped.

"From your road to Jiu Tian Road, I know that you will soon solve the third sword mark I left, and now, only half a month ..." Xuanyi faces gentle Smile, continue: "This is the rule of the rules, but if there is an eternal, you can leave all the three swords of the three swords, I will accept it as a pro-disciple."

"Since you reach this step, then from today, you, you will be the fourth disciple of this seat."

"The fourth child is a disciple?" The sword is unparalleled.

In the past two years he stayed in ancient game, he never listened to someone who said that Xuan Yi Palace owner has another pro-disciple.

Many disciples in the Jung Palace said that all three swords traces left by Xuan Yi Palace will be translated, but now ...

"You still have three brothers, but the three brothers have long left the ancient gates, and they will go out. If there is an opportunity in the future, you will see them." Xuan Yi smiled.

"Yes." The sword has no double nodding, and the bottom is some expectation.

The threshold of Xuan Yi is extremely high, and it is possible to become a pro-disciple of Xuan Yi. His three brothers are definitely not in general. He also wants to look at the energy of these three brothers.

"You come with me." Xuanji opened.

The sword is unparalleled with Xuan Yi to the Sword Building.

The entire sword is only in the sword without a double and mysterious one or two.

"Now there are only two people in our teachers, some things, I want to ask you." Xuan watched the sword.

"Master, I would like to ask." The sword is unparalleled.

"As early as the day of the day, I saw that you have gone in the eugenic world, otherwise, it is impossible to reach the level in just less than 40 years, and it is impossible to have. Due to the secret. "Xuan said.

"Yes." The sword was unparalleled.

With his performance at Tianzhimei, the strong people from all parties see the extraordinary encounter, let alone Xuan, the sword is unlikely.

"At that time, you didn't have much relationship with me, so I didn't ask you, after all, everyone has a chance of everyone, I won't intervene, but now, you are already my pro-disciple, I want to ask, You have encountered before. "Xuan said.

The sword is unparalleled.

As a master, some encounters for their disciples, of course, have certain understandings.

"The disciple is in the ancient world, I have to have a good chanting, even fortunately, I have received a super powerful person." The sword is unparalleled. The super power he said is naturally Xiao Emperor.

"Oh? It turns out." Xuan Yixiang, I immediately asked: "Do you have quenching secrets? And your roots seem to be extremely strong."

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled again. "Disciple, once received a secret surgery called an endless quenching method in the ancient world, so the flesh is relatively strong, as for the foundation, it is also a point of arrival."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is said that he is the biggest secret. After all, he is his greatest secret. He can only push everything on the body of Xiao Emperor.

"Does not destroy the secret?" Xuanyi frowned, but he didn't plan to continue asking.

As a master, he only need to know that the sword is unparalleled, there is enough, there is no need to plant the roots.


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