"Two son!"


Xia Yi died, his two silver clothes were shocked.

In particular, when I saw the sword unparalleled, when the sword was continued, he immediately scared the soul.

They are just escort, but they don't have the life of life like Xia Wei.

And the sword light, even though she broke the bronze palm, and killed the summer, the sword is still still residual.

Although this residual part of the remaining is not enough, but it is also from the hand of the road, and it is the two eternal bits.

"Do not!"

"It's over!"

Sword is incredible, and then catching these two people, then wear the two people in the body hole and smash their life.

Complete this step, this sword light is totally exhausted, which completely disappears in the void.

The sea area is empty, the sword is unparalleled, and the treasure of the two Ziyi people will take all the treasures of the Ziyi people, and the body of the three people is shocked.

After all, the sword was unparalleled and slight, and then it looked at the entries in his hand.

"The Master said, this is the three swords in this, the first sword is just the weakest." The sword was unparalleled.

He just urged, it was the first sword, even if it was the weakest sword, the result was destroyed, and the mutual hand of Xia Yi was built. The giant hand also honest. Respecting, you can live very far in front of this sword.

"Only the weakest sword, so strong, I really don't know how strong the second sword with the third sword."

"Also, the master of these three swords, the rising Sword Emperor, will it be a stunning?"

The sword is unparalleled, shakes the head, the sword is unparalleled, there is no more thinking, look around, "This place should not stay for a long time, hurry."

The sword is unparalleled immediately.

And just in the sword, there is less than half an hour after the battlefield is unparalleled. A vigorous figure suddenly appeared on this battlefield.

The person who appeared, naturally the heart of Xiajiao, the heart of the heart.

However, at this moment, the face is alive, and the eyes take a hint of ice, look around, in the surrounding void, he feels some energy atmosphere on the battlefield, and there is also the presence of the disabled in the summer.

"It's here, the second son is here, catching up with the sword, and then players."

"Although the two sons is not as good as the sword, the two guards around him are all the sixth step of the price of the price, and the two son has the owner of the life of the owner. It is necessary to kill the sword. It should be a light and easy, result, two son, but die. "

He Lao Shen.

Xia Kei's core disciple, there are things with their own life, when the summer is dead, the Xia family is immediately pericamed, this crane is also very happy, this is only rushing immediately. Come here.

"Is it the two son who killed the sword?"

"There is a good background, there is not much background, how can I have the two sons and his two guards? And the master news, the two masses, the two masses, the death of the life, can be died "

He Lao crumped frowned, but at this time, this crane suddenly perceived that the stock that was filled in the surrounding air has become extremely weak.

"Good Sword!"

"The emperor of the sword, the invincible!"

"Even if it has been dissipated for so long, it can still remain so sharp, this sword is the master, very strong!"

"In the ancient world, you can have such swords of swords, never more than five!"

"Who is it?"

The crane is full of cool, "Hey, no matter who he is, dare to kill the husband, this thing will never reveal this!"


Above the sea area, the sword of the long sword is unparalleled, all the way, do not dare to have slightly.

Until the battlefield, the battlefield has already had an extremely distant distance. After determining that the summer people will not catch up, the sword is unparalleled in an unmanned island.

"Xia Yi is dead, then the summer will be very angry?" The sword did not think of it.

Xia Yi is extremely prominent in Xiajiao, his father is Xia Ken, his brother, and is a recognized first enchanting in the ancient circles. The world's youngest and eternal.

He is dead, Xia is not angry.

The sword is unparalleled, it is indeed very bad.

However, this is no way, Xia Yi is directly looking for someone to kill him, he will be polite again?

Perhaps, the sword is just a small person, but the rabbit is still a bite!

No matter what the identity of this summer, since it dares, he dares to kill.

This is the sword!

"That Xia Yi has evil with me in Zihinia, this time he came out to kill me, the people of Xia is will definitely know that it is very likely to be directly concluded by people I killed, and the Summer of Xia is, I want to check Going to my origin background, it should be very easy. Maybe this summer is anger, it will involve the Master, and there is an old door. "The sword is unparalleled.

"It seems that this matter, I have to inform Master in advance, let Master are prepared."

After the decision, the sword is unparalleled to give his teacher Xuanjun, and the matter is simply narrow.

After the mysteria, it was very calm.

"I know, there will be no matter here, but you should be more careful, you can find the opportunity to kill it by Xia Ezang." Xuan was a reply.

After the end of Xuanyi Communications, the sword is unparalleled.

He is most worried about, not his own safety, but worry that he will be tired of Xuanyi, and even tired to the ancient gates.

But now, his worry is extra.

His masters are not in general. The brother is one of the 18th lords of the void Temple. It is necessary to come to the summer.

"Finally, my strength is too weak."

"If I strength is strong enough, I am strong to the level of Xia Jiao, so like Xia Wei, I will kill, then I am afraid that I don't dare to put it more than one."

The sword is unparalleled, it is a long time, but it is shaking his head, nor don't think more.

"Right, this summer is the Xia Ezan, so the identity of this, his family should be not shallow, and the treasure is afraid that there is also a lot, and I don't know if there is anything I have to use."

The sword has no double look, and I took out a Qiankun ring.

This is the Qiankun ring of Xia Yi, the sword is unparalleled, and you will start carefully.

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