Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 690 changed the god crystal

Time passed, a sway has passed for a month and a half, and only half a month remains within two months.

And the eleven mission goals, the sword is unparalleled, there is only ten, only the last one.

This last one is also the strongest strength, the most difficult one, the sword is unparalleled to stay in the end.

"Is that the Castle of Hui?" The sword was unparalleled with his hands, stood in the sky, looking at a castle built in front of the amethyst.

This castle, large area, is also very amazing in the surrounding territory.

Many military people in the surrounding territory know that this contracted is in an extremely terrible natural god, Hu Yu's God.

Hu Yu's God, in the past many years, in this castle, the famous gas has long spread.

This Hu Yu is very smart, he knows that this is the territory of ancient gates, and knows that if it is committed here, it will be stared by the ancient gates, so he acts Although he acts However, there has been a restlessness, never violated the bottom line of the ancient gates.

For so many years, he lived well, and the ancient gates have never found his trouble.

Not long ago, the ancient doctors were found, this Hu Yan Tian god, in thousands of years ago, with people, in order to compete for a treasure, killing an ancient disciple.

When Hu Yishen was killed by him with him, he did not see this ancient disciple, and it was also very good to handle it, and it was very good, this caused things to have been in the past millennium. Didn't find his head.

The reason why it will be found now, that is because the person who has joined his hand at the beginning of Hui Tian Shen fell into the hand of the ancient doors, and said in order to save.

"I have been distinguished by the ancient gates. I never touched the bottom line of the old door, but it is dark, but even the old-fashioned disciples dare to assassinate. This Hui Tian god, the means can be high enough." The sword was unparalleled.

His eleven mission goals, there are ten people who have committed great crimes in the territory of the ancient gates, and the ancient gates killed them, but they didn't want to control the inside of the territory of themselves too confusing, and killing is not very big. This Hu Yu is different.

Darious to kill the disciples of ancient gods, this sin is not as forgiven, so this task mentioned that this is a god, must die!

"Although this Hu Yu is the most important one of the eleventh mission goals, you can want to kill him, it is not easy." The sword was unparalleled.

According to the information he got, although this Hui is just a high-spirited god, it is absolutely strong in the high height. It is much stronger than the ice that he kills, and the other high-spirited gods is much stronger, and he lives. There is a lot of a long, have a means or a base card, and it will be more.

"No matter what to say, I will say hello to him, I heard that this day of Hu Yu's God has been very leisure." The sword is unparalleled, and then it is directly to the castle directly.

In that huge purple castle, the most core of the world has a grand temple. One red feet above the hall, the middle-aged man wearing a loose robe, is lying at a crystal bed, and there are two beautiful music around. That is all, the central government also has a lot of beauty dances.

In addition to these Meiji, the whole hall is only one person, he is in the middle of the wine, and the face is somewhat rosy, and a face is comfortable.

This middle-aged man is Hu Yu Tianshen. Like the sword unparalleled, this Hu Yu's sense of God is very leisurely. He has already reached the point of high height, and it has always been an emperor in the surrounding territory. No one tested him, he only need to be careful, don't touch the bottom line of the old door.

Although he also did some of the challenge in the dark, it was very good after the good, so no one would find his head.

When Hu Yu is still in the enjoys, a waiter outside the main hall hurriedly came in, ran to Hu Yan, squatting, respecting: "There is one person outside the fort, the fortune of the old door Sign, say something to see you. "

"The interpretation of the ancient door?" Hu Yu's look moved, the red rusty on the face was dissatisfied, and he waved his hand, the beauty of the surrounding and the main hall had retired.

"I have been afraid of ancient gates, never let the bottom line of the old door, and the people in the old doctors are not anxious. How can there be an old-fashioned disciple to find me?" Hu Wei frowned, the heart is dark, "Is there a few things to be found by the ancient house?"

There is more than one thing in his dark, but it has not been discovered.

"The old name of the old name, did you say what is your name?" Hu Yu asked.

"No." The waiter shook his head, followed: "But it is just a Ling Xiaoyu."

"Ling Xiaoyu?" Hu Yuyi, the bottom is easy to tone, "seeing that it should be looking for me to trouble, there is a Lingmi in the district, I haven't qualified to find me, but after all, it is an ancient door disciple. It is easy to get sin. "

"Go, please come in." Hu Hao told him.

"Yes." This waiter went immediately.

And Hu Wei is organizing a gown, standing up.

Not long after, the waiter led the sword and unparalleled, and appeared within the main hall.

"You go go first." Hu Yu waved, and the waiter immediately left.

In the big temple, there is only two people left with swords, Hu Yu stands high, watching the sword is unparalleled, and also noticed the breath of the sword, and he is very confirmed, the sword is really just a lot of territory.

"Haha, this little brother, I don't know what is the name? What is what I can do?" Hu Yu is very enthusiastic.

"My name is a sword," The sword is unparalleled, "I just passed through the surrounding territory, I want to buy a few treasures, but unfortunately the body is not enough, so I want to find Hu Yu Tian, ​​change some of the gods."

"Change the alcohol?" Hu Yu's heart moved, and he did not doubt it.

The war is in the outside, and the treasure exchange of the gods is very common, and this exchange is directly exchanged in those shops, but some treasures are too high, or very rare. At this time, they will be exchanged in the shop. Therefore, it is generally directly found some powerful people, and it is also normal to exchange sufficient god.

"This sword is unparalleled is an ancient door disciple. This is a heavy identity. He is not worried that I will treat him."

Hu Yu's heart smiled, and immediately asked, "I don't know what kind of treasure is in exchange for God crystal?"

"Use this." The sword has no doubles, and took out a black spar.


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