Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 836, Chapter 8 Million Crystals

The old soldier who was called the scorpion by the triangular eye man, I have never been shot. Now I heard the triangle eye man's words, this slowly looked up.

Seeing the people, the sword is unparalleled, dark: "This person should be stronger than the three-pointed man, maybe it is a strongest God."

Ouyang Xu's brow wrinkled, he also guess that this scorpion may be stronger, but it is not afraid of the self-confidence of his own strength.

"One million god crystal, I took it, shot." The voice of the scorpion is indifferent.

Ouyang Xu snorted, he turned his hands, and there were two hungry hammers at the same time.

This two hand hammer exudes the bronze rays, and the power is also extremely strong.

"Eternal Silver, and is still a very high eternal godman, or two hands?" The sword was bright.

This Ouyang Xu is worthy of being from the big family, and the family is not in general.

Subsequently, Ouyang Xu took directly.

His body shape is zoomed, and his hands waved his hands in the hands, and the hue was fierce.

Every hammer is pulled out, it seems that a huge mountain is directly crushing.

A hammer follows a hammer, which is endless, no chance to give any breath.

And the scorpion, it was a cold blue war knife holding a cold, this war knife is extremely sharp, from the beginning, this scorpion is using his own body shape and constantly dodging, his body is like a ghost, it is very flexible.

Ouyang Xu waves so many hammers, but there is no hammer that can threaten this scorpion.

Suddenly, the war knife in this scorpion slammed.

A knife suddenly lit up, completely unexpectedly, it was the expectation of Ouyang Xu, this knife is in Ouyang Xu, and the latter is directly defeated.

"How could this be?"

After Ouyang Xu was defeated, the bottom is unbelievable.

He clearly has completely pressed the scorpion, who once thought that the latter did not show him, and he defeated him.

And the sword in the rear is no double, but secretly shook his head.

"Ouyang Xu's strength is good, it is not bad, it is not weak, and that scorpion is also a strongest sense of hero. The two strengths are not much different."

"Unfortunately, the killing experience of the scorpion is obviously more abundant."

The sword is unbeded and poisonous, and it is a key to the victory.

Ouyang Xu defeated, and eventually he can only hand over a million god of gambling, and then it is unwilling to return it back.

When Ouyang Xu was defeated, the triangle eye man came out again, and his eyes were in the past.

"Haha, next, only the last one is left, kid, come out."

Ouyang Xu and other six recruits, they did not help but read in the past.

The sword that is stared by everyone, his look is very flat, he slowly stepped out, went to the empty space, glanced at the triangle eyes in front, shook his head slightly, "I am doing you, I don't feel it. interest."

"Oh?" The triangle eye mouth is slightly tightened, but not annoyed, turning his head to the scorpion, "scorpion, it is letting you shoot."

The scorpion frowned and then wanted to go up again.

"Sorry, I am not interested in him." The sword is unparalleled but still shook his head.

There is no shortage of the scorpion.

Triangle eye men are also surprised to see the sword.

It is not interested in him, who is interested in?

"You are interested, isn't it me?" A indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and it was sitting on the table. The handsome man who was alone was asked.

"team leader?"

The triangular eye man has the scorpion to see the handsome man.

"I heard that the Ruilding of the Dragon Jun is that God is still eternal, it is elite. I have already taught these God, but I don't know the eternal bits in the dragon army." The Sword is unparalleled.

"Do you want to challenge me?" Junyi man glanced at the sword, but then he jumped from the table. He went to the sword without having a double, low Shen said: "Have a hand with me, the gambling is at least two hundred Wan Shenjing! "

"Two million?"

The surrounding triangle eye man, scorpion, Ouyang Xu and those recruits are very surprised.

"Two Millions?" The sword is unparalleled but shakes his head, "2 million, too little."

"Too little?" That Junyi's gaze is also a condensed.

"Eight million, the lowest eight million", in addition, plus the god crystals lost by these recruit gambling battles, the big and small, how? "The sword laughed.

"Eight, 8 million?"

Those recruits around are scared.

For a meant, eight million gods is simply an astronomical figure.

Even if it is a lot of eternal, eight million are very large.

"This kid." The handsome man sinks.

Although he is a small captain in the Ribbon, there are many opportunities to get the god crystal in the weekdays, but all the houses are around 10 million, and now the sword is unparalleled and a gambling battle is 8 million. Even if he is I feel somewhat powerful.

"Kid, you have eight million gods?" Junyi man was coldly sword unparalleled.

"This Qiankun ring, there is a thousand gods, you can do it." The sword didn't have a Qiankun ring.

This Qiankun ring does not have a little profound. Everyone in the scene is simple and browsing. It can be seen in the ring. It is absolutely tens of millions of gods.

"I really have to get it?" Junyi man is quirky.

He didn't know that although the sword is only a sense of God, but it is in an unfair, especially after killing the summer, his family, even if it is compared with the ordinary road, it is not more than a thousand gods, he is fundamentally Not placed in the eyes.

Don't say 10 million, even if it is 100 million, it is not too big for the current sword.

"Kid, what is your name?" Junyi man stared at the sword.

"Blood Peak." The sword is unparalleled.

"Blood peak?"

The Junyi man sinks, "" One thousand new recruits selected by the ruling Dragon San, only one called Shura is said to have the fifth step of the war, so that other recruits, although there are many strongest temperament, But the strongest strength is estimated to be quite comparable to me, but in these strongest tempers, I haven't heard a blood peak. "

"But this kid dares to take out eight million gods to fight with me, there is definitely to rely, it is impossible to send my god flower in white."

Seeing this handsome man is hesitating, the sword is unparalleled and interested in laughing: "How, what do you still be afraid of this recruit?"

When I heard this, the triangle eye man was close to the mouth with the scorpion, and I didn't dare to say it.

The handsome man is sinking, but the next moment is to set up my mind, "I have a lot of ruling to choose, it is very difficult to appear, I don't believe it, can I still have two?"

"Well, I promise you!"


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