Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 757 Revenge from Yunhai Xiancai

Destroy the palace master, the Mo Tao Palace, the three people of the Ming Palace, take the sword unparalleled Yunfan, escaping all the way, do not dare to stop on the way.

A stunning sound behind him, but also surprised him.

Until, it was very far away, and it was also aware that the emergency rescue signal rapidly came, and the two people came to come with them, they finally tone.

At a relatively remote hill, the five eternal strats of the ancient doctors gathered together.

"Destroy, what happened, actually forced you to send an emergency rescue signal?" White Emperor asked.

I heard the inquiry of the White Emperor Palace, destroying the main color of the palace is a sink, "is Yunfan!"

"Yunfan?" Bai Yu, Ling Yu is a one.

"The three people started to have a good luck, and the three people teamed up from those devil's hands, and they took a magic god baptism. But we just got the gods tolerant, and met the Yunfan, just passing, and another two Yunhai Xianchaicong. Strong. "Destroy the palace master.

"It was originally from the human camp. Since the magic god baptism has been taken by us, this cloud sail has to be a gram, but it should not expect that this old thing actually took directly to us."

Speaking of this, destroy the palace master, the Mo Tao Palace, the Ming Youth Palace, the three people are angry.

"Our three people are naturally angry, fight against, but this Yun Sail has never shot, and now his strength has already reached a higher level. According to I estimate that his war is comparable to the fourth step. Well. "Destroy the main road of the palace.

"Fourth step?" Bai Yu, Ling Yu is shocked.

"He turned into silver armor to the gods, alone, was completely crushed with me, and I only quickly escaping, and this cloud is still chasing." Destroy the Palace Lord continued.

"Originally, he thought he was rushing to the demon god baptism. Since he is so eager, in order to save life, I will give him the gods baptism. If he leaves us, he didn't think that he actually refused. ! "

"Reject?" The main color of the white feather palace changed, "The Devil's gods will promise him to him, how can he refuse?"

"Who know?" Destroyed and shook his head.

"The guy is crazy, it is exactly what we have three people in the dead." Mo Tao palace is low. "

"I have been chasing him by him, there is no way, this will issue an emergency rescue signal." Destroy the palace owner helpless.

After listening, the White Epigae owner and the main color of the Palace of Lingyu are extremely dignified.

They are willing to give the devil god baptism to give Yun Fan, but the latter is still not letting them, this is exactly the rhythm of the destruction of the palace master.

"I have a self-friendly hatred with this Yunfan, and he is doing this now, it is in this ancient gactor, but not unexpected, I am afraid because of a hundred years ago, the Xuan Yi Palace main sword directly Killing the seven Yunhai Xiancai, Yunhai Xiancai hated in the heart, this will mall us. "Destroy the palace master solemn.

"Bastard, he is not afraid to completely tear his face with my ancient gates?" Bai Yu is dark.

"No, he is not afraid." The Lingyu, the main opening of the palace.

Destroy the palace and other people immediately looked over.

Ling Yu is solemn: "Everyone, you all know that although my ancient gates are very special in the sky, sometimes the three giants have to worry about us, but this kind of scruple, it is not Because of the overall strength of my ancient gates, there is so much, but because there is a door in my ancient gherriens, the main people with the mysterious palace! "

"Three giants, any whole strength is far above my ancient gates, they don't care about my ancient gates, at all, don't care about our eternal bodies, they really care, only the door owners have the right palace the Lord."

"However, the door of the door, the god dragon saw the end, and many years have never appeared in front of us. Now they are not in the sky, are unknown!"

"As for the Lord of Xuan Yi, his nature is clear. He is in an old door, and as long as he is very miserable, if he kills him pro-disciples, he kills him extremely close, or it is When the ancient gates lived in life, he would not shoot easily. "

"Just because of this, the cloud will not have a scruple."

"One hundred years ago, Xuan Yi Palace was killed in Qunhai Xiancai, and the Yunhai Xiancai was hit hard. The Yunhai Xiancai did not dare to report the Lord of Xuan Yao, so we only revenue our ancient gates."

Learning to Lingyu Palace Lord finished, destroying the palace owner and others are not nodded.

Their heart, I agree with the Lingyu Palace owner.

Indeed, in the ancient gangs, the three giants are truly, only their one can call the door of the world, and the mysterious, terrible known Xuan Yi Palace.

In addition to them, others are not in the eyes of the three giants.

The three giants did not dare to revenue Xuanyi, so they retalmed them, which is also normal.

"Look at it, we have been more careful for the next few days." Destroy the Palace.

Next to several palace masters have nodded.

"Due to the destruction." White Feung Palace also looked over, "Since you said that you just happen, how do you escape from Yunfan?"


I heard the Lord of the White Emperor Palace, destroy the palace master, the Mo Tao Palace, and the three people of the Ming Palace looked at each other, and the three expressions were a little quirky.

"Is such that."

Destroy the main opening of the palace: "We met a strong tensile goddess in the escape, this respect of the golden armor is just a star level, but the power is strong, but it is no longer in Yunfan, and the most important It is, this nournifer seems to have no interest in our three people. "

"Isn't interested?" White Emperor Palace was slight.

"It is not interested." Mingxin Palace mainly nodded, "he was clearly in front of us, and when he was rushing, he missed us, but he didn't look at us, but did not shoot, but directly Together with Yunfeng, it is because he stopped Yunfan for us, we can find the opportunity to escape. "

"Is this?" White Emperor Palace owner is also a little quirky with the departure of the palace.

In the Devil's nationality, there is a devil who is not interested in them.

"In fact, there is still something ..." Destroy the palace suddenly opened, and his brows at this moment also wrinkled.

"What?" Several Palace Lords came over.

"When I was killing Yunfan, I carefully read the sword used by the golden armor, the sword, it seems ... It is a young sword!" Destroy the palace owner low.


Mo Tao Palace, a few people in the White Emperor Palace were shocked.

Share Sword?

From the hands of the Master of Xuan, represent the young sword of the Sword Palace.


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