Three months later, the blood is outside.

Today, the Dragon Army was recruited at each government to recruit and selection, and the top day of the blood, heard the number of top days.

The blood is too big, so huge territory, the gods don't know how much, and the dragon army is the most elite army of Dongting Tang, the treatment of the dragon juno is also universal, the attractive is natural Big scler.

When the sword is unparalleled, you can see the unique portrait of numbers in front of the front, at least 100,000.

"so much?"

Even if the sword is unparalleled, you have psychological preparation, you can really see this scene in front of you, but it is still scared.

More than 100,000 pointers, this is to put in the domain world in the sky, even if it is a collection of the whole day, it is estimated that there are so many top-pointed heroes, can be bloody, can bring so many Quantity.

The sword is also a member of the top of this group, he stood in the edge of the crowd, waiting quietly.

And in the top of these tops, there is a lot of servant sergeants, these people are the soldiers of the blood, for the first women, a tall man and a female woman. .

These two people should be the two striions of the Blood House.

"People can be much enough." Tall men gaze the front.

"Like the year, even if you know that the conditions you enter the Randelong army are extremely harsh, you can still attract a lot of top and arrival. It seems that the top number is more than 100,000, which can be in them, 50 people can enter the protection. The dragon army is very good. "The blue hair woman said.

"Well, say." The tall man nodded, "the dragon army, too elite, the ordinary sergeant inside, although most only the top of the world, it is absolutely the most elusive in the top of the world, all fast I have a strongest sense of God. "

"The soldiers like our blood, the same also else, even if it is more than the Zijing Island, it is not more than, but it is more than one or two levels."

"Okay, don't say so much, it's almost, go directly." The blue hair woman opened.

This high-end man looked at the sky, nodded slightly, and the spin was eye-catching.

"Everyone stands well!"

A tall man drunk, contains great majesty, so that the noisy crowd immediately quietly, the many top of the crowd stood straight, and the big man saw the past, most of them Awe.

"Listen, Eastern Tang Dynasty's most elite rival army, not who wants to go in, can go in."

"In the Ribbon, even the most ordinary sergeants, they have to have a heavy screening, they can be called a hundred miles!"

"Like you are now gathered here, you should first pass the first round of screening, this first round of screening, by my blood giving."

"Are you ready ..."

The high man is powerful, and the echo is echoed during this day.

There are many top-pointed people in the crowd, and one will not help over, so that their state is peak.

Everything is ready to prepare.

"it has started!"

The tall man said, but it is flashing, the next moment is rumble ~~~ A rack of power is spread directly from this high man's body.

The pound of this pound is like a heavy mountain, directly oppressed everyone who is present.

Suddenly, gathered in this over 100,000 pointed nation, one by one, was hit by a hit.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

More than 100,000, more than half of the top of the height, and immediately spurted a blood, the face was sprayed, and the face was ignorant, and it went down.

The rest of the top of the world, although there is no first time vomiting blood, but also a lot of faces, rocking.

"Does the breath?"

The sword is unparalleled in the crowd, feeling the power of this tall man.

This high man is a lot of money, he judges that this high man is a peak strong in the top of the sixth step.

So strong, if it is fully released, it will comply with one person alone.

Now that although this high-end man is compressing 100,000 people, but the breath is not a general top height to resist.

Only for a moment, more than half of the gods were crushed by the breath.

Of course, the breath of this high man is strong, but it is nothing to say to the sword.

Although the sword is only a sense of God, if he is full of efforts, it is enough to mark the normal end of the end of the sixth step, this high man has, even if it is all, I only pressed him, I didn't have a letter. Silver fear.

On the huge empty space, more than 10,000 top-sighted people have been supporting the pressure that the high man exudes.

The pressure is also constantly enhanced, constantly challenging these heroes, with time, a famous god can not support, directly fall down or squatted, not a moment, more than 10,000 God, it is still more than eight hundred people.

After a while ...

"Yes." The private woman said.

The bald man brows, and when the time, the full breath is directly dissipated, and the people who have worked hard on the ground, feel the disappearance of this percentage, one by one, and the big mouth of the big mouth.

At this time, a normal sergeant wearing a bloody armor came to a tall man, respectful road: "The leader has been counted, just under the pressure of the leader, still standing, no crushing There are six hundred and eighty people. "

"Is this only such a little?" The high man frowned.

"It's very good, before a few times, the last person left, but even six hundred are not reached." That folk hair laughed.

"Okay, let's stay through the preselected six hundred and eighty people, as for other people, where to go, even the presections in our blood, I still want to enter the Randelong Army, I am an idiotic dream. "High men cold channel.

"Yes." The sergeant quickly started to arrange.

On the air, as the results announced that in addition to persisting, there are many people who are not willing to have some people in the end of the six hundred and eighty people.

But not willing, they can't help, only one hundred years will wait for one hundred years, wait for the next rival army to choose.

As a large number of people have left, this empty land has become easier.

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