~~~ a sword sword.

It was just a three-foot sword before before, but there were thirty-six-foot swords in this moment.

The three feet of the feet of seventy-two hands have formed a new lavender light sword.

This is the second heavy sword array of nine days!


The sword has no double-eyed murder, this lavender light sword instantly wore the void.

The summer is still standing on the void. When he is behind him, he still stands there. He is red and red, is preparing to shoot again, it can be discontinued ... a lavender streamling Wearing the void, there is no hindering, directly wearing a burst toward him.

too fast!

The speed of this lavender stream is too fast.

Nine days of swordsman, one heavy, strong, one heavy.

Just just the first heavy sword without trace, this summer will also be resistant to the front.

The second weight of the nine-day sword arrays, but the name is called Wanli.

Milestocks are turned out, although this is a bit exaggerated, but still fully explains the horror rate of this second heavy sword array.

At this speed, at least this summer is not too late to resist.


Xia Mang has been in the body, and the jade is directly burst. After the jade is burst, there is a transparent photorefrup, and the whole body of Xia Mang is shrouded. The lavender stream is hit in this Above the light film, the light film is immediately pierced, the resulting breeze also shocked the body of Xia Mang.

Although the wolf is incomparable, this summer is also survived from the lavender stream.

After returning to the storm, this zombus has been passionate, and his body has ranked quickly and retreats to the void of the extremely far.

On the campus, a silence.

Everyone looked at all.

"Sham, lost?"

"This time, it is really defeated!"

"He almost killed."

Outside the ban, a surplus sounded.

Everyone saw it, the jade wearing that just worried on the summer mart suddenly burst into a heavy barrier, that summer is already killed by the sword!

"I, I am alive, or die?" The Sham Man is also a full face, and the heart is very frightened.

He has since cultivated to the present, although it has also experienced several crises, it can be never, which is close to death.

If there is a child of the old ancestor to give him Jade, he ... is really dead!

How can this be?

He did not know that the sword was unparalleled in the hero level, it already had the seventh step to fight, comparable to the general road, and later he broke through the eternal, and how much is the overall strength?

What is the turn of the top?

The third step in the sky, the sword that is not dead is unparalleled. With the second heavy nine-day sword, it is still enough to crush!

On the stage, a laighted.

"Sham him, actually lost?"

"He but the price of the price is really good, and opens up the way of the treatment level, the war has reached the top level!"

"A eternal, positive beat, or even hit a one-step top trip? Hehe ..."

"Wan Du first, only this sword is unparalleled, and it is qualified to be truly called the first Yongsheng of the ancient world. It is also the real first day. Only the summer is in front of him, it is just a joke!"

A demonstrated voice is issued from the mouth of these top power.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled, has been fully affiliated.

Eternal, frontally defeating the top of the top of the top of the top, this is certainly good to be called the first!

Xia Mang and sword have no double, the gap is too big.

I heard this sentence to the sword unparalleled speech, Xia Kei's Xia Yu, the face became unusual, he died staring at the sword of the lower side, angered: "Billing, this little animal, actually dare Killing your hands! "

"How?" The opposite blood suddenly looked over, cold tang: "It seems to be that Xiamang actively challenge my brother, and he raises life and death, and there are so many people to see clearly. Chu, who wants to kill? "

The top of the tops on the stage also looked at a ridicule of Chao Xia Yu.

No one is a fool.

That Mang smashed the beginning of the beginning, I wanted to kill the sword. Since he was a challenge of life and death, it was in the confrontation, even if it was really being killed by swords, it can only blame him for it.

Xia Yu face is red, but it has nothing to say.

On the campus, Xia ma mang that has already fled to the edge of the campus. He has a sense of heart. He also looked at the sword in his eyes, but there was no courage to go with the sword.

After all, there is only one jade.

Now Yurpia has been broken. If the sword is unparalleled, there is no such kill, no one can save him.

This battle, he lost!

In the face of so many people, the sword is unparalleled with the thunder, completely defeat, or even almost kill him.

He is self-confident on his own strength, and has been unparalleled by the sword.

Now he, only the fear of the sword is unparalleled.

"Cold Emperor."

On the stage, bloody days have already standed up, and they are angry: "This battle, the victory has been divided, and everyone is also obvious, then, please ask the Cold Emperor to announce the hometown of the princess."

Immediately, everyone will look toward the emperor, and the eyes have become quirky.

Connected two rounds of competition, whether it is a competition in the hiring, or the strength of the strength, the sword is unparalleled to ruin the summer to rush.

If it is in accordance with the rules of the conference, winners, naturally the sword is unparalleled.

Of course, it is also a sword.

This result is reasonable.

However, this result, this cold emperor did not accept it, then he was not allowed.

After all, it is clear that this conference held by this Cold Emperor, in fact, in order to marry Xia Yi, the cold emperor and Xia is in the dark have already passed away, and the results have been fixed.

This big meeting is just a process.

It was originally in accordance with the plan of the cold emperor and Xiajiao, Xia Mang can take the homage of the Qunxiong in the conference, and then become a horses of the Eastern Tang Dynasty. So, cold, frost, can be said.

Whoever thought, halfway actually killed a sword and unparalleled, put that the summer is completely crushed.

This has been completely exceeded in the plan of the cold emperor and Xiajiao.

These top strong people on the table have been curious, this cold emperor, how to choose.

In accordance with the results of the two rounds of conferences, the announcement of the sword is unparalleled to become the horse of Eastern Tang Dynasty?

Still, don't take care of your face, don't take care of the handle, take the sky is bigger, in front of so many people, I'm thinking that Xia Mang is the horse of Eastern Tang Dynasty?

Both, there is between the heart of the emperor.

Just look at her, how to choose ...

PS: Brothers, start!

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