Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 847 Triple Cross Blood Eagle

The most central, there is a big camp of a party, although only a weak clan, but the bottom is still very deep.

At this moment, this mountain has almost become a ruins, a large number of pit spirits, countless buildings have collapsed, collapsed architecture, and many bodies are spread all over, blood is more rendering the entire land, and there is no more eye-catching in this dark.

In the ruins above the empty, wearing the sword of the blood cloak, carrying hands standing there.

Not long after, a blonde old came over, respectfully said: "Adults, according to what you told, this Roche, all the core strong disciples, all being killed, from tonight, Eastern Tang Dynasty In the many clan, there will be no more Luo. "

"Well." The sword is unparalleled to look at the sad scene in front of the front, but there is no pity.

The Roche family is the supporter of the top clan in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and it is not innocent.

Those factors are weak, and the ordinary people will also break, the core strong disciple of the Roche family, it is indeed destroyed.

"The Roche family is destroyed. I spent three years of task. I finally finished." The sword is unparalleled, "complete this task, plus the points I have completed many tasks, all added, should Already reached the threshold of Sanfut Blood Eagle? "

That night, the sword was unparalleled, and then returned to the blood eagle to the old nest overnight.


Many blood eagle guards, three or two two brought together.

"Have you heard? The blood peak, I have completed a disaster level task alone!"

"Disaster level? How is it possible?"

"It's true, he is here today, so many people look clear."

"Good guy, from this bloody into the blood eagle to go to the present, only fifteen years? Can he did it in this fifteen years?"

"Pick up the task, crazy attachment, each time is a separate task, Ä is finally completed, fifteen years to now, he has already finished 14 death tasks."

"This fourteen dismsive mission, in which the task points are more simple in 5,000, there is only a total of six, and there are eight pieces. It can be the task points of about 8,000, very difficult death. Level task, now, he has completed a disaster-level task alone alone? "

"Oh my God!"

"Madman, mad, this blood, it is a madness at all."

"It's a madman, a very terrible madman."

A laighted.

A shock.

A piece of embarrassment.

Like the first sword, there is no double to the Blood Eagle, then he took the mission of the death level. When you want to complete it alone, these blood eagles also laughed, ridiculed the sword and unparalleled, and did not see the sword.

The result of the result of the sword is only used for only one month, the death level task is completed.

If this time, these blood eagle guards have some doubts about the sword. Think that the sword is unparalleled. So, then, the sword is unparalleled in just a year, and the three deaths will be completed, directly promoted to After the two-legged Blood Eagle, they have no questioning for the strength of the sword.

After all, it is possible to complete a mission mission alone, may have some luck ingredients, which can be completed in just one year, and then complete three pieces alone, it is not possible to rely on luck.

In the fifteen years, the sword is unparalleled, and the task of being frightened by these Blue Eagles. He is crazy, these blood eagles can be seen in the eyes, and the sword is unparalleled.

To now, he has completed a disaster-level task alone.

That is a disaster!

You must know that in the bloody eagle, even those three-claw blood, usually it is difficult to complete the disaster-level task alone, but the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, completely demonstrates yourself.

By now, these blood eagleans once again look at the swords and have no despise, and some are only admired, frightened.

"He has completed so many deaths, the points of the task belong to him, and now he has completed a disaster-level task alone. The points got more, no accident, he entered the Blood Eagle The total points should have reached the threshold of the three-jaw bloody eagle? "

"Well, if you count, it is indeed."

"Three javage Eagle Wei, we whole bloody eagle guards, before, it seems that there is more 18th place, and this blood peak, the rise is still rapid!"

"It's too fast, his progress is really too fast."

"This blood peak is really a monster."

At the same time, in the fifteen years of the fifteen years of many blood eagles, there was a hint of bloody palace, the Hong Kong collar was alone on the steps, and he also received a message, knowing the sword. Unparalleled a disaster-level task.

"Disaster-level task, there is no end to the top of the sixth step, don't expect to do it alone, but this sword is unparalleled, but it is completed." Hong Tao closed dark.

"This sword is unparalleled in the world, and you can defeat the Xia Yi, the summer, the war should not be weak in the fifth step, and then come to the Blood Eagle, it will directly break through the eternal level, and benefit in Shenhai Shallow, I can estimate his war, it should only be barely reach the sixth step, but I didn't expect that his progress is like this. "

"For fifteen years, despite the aid of blood eagle, many treasures, with a lot of treasures in Bloody Eagle, but fifteen years, it is still unbelievable."

"This little child is a real enchanting!"

"My Blood Eagle History, never appeared in the pendulum, such a top enchanting, even if it is all the ancient times, it is estimated that there are few, the only one I know, the only one can be more stronger than him. It is estimated that the big master of Xia is. "

I feel a few words, but then this Tree is directly communicated, and it will send the three-level bloody war armor to send swords.

"From now on, the little guy is the three-jagged Eagle Wei." Hong Tong smiled.

Suddenly, the trend got a gods, and took out a gratiment, from the inner, and flocked.

When I saw this information, I just quite a happiness of the trend, but his face was very beautiful.

"Urgent, all three-jaw bloody eagle guards the task, let go of the task in the hand, return to the eagle nest now!"


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