Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 879 Taiyin God Thunder

"I am trapped in Star Island now, now the most important thing is to pass the test of the black tower, although this ice is helpful to me, but it is not enough to make me strength." The sword is unparalleled secret.

The sectaries of the field are the secrets used to suppress opponents. It is only a kind of auxiliary secret.

This type of secret is extensive.

When the sword was unparalleled in the ancient world, this kind of secret insane is used for many times.

If there is no special case, the sword is unparalleled, it is likely to choose this secret.

But now he is trapped in the island, only the three-story test of the black tower can be left, so he is now the most needed, it is a secret that can attack the power to attack, or the overall strength has a sharp improvement Let him pass the test faster.

As for the secret surgery in this field, it is obvious.

The sword is unparalleled to see the past.

Nine secret surgery, he carefully browsing.

After reading all the information about the nine secrets, the sword was unparalleled, but the scorpion was locked in one of the secrets named "Taiyin God".

"Taiyin Shenlei, condensed to strong, with horror destructive god, this god can be integrated into its own attack, so that you will carry God's ability to bring God, so that the attack power will soar. "

"There is a total of three levels in Taiyin Shen, with the higher the level, the stronger the gods, the more attacking power is also horizontal."

After seeing this Too Yin Lei, the sword is unparalleled to lock this secret.

"Concentrateing too yin god, integrating into its own offensive, so that the power of its own offensive has skyrocketed, the speed will also increase significantly." The sword has a bright spot.

He is now the strongest killing trick, and it is a nine-day sword array.

The nine days of swordsman is called by speed, and Wenton is called extremely terrible.

This too yin god can be based on the original basis, and the Wei Ni of the Nine-Day Sword is once again enhanced a grade!

Excellent essence!

This is definitely the best choice for the current sword.

"Linger is the Lord, I have decided, I cultivate this too much thunderstorm." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh?" Liangyin Island's main eyebrow, smiled: "You are smart, this is too cloudy, although it is not the strongest in nine secrets, but it is indeed best for you."

After that, the Lenin Island is a waving, and the surroundings of the jade emperors of Taiyin God have always been banned, but the ban is now dissipated.

"You can now directly get this secret practice method, but you have to remember, this secret, you only have to practice, but you can't teach others, of course, if you have a chance to leave here, this secret you I don't want you, I can't manage you, but I still have to say it on Star Island. "The Lingyin Island said.

"Understand." The sword nodded, and then the consciousness immediately turned to the jade.

At the moment of the sword, there was a moment of jade simul, and immediately became a vast message toward him.

These messages are the three levels of cultural factories in Taiyu, just a moment, and the sword is unparalleled.

"There is an enumeration here, with this enumeration, you can go to the Taiyin Palace to cultivate, too yin, the True Palace, is designed for cultivation of the Taiyin God." Lingyin Island.

"Thank you." The sword has no double road, and the surprise will pick up the symbol.

"Okay, you can leave." Liangyin is speaking.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is directly turned away after the Lingyu Island is directly.

Going out of the loft, I have always greeted it.

"Blood Peak, how?" Qian Yu asked.

"Not bad." The sword is unparalleled and smiled, and the heart is also very surprised.

"Haha, that is the top of the nine strongest secrets on the Star Island, and there is of course very much." Qian Xia laughed, "Well, the land on the Star Island, I Take you, you are getting up, then you can go to the stars to find a unmanned courtyard. "

"This star island is very big, the place where you live,"

"Well." The sword didn't have a little bit, then asked: "Qian Yu, you stay in Xingchen Island for so long, the people on the island should know? Have you heard a person named Kong Ming?"

"Kong Ming? Kong Ming Road?" Qian Yuyi.

"Dao Zun?" The sword is unparalleled.

Kong Ming, is the eternal bodies that carrying the yin and yang dragon and phoenixes to the starry sea.

The main purpose of the sword is unparalleled to the star, the main purpose is to find this hole. From his hands, you will have a yin and yang dragon and phoenix, then return to East Eastern Tang Dynasty.

"Qian Yu, you said, that Kong Ming is one of the respects on Star Island?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Qianfei nod, "I have told you before, there is a total of five roads on Xingchen Island, including four, all know that he can't get through the black tower in Eternal, only breakthrough Dao Zun. "

"But there is one, how do you say it? It is a bit unlucky."

"When he entered the star sea, he did not know the existence of Star Island. He was drifting in the fog, he was attacked by the beast, and he broke through the road. Later, he came to Xingchen Island, knowing the star After the rules of the island, they also sigh many times. After all, he talent is good. If it is the end of the neccence, there is still a chance to pass the test. "

"And this road is, it is Kong Ming Road."

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

"That Kong Ming, actually broke through the road?" The sword was unpaired, but the arrogance is a smile, "Okay, although the strength broke through, but at least he is still alive, the yin and yang dragon fruit is definitely in his hands "

"Blood Peak, there is nothing else, I will go first." Qian Yu is not doubles with swords, and then left directly.

"Thank you." The sword has no double championship.

When the Qianyu leaves, the sword is unseen from one person standing there. "That Kong Ming, Tang Zunzun, if there is no reason, it is impossible to send me the yin and Yang Dragonfly fruit, it seems that I am now the top priority or hurry The test on this star island, when I can leave Star Island, I will go to see him again. "

Thinking of this, the sword is unbounded in his hands.

This enumeration is a voucher that enters the Taichen Rayed.

"According to Qian Yu said, the five major roads of Xingchen Island, there is also the twelve days, because of cultomizing a secret, there is a sharp increase."

"This is too yin god, and it is enough to have soared, first go to the Taiyin Rayed Palace, think about the first Tao Yin Shen thunder."

After the order of the idea, the sword is unparalleled to immediately go to the Taiyin True Palace.

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