Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 855 Stars

Wang Yuan said very casually.

Just just let them go to the star sea, find Kong Ming, from his hands to get the yin and yang dragonfly fruit.

Once the hall above the hall, whether it is that the flood collar is still nine sins, exquisite, and the three people, when you hear the starry sea, all the faces have changed.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, the eyes are also slammed.

Star mist sea?

When the sword was unparalleled before the sky, his brothers gave him a very detailed star chart, and the star map recorded many of the many Natural Insurances in the ancient world.

In those natural dangers, the biggest name is the five colonies!

The five tops can be called the most dangerous place in the ancient world. Even if the road is strong, there is a fear of these five places.

And the stars, the sea, one of the five major Jedi, and in the top five Jedi, it is also in the second!

The sword is unparalleled to see the information about five Jedi.

Star cava, also known as not to return to the sea, it is very strange, all the strong people above the road, no matter how strong strength is, there is no way to enter.

In the past and now, there have been many strong roads. I want to find this starhae, but they enter the star sea. I have been around for a while, they can only have always been in the most edge of the starry sea., but it is not able to insert it.

As for the eternal bodies below the road, the God can enter the stars in the sea, however, from ancient times, all the eternal bits of the stars, the gods, there is no one to come out.

Endless years, or for the opportunity, or forced to escape from the stars, I don't know how much, but never came out from the inside, so I can see that the stars The terrible and mysterious.

Before the sword is unparalleled, this time the hell level will be very dangerous, but he has never thought that this task will be to go to the star in the sea.

Stars, the sea, that is, there is no life.

On the hall, the nine sin, exquisite, and the three people who know this task have become extremely uncein.

Like exquisite and water, now there are some regrets to accept this hell-level task.

However, they have seen the cold emperor, and they also know the content of the task, and then I want to regret it.

"The content of the task is this."

At the top of the main hall, the cold emperor standing on the steps of the stairs came over. "Of course, this task is unusual, the present will give you a year, this year, you can do yourself. Things try to complete. "

The voice is falling, this cold emperor is a sudden war, heaches ~~~ The four light rings will fall at the same time, do not give the sword unparalleled four-person chance, the four-channel glow is incorporated in the body.

"This year gives you a heavy ban, this year, you must not leak this task to anyone, a year later, you must go to the star sea, if it is against it This ban will have a progeny, directly mitting you. "Cold emperor cold channel.

When you hear this, the sword is unparalleled.

Good guys, this cold emperor acts as a spicy, directly forced them to complete this task with a ban.

There is this ban, they want to exit the way is obviously impossible.

"In addition, considering this task is not the same, in order to let you have more opportunities to complete this task, the present will give you a reward in advance." Cold emperor said.

When I heard this, there was a decadent person to re-raise my head.

"This task, this respect is given to your extra reward, and it is a soldier for each person." The cold emperor opened.

"Emperor's soldiers?" Nine sin, exquisite, and the three people in the water are bright.

The emperor, that is, it is used by Dao Zun, even if the Tao Zun will pay very attention, and there is an emperor, and there is also a little poor.

Under normal circumstances, only those who are very strong, and pay the huge price, they can find a way to get an emperor.

Or those who have a big background can also get.

But in addition to these two, normal eternal, you want to get emperors, almost a luxury.

Like nine sins, exquisite, water, three people, although they are all three-jagged Eagle, in the Blue Eagle Weiobao, you can also get the emperor, but the points needed, too much too much, so until now They did not have an emperor.

They are also desirable to the emperor.

After all, a suitable emperor is enough to make their strength and improvement.

"Say, what type of emperor is needed, and this respect can give you now." The cold emperor looked at the four people below.

"Cold Emperor, I need a long gun, try to have a little bit." Nine sins directly.

"I need a long whip, there is no other requirement, as long as you say your hand." Linglong also said.

"I want a knife, it is best not to be sharp."

They did not hesitate to choose their most suitable emperors, and they were quite happy, and they were slightly relieved on the fear of the stars.

"What about you?" Cold Emperor's ice scorpion came to see it.

The sword is unparalleled, but the eyes are frowned, and the eyes of the cold emperor will be award. He will be sinking for a while. usefulness."

The sword is unparalleled.

Emperor's soldiers?

His master of Xuanzhi, a blood peerage refining, not only power is strong, and there is still a suppression, and it is absolutely a general emperor that can be compared.

There is such a treasure in hand, the sword is unparalleled, there is no need for other emperors.

"I don't think about God, it seems that you have a personal god soldier who is called his hand?" The cold emperor glanced at the sword. The eyes seem to be able to thoroughly see the sword.

The sword is unbearable, and there is a nervousness.

"Can be replaced, but the value can only be quite equivalent to an ordinary emperor, say, what do you want?" The emperor cooked.

The sword is unlucky.

Now, he has a blood peak sword in his hand, and the defense is also a very bloody eagle, so that other special treasures for themselves, he is not allowed.

As for the secret, the secrets on his body have been very much, and all aspects have, and there is no greatness to help him.

Thinking, the sword is unparalleled, and it can only be improved on its own strength.

"The cold emperor, I want to go to the sea, I don't know if it can be?" The sword asked without a double opening.

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