Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 681 kills!

The words of Yunfan threw, so that the elders of the many clouds around the clouds were almost asking.

They can see the talents who have no pairs of swords, which is more horrible than the three pro-disciples before Xuan Yi.

"Betting, this sword is unparalleled, it should be the disciple of my Yunhai Xiancai, all blame the mysterious one." Shi Qian coldly held his hands and complains.

Before the Tianzhou event, he once invited the sword without double to join the Yunhai Xianyou. Unfortunately, the sword was unparalleled. At that time, Xuan Yi was also personally shot, and the sword will be brought to two broken, let him almost become almost Jokes, he is full of resentment for Xuan, now heard the news of Xuan Yijian and unparalleled to the disciples, and the bottom is naturally more unhappy.

"Ancient gates, it is already very strong." Yunfan continued: "It cannot be made up of it to continue."

"This sword is unparalleled, and it will never let him step into his three brothers, and he is not growing up, looking for an opportunity, kill him as soon as possible!"

I heard this, these elders in the scene were one.

Self-assassination of other genius disciples, this is not rare in the sky.

Under normal circumstances, in some hostilemen, if there is a very great genius, it will find ways to kill the other party in advance, which is normal.

However, Yunhai Xiancai, but the first parade in the sky, why?

Yunhai Xiancai has never been filled with this. Even if the other two giants, the genius disciples who are not destroyed with the immortal demon, even if they have certain threats, Yunhai Xian Palace has not really spent the heart to assassinate Over.

Nowadays, there is a unparalleled appearance of the sword, and it is a jealous of this Yunfan, which can be assassinated. It can be seen that this Yunfan is an old man. In the eyes of sails, Xuan Yi's pro-disciples, threats, than not destroyed the Emperor Dynasty, the second budget of the two giants of the Emperor, but also a lot.

"This sword is unparalleled, you must die, but if you want to remember, don't be too bright, don't let the ancient gates caught the handle, after all, the old door of the mysterious palace, it is really not provoked." Yunfan said.

When Yunfan said, there was an elderly proposed: "Soon, the life and death will be reopened, this is a big champion, the sword is unparalleled, so strong, will certainly enter life and death In the world, we can find a chance to kill him. "

"Life and death, eternal world?" Yunfan moved in the heart, "I don't say that I almost finished, and I will open once every hundred years. I will not use it for a few years. You wait for a few years, you want to enter life and death It is ready to prepare for breakfast. "

The elders around the surroundings nodded.

The eternal circles of life, not only for those disciples, but the elders who have reached the eternal bodies, they also have great appeal, like their big old Yunfan, the reason why they can have The absolute strength has become a big old, because he has had huge gains in the eternal circles of life and death.

"As for the sword, there is no parallel ... I will find a chance, kill him!"


At the same time, it did not destroy the emperor.

"Is Xuan Yixian unparalleled to the disciple?"

"Good guy, Ling Wei is condensed with swords, why!"

"Hey, this is the mysterious one, how many monsters are you want to teach?"

"He has already teatted three monsters, although the ancient doctors are just a top block, but in many places, but stronger me three giants, now, he wants to teach the fourth monster?"

"Never make this sword unparalleled, or this ancient doors are really going to be above our three giants!"


Extremely demon.

"I want to think that there is no longer grow up, but I will kill him, but don't let Xuan, I know that I have an unprotive magic, it is angered, and he really crew, no one I know what will happen. "

"You can find a way to marry the Yunhai Fairy Palace or you don't die."

"In short, the sword is unparalleled must die, but it will never die in my helpless"! "


Yunhai Xianchaicong, Ignore the Emperor, the Three Giants in the Doyo, which learned that Xuan Yixian was unparalleled to the pro-disciples, and there was nothing in the way, but it was dark but it has been stunned.

As Xuan Yi said, these three giants as long as the sword is unparalleled into his pro-disciples, then it is absolutely unable to calm down.

However, these three giants also have great counsel, they have a deep jealous of Xuan, so they will not be chaotic.

In the ancient ghermen, everything is as usual, in the second day of the sword unparalleled into Xuan Yi, the Xuanyi took the sword and went to Jianfeng.

Jianfeng is within ancient gates.

There are countless towering mountains in the ancient giants, the giant peaks, and Jianfeng is one of them, and it is still an extremely unhappy.

Jian Feng was rushed to the center, and the light was watching on the surface. This sword peak is far without many other giant peaks, but it is very small, and the whole sword is unparalleled. It can really make a close look, it will find that this sword peak, from the top of the mountain, it is completely covered under a ban.

"Come with me."

Xuanyi took a few handprints before the ban, after opening the ban, he took the sword without double towards the sword.

When I came to Jianfeng, the sword didn't feel the strangeness of this Jianfeng. I feel like the ordinary mountain peaks until I came to this sword peak, entering this hillside, one, one Entering this cave, the sword is unparalleled to immediately induce the incredible swords of the entire cave.

This sword, profound, tolerant.

"Good swords, and this sword seems to involve all aspects of the sword."

"Haina Baichuan!"

The sword is unparalleled.

And when the sword is unparalleled to the core of this cave.

"The sword is unparalleled, you look at the stone walls around you." Xuan Yi smiled.

The sword is unparalleled to look at the stone wall around, and this looks, his eyes are immediately labeled.

I saw the stone wall around the Dongfu, and the dragon flying phoenix dance was engraved with a big word. These words were 'Tao' words. If the light is used to see the eyes, these words, a one is exactly the same, there is almost no difference. .

The sword is unparalleled, it is a condensed sword, when he looks at these That, these words become unusual.

"this is……"

The sword is unparalleled to see a word in his front, obvious is just a word, but now in the sword where there is no eyes, it has begun to gradually evolve, gradually evolved into a complete, and went to the ultimate sword.

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