Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 840 review

"The first thing is those who have been enemies with East Tang Dynasty, or have contradictory and Eastern Tang Royal Tang Royal Tang Royal Tang Royal Tang, such as the strong people from the other three countries."

"Secondly, from the classes of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, or have a strong relationship with those clan."

"Finally, it is the mysterious figure that is unknown, even Dongtu Tang, can't find the mysterious figure."

"The above three conditions, no matter which one is satisfied, it can't enter the Blood Eagle."

After that, Shura is silent, but the eyes are to see the sword.

The sword is unparalleled and secretly sinking.

He can also understand that blood eagle guards some of the secrets of the royal family, it is possible to deal with the clan in Eastern Tang Dynasty.

In this place, it naturally cannot make Eastern Tang's clamps mix.

As for the contradiction with the Eastern Tang Dynasty itself, there is also the strong people of other three national countries, nature is not possible.

And the last condition, the identity is unidentified ...

The blood peaks used by the sword is now his name. If the Eastern Tang Tang is looking for, it is estimated that this person is not found, so he should belong to the person who is unknown.

"That is to say, I want to enter the bloody eagle, I have to give my blood eagle guard to give myself this name?" The sword was unbearable.

"Blood Peak, look at your look, can you meet the conditions here?" Shura saw a change in the sword.

"I don't think about it." The sword is unparalleled. "I am not the clan from East Tang Tang, not the other three national people, but I have a great enemy in the East Tang Dynasty, if it is My identity leaked out, let the party greatly know, I am afraid that the trouble will be constant. "

"So?" Sura looked at the sword, but it was a smile. , Blood Eagle will not care, and will never tell me a knowledge of any side. "

"This?" The sword was unbeded.

"I can make sure this, because I have had an unsatisfactory hatred with the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and as long as I don't do anything to endanger the royal family, the Blood Eagle will accept me, and it is absolutely For my confidentiality, I will not give my identity to the big forces. This is the rules that Blood Eagle will start from the creation and continue the rules. "

"Tie's general rules, even if the Eastern Tang Royal Tang Royal Royal People's Cold Emperor, I can't change it." Luo smiled.

"It turns out, then I am not worried." The sword is not easy to tone.

He killed Xia Wei, he was sinned by Xia Ezu. He worried that he would know his identity in order to join the bloody eagle, but now it seems that he is too much.

As I said, I didn't have long after the tenth floor of the sword, and there was an old man who was wearing a blood robe. I found a sword.

This old man holds the blood eagle guard unique token, it is indeed a person who is offered.

"The Dragon Army's new soldiers, I just learned that you broke the tower tower of the soldiers, so I now ask you, is it going to join the Blood Eagle?" Said the old people asked indifferent.

"Of course, I am willing." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Record your name, origin, and some background, I will bring it back to the lead to the collar personally review, if there is no problem, I will pick you up to the military camp of the Eagle Wei. "The old man handed a monk to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, according to the instructions of the old people, and record your true name and the origin, and the record has not fallen into the hands of the old people, there is already a ban. On the strike, the information within the token is completely sealed.

"This Blue Eagle Wei's confidentiality work, it is true." The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is also more secure.

"Waiting for the time being in this ruling, there will be a result of a few days." The old man has a sentence that has been completely sealed and left directly.

In the next few days, the sword is unparalleled is that the old man is still in the military camp.

And the old people were unparalleled, and the data of the two people took back, and immediately handed it to the highest collar of Blood Eagle.

Guardian Wei, there is a few leaders, these leaders are served by the top six steps.

Bloody Eagle Wei, as a special institution in the Ribbon Army, and the Blood Eagle has only one leader, and the leadership, or a genuine Dao Zun.

This road, a single name, so the power of the parties for the Eastern Tang Dynasty, will respect him for the Hong Kong, or Hong Daozun.

Blood Eagle, the most sharp sharp knife in the hands of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, only one thousand people, every blood eagle is extremely rare.

And the most important thing is that every bloody eagle needs to be reviewed by this halver.

As the sword is unparalleled with the Shura, the Hong Kong talents sent people to investigate the information from the two.

In just a day, you have already checked clearly.

Inside the bloody palace, height is more than two meters, wearing a bloody cloak, no horrible indifferent man, looking carefully two intelligence that I just got.

The first letter he regarded is about Shura.

"Oh, Shura? It turns out that he is the North Of East of Dongyan, has been rewarding."

"Dongyan clan is very deep in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and it is very appropriate to do it. Everywhere will be elite, all core strong, people are almost a network, but they can not know how this is because of what the reason is actually lucky. Lost."

"These years, Dongyan clan can have a heart to kill him, but it has not been able to truly kill him. Instead, he is growing in the hardship, and the strength is getting stronger, and it has become the fourth step. The strongest sense of war? And he also came to join my Blood Eagle? "

Hong Tong received the intelligence of Shura, which was secretly praised.

Not long after, he puts the information of Shura and looks at the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled ..." Hong Le stands watching the sword unparalleled intelligence, he just looked, his eyes were unresolved.

"Good guy, this kid is even more cow, he actually is the Ten God who is going to find a crazy?"

"On the Zijing Island Blood Watai, the three swords were seriously injured in Xia Yi, and then he left alone, and Xiaki was in the dark of the two steps of eternal guards."

"This battle occurs on the outer seas area of ​​Zihinia, no one can see that only the final result is that Xia Wei has two guards, all die!"

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