Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 815 Xia Ezu

"Xia is, it is the two masses of Xiajiao!"

"It's he!"

"We can't even come to the Tian Yunge owner to meet, it turned out to be him, I heard this Xia Ezan, but the first day of the ancient world!"

"The first day God? Really fake?"

"Of course, it is true, rumors this Xia Ethi, who used to defeat a fourth step in the top of the world, simply incredible."

"What is the possibility of defeating the fourth step in the top of the fourth step?

"Is there any impossible, the ancient world enchanting is like a cloud, this two son is definitely enchanting in the enchanting, not only him, but also his big brother, his big brother is said to be more enchanting than him."

The entire Zihia island is in a tutorial.

Everyone is talking about the two masses of the Xia.

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled with Yang Zi Xuan standing in parallel, both of them have sent the two son to leave.

"Xia Ezu 2 Bono? What is the origin?" The sword is unparalleled.

He has been staying in the sky, this is still his first time, and he has not heard this so-called Xiajiao.

"This summer, I am listening to my teacher." Yang Zi Xuan said.

The sword is unparalleled to Yang, and the latter teacher can be a Xiao Emi, one of the four major emperors of the Eastern Tang Dynasty. Xia Emi can be said from Xiao Emperor, which has been destined to have extraordinary this summer.

"Master said that there are many families with the creation of the country, and there are many families with strong strength. After most of these families, they are in the summer, the most stronger!"

"Xia Ezu, in Eastern Tang Tang, known as a hegemony, is a recognized first family." Yang Zai Xuan said.

"Bilian?" The sword is unparalleled.

Billy, this is a very high title.

It can be called a hegemony, this summer, the bottom is naturally non-simple.

"This summer, Since Tang Huang, the Tang Dynasty has begun, there is already existed, and whether it is Tanghuang, there is still four Datang Shengshi, which is still in the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty. There must be a certain trick. "Yang Zai Xuan said.

"John?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It is very taboo."

Yang Yi Xuan nodded. "I listened to Master to say Xia Emi, the teacher's voice is obviously a bit trick, I also asked about the reason, Master said that the summer has a great ancestor, this A Xia Kai's ancestors, even the Tanghuang and the strongest young emperor in the first four emperors, they did not dare to look. "

"Even if it is the most prosperous period of Dongtu Tang, Eastern Tang Dynasty and Xia is also a well water does not commit river water, and now the overall strength of Eastern Tang Dynasty is sharply weakened, and the four emperors have only one of the cold emperors. Naturally, this summer is more taboo. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled secret.

"I have seen this Xiajiao, I have seen this, I have heard that Xia Yi, is Xia Yi to cultivate the enchanting, he once defeated a fourth step at the top of the world. The situation is recognized as the first day of the ancient borders. "Yang Zi Xuan also said.

I heard this, the sword is unbeded, but it is a pick.

Wan Dang, too vast, strong, the genius is even more.

Like in the sky, it is just a very ordinary domain world of the ancient circles. It is there, you want to see a strongest God who can compete with ordinary eternal, almost all are expected, so that you don't want to miss you.

Therefore, in the sky domain, a naturality of God can definitely be a limit.

But this extent, it is not necessary to put it in the whole vast ancient world.

In Wancha, the strongest God is very rare, but there are still some, like this Zihinia island to win ten consecutive victories in the bloody platform, almost all the strongest God.

Ordinary strongest temperament, can only match the first step in the first step, but it is also possible to compare the next step, and the third step is also possible.

That Summer, as the super genius of Xiajiao, is the first day of the first day of the ancient borders, which is able to defeat a fourth step in the top of the end, which is also reasonable.

"Of course, the summer is very powerful, but you compare with the old three, but there is a difference, the old three you can kill the thunderstorm, wait, if it is a good mood, you can go directly to find him. The first day of his ancient borders will take back. "Yang Zai Xuan fell away.

"Haha, old two, don't laugh at me."

The sword has no double smile. "This summer can be a Summer two son. Such as a prominent identity, the bottom sign is definitely a lot, let me not say that I won, even if I have won, I will not be stupid to a virtual name, I got to give him sin, after all, he stood behind him. "

"Well, it's right." Yang Zi Xuan also nodded.

Whether it is a sword, a unparalleled or Yang Zai Xuan, the first day of the first day of the ancient world, the first day, the virtual name and the like are not interested.

They want, just substantive benefits.

"Okay, don't say so much, hurry, your leader, I am afraid that it is waiting." The sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled with Yang and Yang Ren again, not long, came to the military camp of the Bauhinjun.

After the military camp, the sword was unparalleled soon saw the union of the Zijing Army.

This leadership is a mid-age man who is burly, it looks like a three-three-three thick, but the breath of this middle-aged man is not underestimated.

There are many strong incense in the purisha, which can become the leadership of the Bauhojun. Although the middle-aged man is not a road, it is almost called invincible in the eternal bodies!

"Congratulatory." Yang Weixuan micro-line ceremony.

This middle-aged man nodded, his eyes like copper bells, but it is directly to see the sword. "You are a swordsman."

"It is me." The sword is unparalleled.

This middle-aged man carefully got the sword unparalleled, and immediately opened. "Someone wants to see you, come with me."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is still following the middle-aged man to the military camp. As for Yang Zexuan, it is waiting for it in place.

Not long after, this middle-aged man took swords and unparalleled, and came to this huge account of the Central Army Camp. In that, there is still one person waiting.

"Is you?" The sword didn't look at the green girl in front of him.

This green woman is merciful.

Before the bloody platform, his first is to fight with this green dress, and yourself in your hand, there is no need to change your hand.

Later, this green dress also took the initiative to praise him, but he didn't pay attention.

The sword is unparalleled, the name of this girl is called Lin.


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