Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 869 is the best effort

When the sword is unparalleled, there is a rapidly rushing a beasto, and it has also found the existence of them.

I immediately sent a lot of beasts in the same beast, and many harsh humpers were issued, obviously one of them became extremely exciting.

Subsequently, many different beasts directly started chasing, those who are good at speed, even have an amazing speed.

There are many kinds of stars, and there are many kinds of categories, and in addition to a very small number of clumsy different beasts, others are good at speed, and they are very amazing.

The sword is unparalleled in the escape, and it is very clear that the distance between himself and the rear of the beasts is constantly nearing.

"These alien beasts, the speed is so fast?" The sword was not bilaterally gloomy.

"It's going to be caught up immediately. What should I do?" Linglong is an urgent need.

"Three, you know that you have to enter the stars, and have you all prepared some of the life-saving means, or the bottom card?" The sword wanted around.

"Well." Linglong nodded.

"It is some of the life-saving means." Ninth crime has nodded with water.

"If we are now, if we flee together again, then it is tantamous to tie it together, so it can only be scattered. As soon for you to escape, you can see the respective energy." The sword is unparalleled, and the lips It is more lighter.

"Division of escape?" Nine sin, exquisite, Shujin three people face each other, and the feelings are a little ugly.

This star is in the sea, everywhere, is a huge maze.

And one into the star sea, their messages are also subject to restrictions, and they cannot be used. Once they are separated, don't want to gather together, and the stars fog sea, they are alone, in addition to the sword In addition to unparalleled, the chances of other three people live, I am afraid that they are not going.

If it is not necessary, they decided not to disperse.

However, now this situation ... The sword is unparalleled, no longer scattered, then it is equal to everyone to die.

Dissive, see their respective life, maybe you can escape one or two.

"Well, scattered!" Nine sin is clean and neat, the first nod.

"There is only this way today." Linglong nodded.

"The three, I wish you all good luck." Shui Jin said.

"Good luck." The sword said.

Subsequently, four people were divided into four directions, scattered.

And they were scattered, and they were immediately divided into four shares, and they were chased by them.

After the sword is not two, follow the many different beasts, but his scorpion, but look at the other direction next to himself.

There, is the direction of exquisite, exquisite although crazy is escaped, but her beasts behind her are getting closer.

"It's over, it's finished!" The exquisite color is full of desperate heart.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are not pondered. The other beast, the kind of beast is very fast, I will teach it before, I will teach. "

When the sword was unparalleled, he had encountered the same beast similar to the wing of the wing. At that time, the speed of the beast showed that they were quite a horrified.

If it is just a few beasts, it is not terrible, but now chasing exquisite, there is nearly 100 different beasts, including dozens of beasts similar to the wing.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, the slap is turned, and I took out a stroke.

This makes the same, it is a trick to him, and use it as a sail.

In the case of the three swords of the Jian Ji Di, it has been destroyed by Xia Yi, and it has been used to use the first, and now the sword is unparalleled, but now starts to guide the second sword.

! ! !

I saw a horrible sword. Under the guidance of swords, they appeared in this void.

Time, the sky is discolored.

The second sword is more than the first time than the first one.

Even if it is a genuine road strong, if you see this sword, I am afraid I can't help my palpitations.

This sword will appear, and the sword is unparalleled to guide it directly to the direction of the exquisite.

The huge swordsman wore the void, and the time appeared after the exquisite body, then it was ruthlessly brushing from a devastating body.

This sword is powerful, and it is only too easy to kill these only the beast of Eternal.

With the guidance of swords, swords are in the immersive beasts of the exquisite, and all the swords will finally dissipate.

After the exquisite body, the original almost a hundred beasts of the original madly chased, ~~~ Like the rainpoint, nearly a hundred alcohopper, a large number of autopsies have fallen down, blood is full of void, order original The gray fog has become a blood color.

"this is……"

It was originally desperate exquisite, seeing the scene behind him, could not be widened, and then she immediately saw it.

"Thank you." Exquisite Zhang said two words, although he did not say a sound, but the sword was unparalleled, but he said what she said.

Nod, the sword is unparalleled, and the direction of ninth crime is in the direction of the water.

That nine sin has escaped within his sight, but it can be Shui Jinli ...

"What?" The sword did not change his face.

I saw it within his line of sight, and the Shujin has been caught by many different beasts. At this moment, many different beasts will be flooded there, although the water is fighting to resist, but they can't help but do so many different beasts.

Just instantly kung fu, the water is flushed by those beasts.

Water promotion, die!

Seeing this scene, swords have no doubles, but they can only shook their heads.

"I have made my biggest efforts to help them, the rest, I can't help it, can you escape this robbery, or if you can leave this star, you can see their respective creation. "The sword is unparalleled.

They came to this star in this star in this star, and they were swayed in the Jedi and smashed for a year, and four people naturally had some feelings.

If you can save, the sword is unparalleled will not hesitate to save, even if it costs some bottom cards, he will not feel distressed.

However, in such a crisis, he will also be powerful.

As he said before, in this situation, he only has to rely on their respective life life.

No more thinking more, after all, the swords have two different beasts have also chased it, and the sword is unparalleled, and then it is deeply sucking, and the blood of the dragon blood is directly displayed.

Dragon blood secrets have been applied, and the sword is unparalleled. The whole body is instantly starting crazy burning. At this moment, he suddenly increases by 100 times, so soon disappears in the sight of these alien beasts.


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