Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 824, killing!

"The Hi Lao has been a consideration of the main business with Zihinia, this little thing is not more troubled. Those Don't you paten it? "Xia Wei lowned.

I heard the words, the two silver clothes were also secretly nod, clearly they had certain confidence to their strength.

After all, they are two, which is the sixth step of the price of the goods.

Immediately, this summer has brought his own two guards, and immediately stopped.

The sword is unparalleled before leaving the Zihinia, and after the feet they followed.


The void of thousands of miles away from Zihinia Island, a black robe, and the sword of the long sword is not double-person.

After leaving the Zihinia, you can reach the territory of Eastern Tang Dynasty only to the foot of the vast sea.

It is at this time ...


The three-way body shape is rushing from the rear, and there are two shapes that are extremely fast. Just just appear in the end of the sword, but the two body shaping is already blocked. The sword is unparalleled.

"Is it?"

The sword is unparalleled to block the two silver clothes in front of him, the face is light, and the bottom has not been unexpected.


Cold and the sound of endless grievances suddenly came from behind.

The sword is unparalleled, and I saw it where I was standing there, a smile.

Seeing Xia Wei, the sword is not a big mouth, but it is still very calm.

He guess, with this summer, before he defeated and even humiliate him, the latter will certainly won't give it.

In the past half a month, he has been staying in Zihinia. This summer is still quite scruple. It is not easy to do. Once you leave Zihinia, this summer is not sitting.

"Xia Zhen son, I don't know what to stop, what is it?" The sword was unparalleled and smiled.

"What do you say?" Xia Yun voice with an unprecedented cold, "Half a month ago, you humiliated me as so many people, you will let you live this?"

"Oh, the capital is so small, the amount of gas is so small?" The sword was unparalleled and smiled. He looked at the two silver clothes. "These two should be your guard?"

"Yes, they are the strong people who are my father who personally arranged in my side. The two are the sixth step Yongheng!" Xia Wei opened, not only admits the identity of these two silver clothes, but also directly The strength level of these two silver clothing people came.

"The sixth step is Yongheng?" The sword is unblocked.

Eternal, one step a step.

In the sixth step, Yong Hang is compared to the fifth step.

What is most often in front of the sixth step in the sixth step.

"Fortunately, when I fought with him before the bloody platform, I could hide some of the strength. This summer believes that my strength, the top is just close to the top of the fifth step, so I thought that the two guards were commented. I should be more than enough. "

The sword is unparalleled, but the corner of the mouth reveals a strange smile.

He is the most taboo of the Summer, the Heili of the Tunned Level.

Although he has a lot of card, it is afraid that it is still a little enough to look at a real road.

However, since the Daozun did not come out, Light of this summer, and his two guards, this is still within the scope of the sword.

"The two sixth steps will come out while it is, huh, huh, can you see me?" The sword didn't laugh at the summer of the eyes, but the eyes became cold, "looks like this, today, I Is it dying? "


Xia Wei low Shen said: "Not everyone says that you are the first day of the ancient borders? Hey, I have to look at it, a dead person, what is it occupied by this list? If you die, there are the first Ancient borders The genius of the genius is still mine. "

"It turns out that I finally know that you have a title of God's first day, how is it." The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is more contempt.

"You know, how do you think you have a chance to say?" Xia Wei cold road.

"Yes?" The sword was unbeded, but it took out the messages of Lin Zi.

It is not far from Zihinia, if it is a strong person who sent Lin Hao, Lin Hao sent a moment, and a moment can arrive.

But when the sword is unparalleled, it is found that his own message is not possible to pass.

"What is going on?" The sword was unbrick.


The summer saw the sword unparalleled move, but it was a smile, "Swordsman, do you think that I will prepare before I started?"

"Hey, I know that Lin Yu is good for you, will definitely give you a mess, so, in order to prevent, when I am talking to you, I have been quietly banned in this sea area. Reproduction, but from a Dao Zun, who is good at array, it can lose this sea area with the outside in a short time. "

"That is to say, your messages, there is no role in this sea area, you want to save it, there is no chance."

"Oh?" The sword was unbrick, and he took back the Qiankun ring again. So he re-lifted his head and smiled: "Xia Wei, look like I am too small to see you, you are not me Does it imagine that there is no one in the mind? "

"I killed him!"

The sound of the summer is cold. He didn't intend to continue with the sword unparalleled nonsense, and he ordered his two guards.

The two silver clothing people who were unparalleled in the sword, the cold, the next moment, the next moment, the two people were directly in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled in the same place, and the two people who come to this explosion, the faces have gradually become gloomy.

"This summer is in this sea area, I can't help the outside world, then ... he should not!"

"Before, I shot on the bloody platform, just for the busyness of Lin Yun, as for the mood of him, just just to him, Trial of Xiajiao."

"But now ... Xia Wei, since you are looking for death, then you can't blame me!"

The sword is not born, and a fierce killing is instantly rising from him.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and immediately urged, his body is immediately starting with an amazing speed.

Just a moment, he was already in order to respect the 15-meter-high golden ancient gods, and his hands were scratching, a scarlet sword with a foot stopped to twelve meters, like an boundless blue sea.

Blood peak!

The sword is unparalleled is the sixth step, eternal, and he naturally has to go all out.

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