"Just if the blood peak is in hand, you think, are you still?"

The trend is like a sharp knife word, directly inserted into the heart of the purple carvings.

"I, I ..." Purple supported a half a day, but it could not say half of words.

His heart is unwilling, but just happened, but he can't have to have some sophistry.

If the sword is unparalleled?

Then he ... it is dead!


Hong Tong collar snorted, sang: "It is the defeat, but also wants to argue? And you think that the blood peak does not use the conscious attack, you can't win you?"

Purple carvings, immediately appeared in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled is still the indifferent gaze.

The surroundings of other three javage Eagle guards look at the eyes of purple carvings, but they are full of morality.

These three-clawed Eagle Wei, all of them reached the top of the sixth step, the eyes were extremely high, and just that battle, they happened under their eyelids, they all saw clearly.

That fierce battle, although from the head to the end, the sword is unparalleled, only to resist the offensive of purple carvings, but his calmness can see.

It can be sure, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no effort to finally.

Even in the last time, it seems that the sword is unparalleled is a means of suddenly showing the consciousness. It is not good to win, but it is actually the sword is not a bother or not willing to expose too strong means, so Winning in the easiest way.

The sword is unparalleled, the conscious attack means, this battle, can the purple car wins?

It's a joke.

"This blood peak, strong strength!"

"It's really strong, just that battle, he is just passive in the defense, but there is no show all the strength, but even if it is just the strength, it is easy to defeat the purple carving, according to I estimate, he The real strength, in our three-jaws, the king, absolutely can be taken to the top five. "

"The first five? I look more than, I will have the strength of the top three."

"This purple carved, still uncomfortable? It's really ridiculous."

Some three-jagged Eagle Wei, in the casual conversation, the voice of the conversation did not deliberately concealed, the sword was unparalleled, the purple carved also heard.

The face of purple carvings has become a pig liver, shame is extremely.

As for the sword, it is still indifferent.

For him, beat a purple carving, even if it is nothing.

Fifteen years ago, the sword was unparalleled to enter the bloody eagle. After the sacred sea, he had skyrocketed, and he had risen, and he confidently resist the top of the sixth step.

In the past fifteen years, he has a huge improvement in the mission experience of the crisis.

Others don't say, single swords, now he, has truly entering the fourth level of the sword, the sword is more flying.

Even if you don't have blood peak sword, you don't use the magic mortality.

"All right."

The Huthang collegeded a sentence, and the whole hall immediately sat quiet.

"Just press the purple car, the strength is respect, who is strong, to participate in this hell-level mission, and you have already lost it to the blood peak, then you are not convinced, you can continue to challenge nine sins , Exquisite, water Jin, three people, as long as you can defeat any one of them, this hrol-level mission, you still have a chance. "Hong Tong got cold.

When I heard this, the purple face was could not help but twitch.

Before the sword is unparalleled, there is a total of seventeen three-clawed Eagle Wei. These seven-seven-three-clawed Blood Eagle Darkly also have more concessions, and there is a rough strength rankings, like his purple carvings in this rankings, In the first one, even the first ten did not enter.

And the three people, nine sins, exquisite, water ...

These three people are in the roughly ranking, and they are ranked first!

And it is also recognized, and other three-clawed eagle guards have certain confidence in their own strength, but in front of ninth sin, they have to bow.

Exquisite, the routing is indeed, but it is also the third, and she is the most horrible one recognized in the Blood Eagle. Even if she is ever, even nine sins do not dare to follow this exquisite on.

As for the last Shujin, it can be placed in the eighth in that rankings. It is more than three levels than him.

Five people stand up at the same time, this purple sculpture will make the sword have no double knowledge. In addition to his unparalleled, the most important thing is that the other three are better than him, he did not compete with them. So you only have a sword without a double as a soft.

Who once thought that the sword was also a piece of iron.

Now, according to the strength rankings, the other three are stronger than him, the sword is unparalleled to defeat him, the four places of this hell-level mission, naturally not his share.

"Why, don't you plan to challenge it?" Hutong led the vibrant.

The purple sculpture is biting, seeing next to nine sins, exquisite, and the three people in the water are like laughing, and the purple caring can only shake his head and give up this task.

"In this case, the four people who have to perform the hell-level mission have decided, respectively, the sin, exquisite, water and blood, and blood peaks." Hong Kong collected directly, "As for others, there is nothing wrong, Broken to continue to perform the task. "


Three-claws that did not accept kernel tasks quickly left.

There is only four people in the sword, and stay in this temple.

Inside the temple, the Huthang stands on the top floor, "said the task," this task, non-small, you, although there is a good strength to follow confidence, but you still have to be mentally prepared. "

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled in the heart.

The trend is directly drifted, and he waves the swords and unparalleled people. "Let's go with me."

"Unprepanded adults, I don't know where we are going?" I couldn't help but ask.

"This hell-level task is released by the cold emperor, I don't know the content of the task, so I am now naturally take you to see the cold emperor." Hutong said.

"Cold Emperor?"

The sword is unparalleled, the nine sins, exquisite, and the four people are all sad.

Cold emperor?

One of the four major emperors of the Tang Dynasty in Eastern Tang Dynasty?

Eastern Tang Dynasty's current substance?

In the whole of the ancient circles, there are very famous unstead of the cold emperors who have a deterrent?


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