Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 699, see the Palace

"See it." The sword was not barely stared at the Yunhai Xianyong camp, nodded slightly.

He has already noticed the three of the Yunhai Xiancou, and the three people gave him a great pressure. Obviously the three people were top.

"These three people, I know that it is an extremely good disciple in Yunhai Xianpi, especially the Wu Dao, I have also traded with him, but unfortunately, I lost it, and it was very miserable, his The strength is extremely strong in the top of the world, even if the palace owner is more than the palace, it is not too far. "Liu Chong is low.

"In addition, they have already been a disciple in the Yunhai Xianpi. Although there have been no time to live in the eternal circles, Yun Haixian Palace has always focused on cultivating a new generation of disciples, letting one of them will come to life and death. It is already very good, but now I am too strange. "

Liu Chong is a little.

The sword is unparalleled to hear this, but the eyes are slightly.

He looked up at the three people, and he just noted the other eyes, including these three people.

The sword is unparalleled, these three may be rushing.

Of course, this is only doubt, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, just at this time, the Yunhai Xianyong camp is in the shape of a sword.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The sound sounded, and the sword didn't have a double heard. He immediately saw the Yue Zobe younger with the ruined stone stick in front of him.

"Ha, Palace."

Seeing people, swords are unparalleled to show smiles.

This purple robe youth, Hed is at the eight years ago, winning the first super genius palace.

At the beginning of the day, the sword was unparalleled with the palace. At that time, he had a great reservation. The result was lost to the palace. It can later inspected the four rounds of cultivation years, he is defined as a big monster, the wind is even complete Cover the latter.

And finally, he followed the ancient gates with Xuan, and this palace is going to the Yunhai Xiancai.

At the time of eight years, two two geniuses showed the most dazzling events at the Tianzhu event.

However, the Palace of the Palace at this moment has broken through the gods, but the sword is unparalleled but still just a Lingxiao.

"I haven't seen it in eight years, I have to go to Tianzhu event, I have said to you?" The palace is eye-catching, staring at the sword.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

"I said at the time, I met next time, I would like to compete with you, now eight years have passed ..." The palace drain suddenly, and then said: "For eight years, I tried to improve the strength in Yunhai Xianchai. I have always expected to meet you, and now I'm going to meet. "

"What do you want to do?" The sword was unparalleled and laughed at the palace. The genius of the palace, the sword is unparalleled, it is more appreciated.

"I know, I asked." The palace looked up at the sword unparalleled, and there was a battle in the past. "The sword is unparalleled, and I will fight with me."

In that sentence, the palace deliberately raised the sound, the strong people of all parties around, and the disciples have seen it.

When I saw that the palace was unparalleled with the sword, these strong people, the disciples became an old.

"The sword of the ancient doors is unparalleled, the other is the Palace of the Yunhai Xiancai, these two are the best two people in the last Tian Dynasty!"

"At last time, this sword is unparalleled in the hands of the palace. It should be a sword unparalleled challenge. I didn't expect that this palace is active and challenges the sword."

"It's normal, the Tianzhu Festival, the sword is unparalleled, the talent of the sword is unparalleled, but the palace is also enchanting, and after some of his ancient gates, it is maintained by the Xuan Yi Palace. For the pro-disciples, this palace is probably knowing that the strength of the sword is not weak, even more powerful, so it will take the initiative to challenge. "

Many strong people around the surroundings secretly discuss.

And the ancient gates and the strong people of the Yunhai Xianyong, seeing this scene, looking at each other, but there is no blockbusing meaning.

Ancient gates and Yunhai Fairy Palace, Mingli secretly there is a competition, the struggle between disciples, as long as it is not the battle of life and death, there is no big deal.

"The sword is unparalleled, this battle, should you refuse?" The palace looked at the sword and unparalleled, solemn: "Of course, I can see that you have not broken through the gods, so I will suppress myself. The power will not exceed the category of Lingxiao, how? "

"Solving force to press the power?" Looking at the front of his own, the battle of the sky, the sword was unparalleled, "I don't have to suppress the power, you will take your strength."

"Are you sure?" The palace is sinking.

"Of course." The sword is very self-confident.

"Well, you are careful."

The palace also did not ink, and the carrying stone stick behind him appeared in his hand. The vast breath came from him, and a good pressure was formed, and the sword was unparalleled.

"This palace, eight years have not seen, the strength has improved a lot?" The sword was unparalleled.

The palace is a real genius. In the past eight years, in the first door of Tianyunhai in the sky, the strength improved, and it is not more than the peak, and even more stronger.

"it has started."

The palace opened, and his figure was in the face of his body, and it was directly in front of the sword, and then the ruined stone jar is a unrecognizable family, and only can be reluctant to see it. A heavy black shadow, this black shadow is as if it is a road stick, which is overlapping each other.

The strong horizon is immediately swept.

"Higher God, and it is estimated in the top of the gods."

When the palace is shot, the sword is unparalleled. It immediately understands the strength of the former. When the sword has no double, the long sword will appear in his hand.

This sword is a sword, as for the young emperor, it is incorporated by him in Qiankun Rings.

The long sword is in the hands, the swords in the sword are also slightly shock, and the swordsman will instantly by the sword.

"50% of the swordsman, the same thing." The sword didn't have a slightening, and the long sword in the next moment was directly swept.


The movement of the row of clouds, but the palace is fascinating.

"Good terrible swords."

Although it was surprised, the palace did not panic, and the long stick in his hand will smoke it, then sweep.

The sword is unparalleled, the long sword is awkward, and it is easy to avoid the collision with the ruined stone stick. The Jianfeng jumped like a ghost and lying to the palace, the speed is like lightning.

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